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Warning Signs Your Metabolism Is Slower Than It Should Be

Eating healthy, exercising, and still piling on the pounds? You could have a sluggish metabolism. 

Have you been counting calories meticulously, hitting the gym, getting plenty of sleep, and still not seeing the scale budge? It may not be your fault; your inability to shed those stubborn pounds could be because of a slow metabolism. 

Your metabolism is the process by which your body burns energy for basic bodily functions such as your heartbeat, brain function, and breathing. Since your metabolism burns food for fuel, those with a fast metabolism can seemingly eat whatever they want and not gain weight, while those with a sluggish metabolism have to work that much harder to lose or maintain their weight. 

Here are some of the biggest warning signs you have a slow metabolism. If you experience any of these, be sure to visit your doctor to get your thyroid tested—you could have hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, which is ultimately responsible for your metabolism.  

You gained weight 

The biggest sign of a slow metabolism is unexplained weight gain. If you’ve been eating well and exercising and still packing on the pounds, it could be your metabolism. “[Gaining weight] very frequently goes unnoticed and is blamed on a presumed sense of increased appetite particularly among women,” explains Nutritionists. “This is commonly associated with hypothyroidism, which slows down the basal metabolic rate because of a lack of thyroid hormones which are essential to body’s metabolic activities.” 

You have difficulty losing weight 

Not only can a slow metabolism make you gain weight, but it can also make it super difficult to lose weight even if you’ve been counting calories and exercising extremely diligently. Nutritionists says you may have an inability to lose weight “despite eating a balanced or restricted diet.” 

You’re always tired 

With your body burning energy at a slower rate, this will cause you to feel fatigued more frequently. Aside from weight troubles, fatigue is the most common sign of a slow metabolism says Nutritionists. Your fatigue could be a slow metabolism, but it could also be one of the Warning Signs You Need to Change Your Diet—Fast. 

You have dry skin 

When you have a slow metabolism, your cells aren’t as active as they should be, which means they aren’t getting the proper blood supply. “As the skin fails to gain vital nutrients… the skin loses its luster. Also as your body tries to conserve heat, you don’t sweat as much. This can impact your skin, leaving it feeling dry and cracked. Of course, one solution is buying a moisturizer, but a more natural, diet-based intervention is to stock up on good food. 

Your nails are brittle 

Similarly to how a slow metabolism affects your skin, you may also notice changes in your nails due to lack of nutrients being absorbed by your body. Some common changes include more brittle nails and increased ridges to your nails. 

You’re losing your hair 

The same processes that impact your skin and nails also affect your hair. A slow metabolism can impact your hair’s ability to grow and regenerate. Doctors points to a lack of sufficient micronutrients from a slow metabolic rate that can cause your hair to fall out. 

You get frequent headaches 

When your thyroid hormones are out of whack, which happens with an underactive thyroid, this can trigger headaches or even migraines. 

You keep forgetting things 

Too little thyroid hormone, which regulates your metabolism, can cause poor memory and make you forgetful. 

You’re always cold 

Being cold all the time is a symptom of hypothyroidism, which also slows down your metabolism. If you’re cold all the time, odds are your thyroid isn’t as active as it should be—and neither is your metabolism. “Heat is generated with body’s metabolic activity. A slow metabolism can lead to a decreased core body temperature, she says, which is another sign of hypothyroidism. 

You’ve lost your sex drive 

Low levels of thyroid hormone could mean low levels of sex hormones like testosterone, which may impact your ability to get in the mood. 

You’re feeling depressed 

Since hypothyroidism slows down processes in your body, it’s no surprise your mood can take a hit, too. Depression has been linked to a slow thyroid, and therefore a slow metabolism. 

You have a low pulse rate 

If you’ve noticed your heartbeat slowing down, it could be because of a slow metabolism. “Pulse rate is directly proportional to metabolism, hence a slowed pulse rate occurs in conditions that slow down the basal metabolic rate. 

You crave sugar and carbs 

A slow metabolism is often linked to insulin resistance says Nutritionists. “[Insulin resistance] is a common metabolic condition that means your cells are resistant to the action of insulin, a hormone produced by your pancreas that regulates how your cells metabolize energy. “If your body is resistant to insulin that causes chronically slow metabolism.” 

One sign of insulin resistance is a constant craving for sugar and carbohydrates. Since your body isn’t properly utilizing insulin, your cells can’t absorb the glucose in your body, leading to sugar and other carb cravings, she explains. The problem is, the more sugar and refined carbs you eat, the more your body can’t process them, and the more likely you are to pack on excess fat, experience energy slumps, and feel fatigued. 

You have menstrual problems 

“The most common cause of slow metabolism is a thyroid disorder (hypothyroid). The thyroid gland is the ‘master control gland,'” explains Nutritionists. “It helps to regulate other hormonal functions including reproductive hormonal functions. If the reproductive hormones aren’t being produced normally, menstrual problems can occur.” If your cycle is irregular or you are experiencing more cramping than usual, be sure to visit your doctor. 

You’re constipated 

Having trouble going to the bathroom? A slow metabolism can impact other processes of the body, including how often you hit the restroom. “With slower metabolism, the bowel transit time is slower too,” Dr. Besser explains. “It takes longer for food to travel through the GI tract and be properly digested, thus constipation occurs.” If metabolism isn’t to blame, your GI problems could also be caused by these Foods That Cause Digestive Problems.

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