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Category Archives: Drinks & Beverages

Foods That Lowers Your Cancer Risk

Although there’s no guarantee, adding these cancer-fighting foods to your diet is a smart step. 

Finding out you have cancer can be one of the most distressing and defining moments of a person’s life. And, unfortunately enough, the stark picture of doctors forced to break the news is all too common. In 2018 alone, it was estimated 1,735,350 new cases of cancer would be diagnosed in the U.S. 

Fortunately, there are ways to avoid becoming a statistic. Steering clear of excessive use of tobacco and alcohol, getting immunized for certain viral infections like Hepatitis B and HPV, as well as changing your diet are all potent ways to slash your risk of getting diagnosed. 

And while there’s no guarantee of living cancer-free, replacing fried foods, processed meats, and sugary treats with our 50 foods that are scientifically-proven to cut your cancer risk is a wonderful way to start.  


Our favorite burger toppers may do more than add a punch of umami and vitamin D to your meals. A study in the International Journal of Cancer found that Chinese women who consumed just 10 grams (the equivalent of one small veggie) or more of fresh ‘shrooms daily were about two-thirds less likely to develop breast cancer than those who avoided mushrooms. What’s more, high mushroom intake has also been associated with lower risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women. 

Navy Beans 

You’ve likely added high fiber foods to your diet because they’re superstars when it comes to helping you feel full, eat less, and lose weight. And now we know that these foods can also help you reduce your risk of breast cancer! According to Harvard researchers, for every 10 grams of fiber a woman eats per day, her breast cancer risk slashes by seven percent. And navy beans just happen to pack nearly 10 grams of the belly-filling macro in just half a cup! Experts believe that the fiber helps to reduce high estrogen levels in the blood, which are strongly linked with breast cancer development. 


Not only can these heart-shaped nuts help fight fatty food cravings, they can also fend off cancer cells. Walnuts contain gamma tocopherols, a vitamin that stops the activation of Akt—the enzyme essential for cancer to thrive—without affecting non-cancerous cells. Not only that, these creamy nuts also boast phytosterols, which can help regulate estrogen levels in both men and women as well as slow the growth of breast cancer cells by blocking estrogen receptors. In fact, a study in the journal Nutrition and Cancer discovered that when mice were given the human equivalent of two ounces of walnuts for a month daily, tumor growth in the walnut-eating mice slowed down to half the rate of the tumors in the mice who didn’t eat walnuts. 

Cooked Tomatoes 

From pasta sauce to ketchup and cocktail mixers, tomatoes have given us some of our favorite pantry staples. But did you know that they also help reduce women’s risk of developing breast cancer? A study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that women with the highest levels of lycopene, a carotenoid found in tomatoes, had a 22 percent decreased risk of developing cancer, while women with the highest levels of carotenoids in general had a 19 percent lower risk. 

Sweet Potatoes 

Sweet potatoes, another reddish veggie is rich in carotenoids—specifically, beta-carotene. The same Journal of the National Cancer Institute study found that women with the highest levels of beta-carotene in their blood had a 17 percent lower risk of developing certain types of breast cancer. Experts speculate that carotenoids contain compounds that help regulate cell growth, defense, and repair. To get the most bang for your carotenoid buck, scientists recommend blanching the potatoes and then seasoning. 


Cracking open a pomegranate is probably one of the best things you can do for your health and flat belly goals. The fiber-rich arils (the edible, bursting seeds in the fruit) can actually help your body inhibit the growth of hormone-dependent breast cancer, a study published in Cancer Prevention Research proves. The ellagic acid in pomegranates can potentially protect against breast cancer by suppressing estrogen production and preventing the growth of cancer cells. And they’re not the only health food staples rich in ellagic acid; raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, walnuts, and pecans are, too. 


Tea is teeming with antioxidants called polyphenols—which also just happen to boast anti-breast cancer properties. A small study conducted by the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) National Cancer Institute found that Japanese women who drank at least one cup of green tea a day had less cancer-causing urinary estrogen than women who didn’t sip. Just make sure to avoid the bottled stuff and brew your own batch at home. 


Broccoli may not have been your dinner side of choice when you were a kid, but since your palate has likely matured since then, we’re going to fill you in on a little secret: sulforaphane, an anti-inflammatory compound found in the veggie, has been shown to zap away breast-cancer-causing chemicals and inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. Wondering how to reap the most benefits out of your broccoli? Steam it! Cooking the veggie in vapor will also ensure it’s flat belly-friendly, too. 

Wild Salmon 

After analyzing a plethora of international studies, the BMJ journal published a report that revealed this shocking statistic: women who consumed the highest amount of fish-based omega-3 fatty acids were 14 percent less likely to get diagnosed with breast cancer than those who avoided the seafood. And there’s more good news: you don’t have to add salmon your menu so often to reap the benefits. Other fish high in omega-3s include sardines, cod, mackerel, and anchovies. 

Vitamin-D-Fortified Organic Milk 

study published in Cancer Prevention Research found that vitamin D could reduce breast cancer risk in women by up to 50 percent. And another more recent study associated low levels of vitamin D in the blood with a heightened rate of breast cancer tumor progression. To stop cancer in its tracks, start your mornings by splashing vitamin-D-enriched organic milk into your coffee or dousing a bowl of healthy cereal with the stuff! 

Olive Oil 

The Mediterranean diet isn’t only helpful when you’re trying to boost overall health and weight loss, it’s also got another fab benefit. A Spanish study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that women who followed a Mediterranean diet rich in extra-virgin olive oil had a 68 percent lower risk of developing breast cancer compared to women who consumed corn oil. Experts believe that the olive oil’s anti-inflammatory phenolic compounds and oleic acid were responsible for curbing cancer cell growth. 


Eggs are packed with a unique nutrient known as choline, which has been shown to speed up weight loss as well as lower your risk of breast cancer! According to a study published in The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, women who consumed the highest amount of choline had the lowest risk of breast cancer. 


When it comes to leafy greens, we definitely have a lesson to learn from Popeye. Spinach is a potent source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoids that have resulted in a 16 percent reduced rate of breast cancer if consumed abundantly. This salad green is also rich in DNA- strengthening folate, a B vitamin essential during pregnancy. A study published in the journal PLoS ONE linked low levels of folate to an increased breast cancer risk. 


Curcumin, the main antioxidant polyphenol in this root spice, is also jam-packed with chemopreventive properties. A study in Molecular Oncology showed that anti-inflammatory curcumin can help deter breast cancer cell formation. Now there’s a good reason to clink glasses and cheers to a turmeric latte. 


Java drinkers rejoice: you may actually help lower your risk of antiestrogen-resistant estrogen-receptor (ER)-negative breast cancer by brewing a cup. A 2011 study in the journal Breast Cancer Research discovered that women who often guzzled down a cup of joe had a lower incidence of ER-negative breast cancer than women who preferred other bevs. “One possibility is that coffee’s antioxidants protect cells from damage that can lead to cancer. 


Here’s some peachy-keen news: A study found that a higher intake of peaches was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer among post-menopausal women. To reap the same chemopreventive benefits, munch on two to three peaches per day. 


The main ingredient in our fave dip ever (none other than hummus) can also help you battle breast cancer. A study published in the Nutrition and Cancer journal discovered that chickpeas contain anti-cancer agents called protease inhibitor concentrates. 


If you’re craving something sweet, but don’t want to undo your weight loss wins, grab a handful of antioxidant-rich blueberries! A review published in the journal Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry expressed that these sweet blue orbs “show promise as effective anti-cancer agents” due to their ability to prevent cancer cells from forming, as well as increasing healthy cells’ ability to kill off cancerous ones. 


Who knew that bag of baby carrots can help fend off one of the scariest serial killers in America? According to research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, out of 33,000 women, those who consumed the highest amount of carotenoids, which were present in their blood, showed a 18 to 28 percent lower risk of breast cancer. If you’re tired of dipping carotenoid-rich carrots into hummus—another cancer-fighting food. 


Not only do they make the perfect vessel for melted chocolate, strawberries can also help fight cancer, according to a study in Scientific Reports. “We have shown for the first time that strawberry extract, rich in phenolic compounds, inhibits the proliferation of breast cancer cells in in vitro and in vivo models,” Maurizio Battino, co-author of the paper, said in a press release. 


Here’s another to peel an orange during snack time: the bright fruit is brimming with chemopreventive properties, according to a study published in Journal of Breast Cancer found that a high intake of citrus fruits can potentially decrease your risk for breast cancer. 

Goji Berries 

Much like many of our go-to berries, goji berries are packed with anti-inflammatory antioxidants that can help fight cancer. Research published in the journal Natural Product Research found that goji berry extract prevented the maximization of breast cancer cells. 


Pecans may build the base of our favorite Thanksgiving pie, but these rich nuts can help ward off cancer, too. Pecans are packed with the polyphenol ellagic acid, which has “anti-carcinogenic actions,” according to the journal of Cancer Biology & Medicine. Just don’t rely on fulfilling your pecan intake via sugar-laden desserts—eating the nuts raw or roasted is your best bet. 


When you chop, chew, and digest cauliflower, its glucosinolates break down and form biologically active compounds known as indoles and isothiocyanates. According to the National Cancer Institute, this cancer-preventive duo can deter the development of breast, lung, colon, liver, and stomach cancers. 


Cherries aren’t only a great snack for better sleep, they’re also deemed one of the best fruits to eat to prevent breast cancer. According to a study published in the Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, cherries can minimize the risk of cancer as well as other chronic diseases. Now that’s a perfect reason to blend the stone fruit into a Zero Belly Smoothie! 


Remember those cancer-fighting indoles and isothiocyanates found in cauliflower? Well, cabbage is packed with these compounds, too! Wondering how to use this versatile veggie? Get creative in the kitchen by adding it to salads or experiment with Asian-inspired noodle dishes. 

Bok Choy 

Bok choy, a delicate Chinese cabbage, can make a savory side dish as well as it can help prevent cancer cell growth, much like its cruciferous cousins. And bok choy’s got another bonus: the veggie’s solid iron content landed it a spot on our list of foods that prevent hair loss! 


Flaxseeds are almighty when it comes to lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and preventing the big C. A study in the journal Clinical Cancer Research found that “dietary flaxseed as the potential to reduce tumor growth in patients with breast cancer.” We recommend buying these versatile seeds whole and freshly grinding them before each use to ensure you’re getting the maximum nutrients. 


study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology found that fiber-rich asparagus induced antioxidant activity, which can has potential to prevent cancer. Good thing these savory spears are delicious both steamed or roasted! 


Many people associate soy with cancer due to their phytoestrogens, estrogen-mimicking plant compounds, which have been shown to fuel cancers in lab settings. On the flip side, human studies have not proved high-soy diets are linked to a maximized breast cancer risk. In fact, it’s quite the opposite, as experts believe that the soy’s isoflavones have the ability to block more potent natural estrogens in the blood. Not only does the American Cancer Society’s dietary guidelines deem that eating soy products is not only safe but “may even lower breast cancer risk,” studies in the Journal of Clinical Oncology and American Journal of Epidemiology show that eating more of these bean-based foods improved survival rates and decreased risk of lung cancer as well as a reduced risk of prostate cancer. While miso paste is a great pick, you can also add fermented tofu, tempeh, natto, soy sauces, and organic edamame to your diet. 

Citrus Zest 

Most of us prefer to peel our citrus fruits before noshing on them, but their potent peels should totally be consumed too. Citrus peels can boost the body’s production of detoxifying enzymes, and according to University of Arizona researchers, adding the zest to your meals regularly can help reduce the risk of squamous-cell skin cancer by 30 percent as well as reduce the size of existing tumors. 


Artichokes can help you flatten those abs thanks to their impressive fiber count (seven grams per medium veggie!). But they also boast some more impressive benefits. A study in the Journal of Cellular Physiology found that polyphenols in artichokes can prevent breast cancer. 


Who knew that ending your day with a glass of vino doesn’t only zap the stress away, it also prevents esophageal cancer. According to a study in the journal Gastroenterology, sipping just a single glass of white or red wine can lower your risk of developing Barrett’s Esophagus by 56 percent. Barrett’s Esophagus, a precursor to esophageal cancer, develops when acid reflux or heartburn damages the esophageal lining permanently. 

Butternut Squash 

Carotenoid-rich butternut squash can squash a woman’s breast cancer risk by 18 to 28 percent! A report in the journal Foods revealed that waiting for your squash to ripen completely—when the exterior skin is peach and the inside is a deep, bright orange—before digging into it is the best way to get the full carotenoid punch. 


You might want to add watermelon to your grocery list beyond bikini season. “In a laboratory study that tried to mimic human digestion processes to see how carotenoid compounds are affected, researchers calculated that in equal weight portions, more lycopene would be absorbed from raw watermelon than from raw tomatoes,” The American Institute of Cancer Research states. 

Papaya Leaf 

After digging into the succulent papaya’s inner goodness, don’t toss away the leaves! According to a study conducted by researchers at, dried papaya leaves have been shown to fight cancer. In a University of Florida study, researchers exposed 10 different types of cancer cell cultures to four strengths of papaya leaf extract and found out that the fruit slowed down tumor growth in all cultures tested. You can brew a homemade tea by steeping papaya leaves in boiling water to reap their rewards. 


A study in the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research found that frequent intake of garlic can protect against esophageal cancer and stomach cancer. Does it count if we douse our cheese slice in garlic powder?  


Watercress, brimming with beta-carotene and vitamin K, is a potent cancer-fighting green, according to a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers discovered that people who ate just ¾ cup of raw watercress per day boasted less DNA damage and a reduced risk of cancer—changes especially noted in smokers! 


A study in the Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine found that combining the guava’s bark, leaf, and root extract prevented B16 melanoma cells from growing in lab rats. Although human trials are needed to confirm these results, we shouldn’t shun this tropical fruit. It’s rich in essential nutrients like flu-fighting vitamin C and DNA-protecting folate. 


Persimmons aren’t most people’s go-to fruit, mostly because they’re not as ubiquitous as berries or oranges, but they’re no less potent at fending cancer off. A study in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry shed light on the fact that persimmon extract strongly prevented the growth of human lymphoid leukemia Molt 4B cells, as well as induced those cancer cells’ death. 


Yogurt, which competes with peanut butter for claiming the top spot of creamiest protein source on the planet, is also a cancer-killer in disguise. A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a high intake of yogurt may lower the risk of developing bladder cancer. 

Red Onion 

Next time you hit up your local supermarket, make sure that the red onions you grab are grown in Ontario. According to University of Guelph researchers, Ontario-grown red onions pack a solid dose of quercetin and anthocyanin, which can fight off colon and breast cancers. “Onions activate pathways that encourage cancer cells to undergo cell death,” Abdulmonem I. Murayyan, the study’s lead author, explained. “They promote an unfavorable environment for cancer cells and they disrupt communication between cancer cells, which inhibits growth.” 

Arizona prickly pear cactus 

This thorny fruit seems intimidating to bite into, but only before learning this reassuring finding: prickly pear extract suppressed tumor growth in mice as well as modulated the expression of tumor-related DNA, according to a study in Nutrition Journal. 


If you need another reason to brown bag some almonds for a mid-afternoon snack or slice and toss them into Greek yogurt, well here it is: a study in the journal Cancer Letters found that the subtly sweet nuts were can reduce risk of colon cancer. 

Brazil Nuts 

Brazil nuts’ powerful selenium punch helps regulate thyroid function in addition to killing off malignant cancer cells, according to a study in Nutrition and Cancer. As a waistline-shrinking bonus, Brazil nuts are rich in the amino acid L-arginine, which has been shown to blast belly fat. 

Whole Grains 

Whole grains are those rare, awesome carbs (think quinoa and oat bran) that can keep that tummy toned as well as help you stay cancer-free. An in-depth analysis in the journal Circulation revealed that, out of more than 786,000 individuals, those who munched on 70 grams of whole grains a day had a 20 percent lower risk of cancer mortality, as well as a 22 percent lower risk of total mortality and a 23 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease mortality! And that’s compared to people who rarely or didn’t consumed whole grains. 


“Grapes and/or grape-related products in diets along with maintaining an active healthy lifestyle has both practical and translation potential in the fight against cancer and is thus beneficial to the general population,” a study in The Journal of Nutrition stated. 

Green Peas 

The closest you’ve gotten to eating peas as a kid was forking them around your dinner plate, but this stellar veggie is definitely deserving of a bite. A study in Pharmacognosy Review shows that the green peas’ apigenin, hydroxybenzoic, hydroxycinnamic, luteolin, and quercetin content can help fight cancer. 


A study in the journal Cancer Causes & Control discovered that a high intake of legumes—that’s where lentils come in—possess the potency to decrease the risk of cancers in the stomach, upper aerodigestive tract (the respiratory tract and the upper digestive tract combined), colorectum, and kidneys.  

Weight Loss Tips for People Over 40 Years

Increase your chances of a slimmer you after hitting the big 4-0 with these bad habit breakers, good lifestyle routines, and healthy eating tips. 

There are certain things everyone over the age of 40 should be doing to guarantee that the second half of life’s big game is as exciting as the first half. After all, once you hit 40, your body begins to lose muscle mass, the lean tissue that helps you burn fat and calories; women drop about half a pound of muscle per year after crossing 40. That’s why 40 tends to be the dividing line between those who are headed for a long, healthy lifetime of lean, and those who are headed for an early (and probably much larger) grave. 

To keep you in top shape, we’ve uncovered these  essential weight loss tips for playing your second half perfectly. 

Ditch the Yo-Yo diets. 

The cabbage soup diet? Really? Just no. Restricting calories and losing body fat too quickly can wreak havoc on insulin, leptin, ghrelin and other hormones, prompting a surge in hunger and a slump in metabolism. These effects can last for more than a year, even after the diet is abandoned,  

Educate yourself before eating out. 

Eating out is a treat and is probably something you’re doing because you deserve it—maybe it’s your birthday, you’re celebrating a family member, or just getting together with old friends. But letting yourself indulge doesn’t mean you have to be completely blind to just how deceptive many restaurant menu options can be.  

Take your sleep really seriously. 

Over the years, you’ve probably had moments where being able to get by on very little sleep was almost like a badge of honor. But as sleep medicine progresses and people are learning more about sleep health, the ties between your Zzzs and your LBs on the scale are becoming clearer. Losing just an hour of sleep each night for three days can prompt a surge in the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, and a slump in the hormone leptin, which tells us when we’re full. Deep sleep, on the other hand, fuels the production of the fat-burning human growth hormone (HGH). 

Stop reusing your water bottles. 

You think you’re being economical or environmentally friendly, but you’ll want to start avoiding those plastic bottles in the first place. A growing body of evidence suggests that exposure to toxins like bisphenol A (BPA), organophosphate pesticides and phthalates may be fueling weight problems. “We are starting to see a lot of human studies showing an association between the presence of chemicals and obesity. A 2011 Harvard study found that adults with the highest concentration of BPA in their urine had significantly larger waists and a 75 percent greater chance of being obese than those in the lowest quartile. Reusing plastic bottles with BPA adds to the risk because temperature changes and the gradual breakdown of the plastic will increase the rate of the release of the chemical. 

Start Instagramming your food. 

Speaking of social media, it’s time to take a cue from those iPhone-crazy millennials because it might just be the weight loss boost you want! Holding onto that food memory may help you eat less at breakfast…and lunch…and dinner. An analysis on a number of “attentive eating” studies printed in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that if people recall their last meal as being filling and satisfying, they tend to eat less during their next meal. Researchers found techniques like writing down or drawing meals (and even keeping food wrappers and receipts!) to be particularly beneficial. 

Be pessimistic for a moment. 

Picture this in your mind: You’ve dieted and worked out for the past 10 years and you’re fatter than ever. Your health is in shambles and you’re hopeless at resisting food temptation. You know better, but you look and feel unhealthy. It’s that kind of “negative fantasizing” that researchers say paradoxically provides powerful motivation for weight loss. According to a study in the journal Cognitive Therapy & Research revealed that obese women on a weight loss journey who had the most positive fantasies—showing off their new, hot bodies to friends a year later—actually lost 24 pounds fewer than those with the most negative thoughts. While it’s fun to visualize the future benefits of weight loss success, researchers say negative fantasies about weight loss mentally prepare dieters for temptation and hardship. 

Go easy on the hand sanitizer. 

We know, we know: It’s Corona season. But we’re sorry to say that, after our research team here dug into the science, we have some bad news for you: Your hand sanitizer could be making you fat. Triclosan is a synthetic antibacterial agent frequently added to soap. It’s referred to by researchers as an “obesogen“—a compound that can potentially cause weight gain by disrupting the body’s endocrine (hormone) system. Studies suggest that triclosan can negatively affect the thyroid. As thyroid hormones control metabolism, any hit to the organ’s functionally could cause you to gain weight. The evidence is of particular concern for hospital workers, researchers say, as they’re exposed to the antibacterial agent on a regular basis and often show significantly higher levels of triclosan in their urine. A study in the journal PLOS One found a detectable level was associated with a 0.9-point increase in body mass index (BMI). If you’re a frequent hand-washer, experts recommend sticking to good old soap—not the antibacterial kind—and to buy organic cleansers when possible. 

Beware the viral Facebook videos. 

You know the ones: In 30 seconds or less, you watch a mysterious pair of hands layer cookie dough with Oreos with brownie mix. Bake, cut, and oh how yummy—and insanely, ridiculously, break-the-chair fattening. “The internet and social media sites are basically making you fat. The internet has made it basically impossible to stay away from cravings and indulgences. These are not excuses to eat unhealthy food.” Next time you see one of those videos, ask yourself how you could make it healthier—and if you can’t, click out of it and never look back. 

Reassess your comfort foods. 

This one has a surprise twist you won’t see coming. “When you eat things to which you’re sensitive or intolerant, you get an increase of the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, so you literally get a high and this reaction can result in cravings for the very foods we should avoid. Food sensitivities may also lead to inflammation and water retention. To compound the problem, over-the-counter antihistamines bolster appetite and dull energy, studies show. 

Get a stand-up desk. 

At this point, you’ve spent around 20 or more years in the workforce. You’ve paid your dues and ran circles around your competition—resulting in your own office, possibly. So, why aren’t you owning that space like the boss you are? The first tweak for your office makeover: Invest in a height-adjustable stand-up desk. Here’s why this can be such a game-changer for your waistline: A British study found that standing at work burned 50 more calories per hour than sitting. If that doesn’t sound like a lot, consider this: If you stand for just three hours of your work day, you’ll expend more than 30,000 extra calories per year—which amounts to about 8 pounds of fat! 

Do it yourself, 

Remember when you were 23 years old and wouldn’t even dream of spending your coveted cash on letting someone else mow your lawn, wash your car, or paint your living room? Try tapping into that scrappy, resourceful inner you a bit more and you’ll wind up torching calories. For example, a 150-pound person will burn around 200 calories if they wash and wax their car for 40 minutes. 

Make it tea, all the time. 

We get it: You’ve been in a relationship with coffee longer than your spouse. But the benefits of tea are so incredible. Here’s the thing about tea: Study after study proves that tea boosts metabolism, turns on your fat-burning hormones, and help reduce stress. You can put it in smoothies or even cook with it. If you don’t know which tea to start with, go for matcha: It’s the superhero version of the already-mighty green tea. 

Swap your bread. 

Once upon a time, you probably thought white bread was a basic staple for the pantry. And you’ve maybe switched to wheat, which is something of an improvement—if it was still 1996. But if “enriched flour,” “high fructose corn syrup,” or “sugar” is one of the first few ingredients listed on your bread’s label, you’re not doing your waistline any favors. The trio to try for: Look for bread that comes in less than 80 calories, has less than 3 grams of sugar per slice, and lists whole grains as the first ingredient.  

Stop the soda habit. 

If you have one soda a day, studies show that you’re accumulating fat around your organs (visceral fat) and likely giving yourself a “soda belly”—a protruding, beer belly-like gut that’s the result of about 1.8 pounds of fat pushing out your belly. And that’s in addition to all the other harmful things we know about soda. (Diet doesn’t do you any favors.) 

Drink 2 cups of water before each meal. 

Drinking water is essential for all your body’s functions and it dramatically ups your odds are of staying thin. In fact, one University of Utah study found that dieters who downed two cups of water before each meal lost 30 percent more weight than their counterparts who didn’t sip any H20 before noshing. If you don’t have a water cooler at your office, fill a BPA-free bottle with water at home. If you drink two cups before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, that just leaves you with two more cups before you meet your minimum recommendation for the day. So easy! 

Let legumes take charge. 

According to a review published in the journal Obesity, legumes—including beans, chickpeas, lentils and peas—could keep you from the snack drawer until dinner. Researchers found that subjects who consumed between ¾ and 1 cup of legumes daily felt as much as 31 percent fuller than those who didn’t! But there’s a catch: Although participants felt fuller when they ate legumes, they didn’t always eat less throughout the day. It’s still up to you to tune out the call of cravings—a completely different beast than hunger. But when it comes to willpower boosters, beans are a great way to get a jumpstart. 

Don’t drink so many calories. 

That zero-calorie diet soda is its own death sentence. But as for that cream-and-sugar coffee every morning? That’s 80 extra calories, and that’s if you’re ordering normal coffee and not one of those tricked-out frappa-cappa-whipped-something drinks from your favorite coffee shop that have a couple hundred calories. Many fruit juices, energy drinks, and even big-chain smoothies are loaded with calories. 

Walk more. 

There’s a host of benefits that come with walking more, from stress relief to stronger leg muscles. But the simple act can ward off weight gain simply because you expend more calories than taking the elevator or parking as close as possible to the door. But for weight loss and to actually start burning, you’ll need to walk 3 mph, which is as if your plane is about to start boarding and you are still walking toward your gate. And while they don’t have to all be 3 mph steps, the average recommendation is 10,000 steps a day. 

Sit less. 

Sitting is the new smoking. Researchers from Toronto recently showed that sedentary behavior can lead to death from cardiovascular issues and cancer, as well as cause chronic conditions such as Type 2 diabetes. Prolonged sitting, meaning sitting for 8-12 (or more) hours per day, increased your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 90 percent. And weight gain. So. much. weight gain. Be mindful of not plopping down on the couch all evening and if you can swap times you sit at work for standing. Have you heard of stand-ups? They’re meetings where everyone stands and many people love them because these meetings often wind up shorter than other meetings where people get too cozy at that conference table! 

Slip in other ways to be active. 

Whether it’s playing with your dog, carrying the stroller for your family members with little ones, or exploring a nature path, it’s crucial to fit in extra activity when you can. “Metabolism and hormonal changes in your 40s create an ideal environment for excess fat storage in women—especially in the midsection, In your 40s, activity is essential.” 

Boost metabolism with micro workouts. 

That mom of three who also teaches spin class and always looks fantastic? Awesome. But that’s not attainable for everyone, which can leave you feeling frustrated that you can’t be a workout god or goddess, too. The good news: You only need 2 ½ minutes to boost your metabolism and start burning calories, too. Research printed in the journal Physiological Reports showed that people who did five 30-second bursts of max-effort cycling, followed by 4 minutes of rest, burned 200 extra calories that day and boosted their metabolism for the next 24-48 hours. It’s highly unlikely you have a stationary bike handy at your place of work, but a similar result could be achieved by running up the stairs and doing jumping jacks. 

Let your body fast. 

One idea that seemed more attainable for someone over 40 is from a wellness expert, who said try eating only between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. (Can you imagine a college guy or a new mom abiding by that rule?!) As long as you are still getting enough calories to keep your metabolism up, this tactic can help you lose weight because it puts your body into a fasted state, which Expert says can make the process easier and faster. 

Embrace seaweed. 

It can get overwhelming to keep up with all the superfoods out there, we know. But if there’s one amazing food you should be getting more of (and that we know you’re not), it’s seaweed. The sea plant is a great source of iodine and you can enjoy seaweed in sushi, broth-based soups, as chips or snacks, and more. “Without sufficient levels of iodine, your thyroid function becomes impaired and it’s harder for your body to burn fat,” says nutritionist who suggests sneaking sea vegetables into your diet at least three times a week. Seaweed also contains a compound called alginate, which has been shown to significantly cut fat absorption. 

Learn about ‘eating clean.’ 

You’ve heard this buzzy phrase a bunch of times by now, right? It’s way more mainstream than you may realize, though—and much more attainable than you think. The basic rule of eating clean—and, forgive us for watering it down—is to eat more real food and less fake food. Doritos are not food. Those sketchy frozen enchiladas by Big Store Name Brand are often not much better. And that cream of something soup you mix into every chicken dish is a way of life that’s making your waistline expand. 

Stop doing sit-ups. 

Not only is this antiquated exercise less effective than something like a front plank, sit-ups are terrible for your spine and can cause herniated discs. Fact: A traditional sit-up puts around 3,350 newtons of compressive force on the spine, but the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health states says anything above 3,300 newtons is unsafe. We have created an entire workout plan to give you a rock-hard core and it doesn’t involve one single sit-up. 

Try meditation. 

The older, wiser, less-bendy sister of yoga, meditation is an amazing activity that people can reap major rewards from. Studies show that people who regularly practice mindfulness meditation have more activity in their left prefrontal cortexes, which makes you calm and happy. Plus, a 2014 study found that individuals who meditate are less likely to overeat or give in to emotional eating. To get started, unroll a yoga mat or sit on a carpet in a sunny room (east-facing if possible) and take five uninterrupted minutes thinking about something that you’re grateful for. You’re supposed to lose a few LBs, but even if you don’t, we guarantee you’ll still be glad you made meditation part of your life. 

Live by the half-plate rule. 

Nope, the rule isn’t to only eat half of what’s on your plate. It’s that half of your plate should always be made up of veggies. This rule is most effective when you eat all the veggies, first. You’ll feel fuller faster, longer, and be less likely to go for seconds. As always, don’t fret about cleaning your plate or wasting food; it will go to waste whether you eat it or not! 

Eat less salt. 

High amounts of sodium can lead to belly bloating and there’s a good chance you are already getting more sodium than you need. To cut back on salt intake, to eat fewer processed foods like bread, pizza, and condiments. “Read the Nutrition Facts label to find how much sodium is in each serving. “Very Low Sodium is 35 milligrams or less per serving; Low-Sodium is 140 milligrams or less per serving; Reduced (or less) sodium is at least 25 percent less sodium per serving than the usual sodium level.” 

Don’t fear the fat. 

Sometimes, you have to eat fat to lose fat. Specifically, healthy fats—those with omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats, and oleic acid—dramatically help to satisfy hunger and fire up your metabolism. Think avocados, walnuts, coconut oil, and even full-fat dairy. 

Use your non-dominant hand. 

Remember when you were little and would try to write with different hands? Eventually, a long time ago, you probably gave up on that. But personal trainer to the stars Jay Cardiello says it can be a great weight loss trick. “It takes 15 minutes for your brain to realize that you’re full,” he explains. “To give your mind time to catch up to your mouth, simply switch your fork to non-dominate hand. It may be frustrating, but it’s a simple and unnoticeable way to curb overeating and lose weight.” 

Cut back on wine and booze. 

You deserve that glass of Scotch or wine, we know. But the unfortunate truth is that your body doesn’t metabolize alcohol as efficiently as you age. So, not only are you going to add on (or not be able to lose) weight because of alcohol, you also wind up looking older and sleeping worse. “[As you age] it will be increasingly difficult to get a good night’s rest with alcohol in your system and sleepless nights lead to carb and sugar cravings the next day,” says Nutritionists. Meanwhile, alcohol zaps moisture from your skin making fine lines more noticeable and speeding up your skin’s loss of elasticity. 

Be your own therapist. 

In an Orlando Health survey of more than a thousand respondents, only 10 percent of people listed their psychological well-being as part of their weight loss journey. The problem? Not being in tune with your emotions and their connection to food is why nearly 66 percent of people gain weight back after losing it. “Most people focus almost entirely on the physical aspects of weight loss, like diet and exercise, But there is an emotional component to food that the vast majority of people simply overlook and it can quickly sabotage their efforts.” To stop emotional eating and unlock the door to weight loss success, try keeping a journal that tracks your food choices and current mood. Then look for healthy and unhealthy patterns, which can help you identify the specific life and emotional connections you have with food. 

Eat for health, not weight loss. 

“To see real results, you need to eat real food,” says our Trainer. “When you’re eating habits consist of eating a variety of real foods that provide the body with nourishment, a healthier body is created. And the healthier you are, the faster you’ll recover post-workout and the better chance you’ll have at losing fat and building muscle.” Plus, eating for health instead of weight loss means you’ll develop a habit that makes smarter food choices easier and easier. 

Buy organic. 

By now, you should know that weight and health problems are often the result of an accumulation from what you’re consuming. With that in mind, take a moment to think about how you’ve had at least four decades to accumulate toxins from food and drink—some seriously bad stuff that can lead to obesity. Many of those come from pesticides and hormones in your meat and produce. So start choosing organic fruits and vegetables and hormone-free meat. 

Always be prepared with snacks. 

Remember the Boy Scout motto about always being prepared? At 40 or older, you most likely have more things demanding your time and attention than ever before. To make it easier to eat lower calories and avoid stuffing your face when you’re starving, always keep your desk, pantry, car, and purse stashed with healthy snacks. Raw almonds and bananas are two of the easiest, but you can get more ideas with these healthy snack ideas. And whatever you do, do not hit up any vending machines! 

Turn off the tube. 

Studies show that lean people watch less television, plain and simple. A recent analysis of multiple studies found that for every two hours spent watching TV, the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and/or early death increased by 20, 15 and 13 percent, respectively. Because you’re expending less energy as you zone out in front of the telly, there’s a surplus blood sugar flooding your bloodstream and contributing to weight-related risks that crop up in your 40s and beyond. Even knitting like will keep you younger than just sitting and watching show after show! 

Go swimming. 

Many people stop working out or become less active as they age because they’ve started experiencing more joint pain or discomfort from old injuries. This is why swimming can be a great solution. It’s low-impact, builds endurance, and burns calories. Dive in! 

Go Greek. 

The benefits of Greek yogurt are far and wide while making your figure tighter and slimmer. High-quality Greek yogurt is low in calories (less than 100 for 6 oz.), has a very high amount of protein (20 grams), and provides your gut with some much-needed probiotics. Flavored, non-Greek yogurts, on the other hand, are often packed with additives that harm your health and can even make you hungrier. If you’re not a Greek yogurt fan, do know that it can be an acquired taste—but mixing in some berries, walnuts, or homemade granola might just become your new, belly busting addiction! 

Adopt a weight-loss mantra. 

There’s a lot of advice out there, but having a go-to mantra that gives you strength can be a powerful weapon in your weight loss arsenal. “There will always be another meal” is just one of the Weight Loss Mantras which explains that they came up with it because people all too often eat as if they’ll never have their favorite foods again. Find your mantra and make it work for you! 

Things a Juice Cleanse Does to Your Body

Thinking about doing a juice cleanse for an instant detox? Finding out what to expect is your first step. 

Ah, the start of a new year! Gym memberships suddenly spike, bathroom scales get dusted off, and friends start discussing which juice cleanse to try. We are 100 percent on board with this uptick in well-intentioned motivation—but we think it’s important you always know what you’re getting into. 

First thing’s first: Juice cleansing is a “detox” diet that can last from a few days to several weeks in which a person consumes only fruit and vegetable juices to obtain nutrition while otherwise abstaining from eating food. Many people swear by cleanses and report an improvement to their health, mood, and appearance. The scientific community, however, is less than enthusiastic about juice cleanses—many scientists, dietitians, and doctors regard detox diets as less effective than fasting with water, and, therefore, a waste of money. That said, if you’re going to do one anyway, we recommend consulting with your doctor—or at the very least going along with an “official” juice cleanse program. Simply drinking any ol‘ juice from anywhere around town is not a good idea. 

Now for the nitty gritty. We enlisted the help of several nutritionists to get a feel for the kinds of things that can happen to the human body when embarking on a juice cleanse. What they came back with is essential reading for you or anyone you know who is thinking about being the conspicuously abstaining-from-food friend for a few days. If you get through the list and decide maybe you’ve changed your mind, consider jump-starting your weight loss with our brand-new book Zero Belly Smoothies instead—or gulp down some detox water on the way home from your shiny new workout digs. 

Your Metabolism Will Slow Down 

Once you stop eating enough food to meet your basic energy requirements, your metabolism will slow. For most people, that threshold of calorie intake is around 1,200 calories per day. “Your body goes into conservation mode because it doesn’t know when its next meal is going to be,” says nutritionist. She reminds us that, even though cutting calories will lead to weight loss, going too low for too long can have the opposite effect. 

You Might Discover Certain Food Intolerances 

Since most juice cleanses eliminate dairy, wheat, gluten, and fermented foods from your diet, you can gain a new perspective on whether any of these foods don’t agree with your body. “[Eventually] reintroducing them can help define which foods are causing problems for your body. 

You’ll Be Sensitive to Cold Temperature 

Winter isn’t a great time to start a juice cleanse because many people use hot foods and beverages to help maintain body temperatures during the colder months. Picture it: When it’s 20 degrees outside, a hot tea for weight loss may be a better choice than a cold pressed juice. 

You May Feel Sluggish 

When consuming only fruits and vegetables via a juice cleanse, there is a decrease in the number of calories being consumed regularly. “The body requires enough calories to be used as energy for normal body functions. “Without enough calories and energy, you could feel weak, have headaches, or have low energy.” 

You May Experience Caffeine Withdrawal 

If you’re fully committed to your juice cleanse, that means you’ll have had to cut out all caffeine. “Even if you normally drink only one cup a day, eliminating caffeine cold turkey may contribute to headaches, irritability, and difficulty with concentrating,” says nutritionist. 

You’ll Drop Water Weight 

Plenty of water is locked up in your muscles along with glycogen, the storage form of energy-producing glucose. When you eat a low-calorie diet, your body will have to use up those glycogen stores for energy instead of being able to get energy from food. When you use up glycogen, you lose the water weight with it. The excitement is temporary, though; you’ll gain that water weight right back when you return to your normal diet. For non-cleansing ways to get rid of belly bloat. 

You May Feel Lightheaded 

Whether it’s made from fruit or vegetables, the juice you’re drinking on a cleanse contains a high amount of sugar. “That will cause your body to produce insulin faster, making your blood sugar drop,” says nutritionist. “This results in dizziness and feeling lightheaded.” 

Your Skin Can Dry Out and Age More Quickly 

When eating a low-calorie diet, water stored in your muscles with glycogen gets used up—which causes your skin to feel dry. “Balance is the key,” says Antonia Burrell, associate lecturer in the chemistry of aromatherapy at the London College of Fashion. Burrell says that a prolonged juice cleanse can lead to a drier skin and potentially prematurely-aged skin because of the lack of essential fatty acids being consumed. Yikes! 

Your Appetite May Calm Down 

Although juicing doesn’t actually shrink the stomach, it does temporarily eliminate the possibility to eat for comfort. The upshot of that is that you will feel satiated with less food than usual, immediately after you’re done with the cleanse. This situation can provide a big psychological boost that some people need to experience so that they can change their eating behaviors and stop sabotaging their weight loss. 

Your Hair and Nails Won’t Grow 

When you’re on a juice cleanse, you’re not eating a diet that contains all of the nutrients found in a balanced diet. That will some significant consequences but one change you’ll notice first is that your hair and nails aren’t growing as quickly. “Protein, fats, and carbohydrates. We need all of these for healthy skin, hair, and nails,” says Schapiro. 

You’ll Experience Short-term Weight Loss 

Yes, you may lose some weight right off the bat, but that weight loss is likely to be temporary. “This type of diet isn’t effective for long-term weight management, due to it being too restrictive and low in calories,” says White. To be clear, though, simply drinking juice and not having it be a fast will do the opposite of rapid weight loss: “If juicing is being done in addition to an unchanged routine of diet and a sedentary lifestyle, then it will increase calories and result in weight gain.” 

You’ll Have Random Bursts of Energy 

The bursts are usually fleeting and temporary. You may feel increased energy due to the quick-absorbing carbohydrates and hydration; however, in the long term, cleanses with low to no fiber and protein could hurt your body. 

You Might Get a Little Depressed 

While fruits and vegetables contain many different nutrients that are beneficial to your body, the juices you drink will not contain much in the form of protein, healthy fat, or fiber. “Your brain won’t be getting enough fatty acids,” says Kaufman. “This can result in you feeling depressed and sad since [you’re missing] omega-3s, which are known to increase serotonin levels. And because you won’t be getting enough protein, your muscle mass will decrease and you will not have much energy.” 

You Could Damage Your Teeth 

“Diets like juice cleanses can cause insulin levels to peak and then plummet,” says dentist Dr. Sameer Patel. “Over time, this alters the structure of collagen in the body and therefore affects your gums and the collagen fibers that hold your teeth in place. Not only that, the juice from fruit and vegetables, especially fruit, tend to have a high acid content, which severely damages the enamel of your teeth in a similar way to fizzy drinks [and soda]. Ultimately this can lead to teeth sensitivity as the protective layer of enamel is worn down and eroded by the juice.” 

Vitamins Don’t Get Delivered Like They Should 

You know how a tangerine can help your body absorb the iron in spinach? That kind of food-combo teamwork is a real thing and can be really affected by a juice cleanse. “Good fats are very important for the correct functioning of our body’s internal processes. Removing these from the diet can mean the body can’t perform at its optimum level,” says nutrition expert Emma Brown.”For example, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K and E require fats in the diet in order to be absorbed. If your diet does not include some fat, the uptake of these vitamins from food will be limited.” 

Your Gastrointestinal Tract Starts to Shut Down 

According to Shapiro, juicing strips down whole fruits and vegetables of any tough cell walls or other plant matter that your body relies on its digestive enzymes to break down and absorb. “When you stop using these digestive enzymes, your body thinks you don’t need to produce them anymore,” she says. “This can lead to discomfort when reintroducing foods after even one day of juicing.” This can lead to a lot of confusion or misguided conclusions, as you try to figure out which foods ail you. 

Your Breath May Stink 

This one is so interesting (but makes sense!) that it’s almost comical. “Your breath may smell bad because saliva production decreases because our bodies conserve saliva in hopes of eating food. “Saliva is only emitted when we consume food. When saliva production is low, bacteria builds up. Eating food can solve the problem because our salivary glands are stimulated when we chew.” 

You Lose a Little Muscle Mass 

Juicing fruits and vegetables can actually strip out vitamins and minerals like Vitamin D, E, B, essential fatty acids, and fiber, particularly if you’re filtering the pulp out of the juice. “If food consumption is restricted to purely juicing, the body could be void of protein, which could make maintaining muscle mass difficult,” says White. 

You’ll Get a Nutrient Boost 

On the flip side, you may also get a dose of nutrients that you weren’t getting—especially if you were reaching for a lot of carbs during your regular day-to-day. Juices are an easy way to drink vitamins and nutrients since they are readily available in liquid form; however, they should be used as a supplement and not as a substitute for a balanced diet. 

Your Weight Loss Will Be Confusing 

You will lose weight while on the cleanse, but it will be from your muscles and from water weight. “Losing weight like this can cause dizziness, nausea, constipation, and fatigue,” says Kaufman. “It’s very likely that you will gain all the weight back once you’re off the cleanse because you have less muscle mass to burn off the calories.” This kind of change to your body is a perfect example of sneaky reasons you gain weight. 

You’ll Probably Have Some Diarrhea 

Get ready for those sudden urges. “Liquids pass through the digestive tract much more quickly than solid foods,” explains Shapiro. “You may find yourself running to the bathroom much more often when you’re on a juice cleanse, even though you’re consuming so much less than usual.” 

You Can Heal Your Cells 

This is less about the juice cleanse and more about what can happen when you go vegan. “Switching to an organic, plant-based diet allows cells to work optimally to re-establish efficient internal messaging and manufacturing processes. “This allows the mitochondria to create energy without having to fight off a plethora of free radicals and inflammation, and reduces some of the impediments to proper DNA functioning.” 

You’ll Get Hangry and Crank 

Many juice cleanses limit you to around 1,000 calories a day (or less). Dietitian says that this low calorie-intake can make you feel supremely irritable. And cutting calories and not being able to chew food like we are made to do really is enough to make anyone moody. “Your blood sugar will spike from drinking the juice, and then it will crash and lead to mood swings. Why not try one of these instant-happiness, mood-boosting foods instead? 

You Could Damage Your Liver 

The effects of too much sugar or fructose can be likened to the effects of alcohol: It severely taxes and overloads the organ, leading to potential liver damage. Juicers should be conscious of this because many pre-packaged juices found at the store contain high amounts of sugar. “Homemade juice recipes also call for multiple servings of fruit to help make the drink taste more appealing, but this increases the sugar content. 

Your Brain is Deprived 

Schapiro warns that juice cleansers may experience confusion because limiting important nutrients like protein can lead to decreased brain function and disruptions in neurotransmitters, which rely on protein to do their job. 

Your Kidneys and Liver Can’t Do Their Thing 

Have you ever heard someone say you don’t need to do a detox because your body detoxes itself? Well, it’s true; allow us to explain: The function of the liver and kidneys is to detoxify the body. The liver regulates the blood’s chemical levels while the kidneys help remove waste from the body to be excreted in the urine. “These processes occur in the body naturally,” says White. “Consuming a drink meant to encourage a ‘detox’ has no effect, especially when the drink is void of essential vitamins and minerals.” 

You May Lose Your Focus 

Focusing on tasks could become more of a challenge during a cleanse. “Because you’ve decreased the normal amount of calories you usually eat, you will begin to feel tired, sluggish, and you will start to lose muscle mass because your body is taking the protein out of your muscles to give you energy,” says Kaufman. Our point: It’s not just your body that can tire during a cleanse, but your mind can, too. 

What Happens To Your Body When You Give Up Alcohol

We detail the physical and mental changes that take place after you’ve quit booze. 

Did you ever stop to think those happy hours were actually making you less happy? Giving up alcohol—for even just one month—has been linked to significant changes in people’s health. Not only can you make serious progress toward increasing your chances of weight loss after quitting alcohol, but what happens when you stop drinking alcohol also extends beyond losing weight. It can also include lowering your cancer risk, boosting your heart health, and even having better sex. 

If you drink alcoholic beverages frequently, you might be interested to know how your body may change if you cut out beer, wine, and liquor for a while. Whether it’s for a day, a week, or even a month, it can make a difference. 

To give you an idea of what happens when you stop drinking, we’ve gathered the 14 benefits of not drinking alcohol you can expect to reap below. 

You’ll eat much less. 

Why does alcohol cause weight gain? The bulk of it can be attributed to excess empty calories, but there are other factors at play, as well. Research shows that drinking alcohol can also increase your appetite for high-calorie foods. According to an Appetite journal study, people who drank only half a shot of alcohol (20 grams worth) ate 11 percent more than those who abstained and experienced more cravings for high-fat foods. That’s right: Just half a drink can make you hungrier. And that can lead to a domino effect. Read on. 

You’ll have more energy to speed up weight loss. 

Getting better sleep makes you eat better. According to a 2013 study published in the journal Nutrition & Diabetes, drinking alcohol results in shorter, less quality sleep, which caused study subjects to shift from eating carbohydrates to eating fats. And each 30-minute deficit of sleep caused the subjects to eat 83 additional calories, on average! So not only will a Dry January ensure you’re refreshed from additional shut-eye, you’ll be more likely to eat energy-boosting carbs instead of slug-making fatty foods. If you average an additional hour of quality sleep, you can look forward to saving almost 5,000 calories in 30 days—about a pound and a half! 

You can lower your risk of liver damage and diabetes in just one month. 

In 2013, 14 staffers at New Scientist magazine whose drinking ranged from eight to 64 12-ounce bottles of beer per week took a short-term break from alcohol. Ten people gave up the booze for five weeks. Another four didn’t. Doctors at the Institute for Liver and Digestive Health at University College London tested their blood before and after, and discovered that the teetotalers’ liver fat—a predictor of liver damage—fell 15 to 20 percent! The abstainers’ blood glucose levels—a key factor in diabetes—also dropped by an average of 16 percent! 

You’ll sleep better. 

Though booze can make you fall asleep initially, it disrupts shut-eye. That conclusion was reached by a review of 27 studies on the topic. Another recent study in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research found that drinking before bed increases alpha wave patterns in the brain. If you want restorative sleep, those waves don’t help. Once you give up alcohol, however, you’ll get better sleep and start feeling more refreshed and sharp. 

You’ll experience fewer food cravings. 

A study in the Nature journal found that booze can trigger cravings. How does that work? Agrp neurons, which are usually activated by starvation and result in intense hunger, were found to be triggered by alcohol consumption. 

You’ll improve digestion. 

Even in relatively small doses, alcohol can negatively affect digestion by altering the stomach’s secretion of gastric acid as well as its gastric motility: the ability of your stomach muscles to break down ingested food. When these functions are impaired, your digestion suffers. Studies have shown that pairing alcohol with a meal can slow down digestion while the overproduction of gastric acid can irritate the stomach. 

You can boost your metabolism. 

When you consume alcohol, your body uses ethanol for energy, not other sources like fat. Skip the booze and your body will burn carbs, then flubber. 

You’ll be more hydrated. 

If you’re used to having a few brews or glasses of wine at home each night, you might want to stop drinking and replace the ritual with flavored seltzers or detox waters you make yourself. Plus, alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it flushes your body of water through urine. Less alcohol means your body can retain the right amount of water for proper hydration and electrolyte balance. 

You’ll have better skin. 

Alcohol is a diuretic, which leeches fluids from your body. (Translation: It causes you to pee more than you otherwise would.) But unlike tea and coffee, which are also diuretics, alcohol decreases the body’s production of the antidiuretic hormone that helps the body reabsorb water. That’ll show up on your face. After just a few days of abstinence, you’ll notice that your skin looks and feels more hydrated, and skin maladies like dandruff, eczema or rosacea may also improve. 

You’ll improve your heart health. 

Per the American Heart Association, drinking alcohol can raise the level of triglycerides and harmful fats in the blood. That can lead to plaque buildup in your arteries and heart disease. How? According to a study published in the journal Current Opinion in Lipidology, drinking booze is closely related to the ingestion of fat. Consuming one makes your hypothalamus signal that you’re craving the other. 

You’ll reduce your risk of stroke and nerve damage. 

Excessive drinking and binge drinking can lead to stroke and neuropathy. Why? The American Heart Association says that regular heavy drinking can raise blood pressure and cause irregular heartbeats over time. And according to the National Institute of Health, excessive boozing directly poisons nerves. 

You’ll do better at work. 

In the New Scientist study, participants who quit booze for 30 days reported an 18 percent increase in concentration and a 17 percent boost in performance at their jobs. Quit raising a glass and you’ll be on your way to getting a raise. 

You can reduce your cholesterol levels. 

In the New Scientist study, staffers who quit alcohol found their blood cholesterol levels fell by an average of 5 percent in just 30 days! This is because abstaining helped their bodies sweep out those nasty, fatty triglycerides. 

You may have better sex. 

While a glass or two of wine or a few cocktails may seem to set the mood, it’s actually a depressant, which is the last thing you want in the bedroom. It can play havoc with a man’s ability to get and keep an erection, which can dampen the libido for women as well. And while all alcohol affects the liver’s ability to get rid of excess estrogen, beer contains phytoestrogens—plant-derived estrogens that dampen virility and fertility. Taxing the liver with alcohol can make it less effective at metabolizing hormones, which can convert androgens into estrogens, resulting in a diminished sex drive. 

You’ll lower your risk of cancer. 

According to the National Cancer Institute, drinking booze has been linked to an increased risk for cancers of the mouth, liver, breast, colon, and rectum—and the risk increases the more you drink. You can guarantee you’ll lower your cancer risk in just 30 days. How? Replace your post-boozing McDonald’s menu with snacks and meals high in fibrous fruits, veggies and legumes. In a 2015 Nature Communications study, scientists from Imperial College and the University of Pittsburg found that swapping a meat-heavy Western diet for a high-fiber one increased healthy, protective gut bacteria and lowered colon cancer biomarkers—in just two weeks! 

You may have underactive Thyroid if,

Constantly sleepy? Can’t lose weight? Does your brain feel like it’s in a fog? You may be one of the millions of Americans suffering a chronic, undiagnosed health condition. 

It’s called hypothyroidism, and it’s a condition in which your metabolism-running thyroid gland isn’t running at its best. It’s sluggish, actually, which is exactly how you might feel! 

Some thyroid 101 background: Your thyroid gland is the butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck that secretes two all-important hormones that control major bodily functions (including how you use energy, regulate body temperature, and digest food) and organs (including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys and skin). But with hypothyroidism, your body can have normal to low thyroxine hormone levels and elevated thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. These high TSH levels are a result of an overworked pituitary gland that is trying to elevate the hormone levels in an inadequately responsive thyroid. 

Hypothyroidism is more common than you would believe, and millions of people are currently hypothyroid and don’t know it. (And while metabolism goes hand in hand with this condition, there are also habits people do that slow metabolism.) Because early symptoms of the disease are diverse and mimic the symptoms of everyday life, millions of cases of thyroid disease remain undiagnosed or are mistaken for other disorders. Estimates vary, but approximately 10 million Americans have this common medical condition. In fact, as many as 10 percent of women may have some degree of thyroid hormone deficiency, and 12 percent of Americans will develop a thyroid disorder in their lifetimes. 

 Many things can put you at risk for a sluggish thyroid, from genetic predispositions to an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (a condition that occurs in 80 percent of those with hypothyroidism in which the immune system attacks the thyroid). Fortunately, thyroid screening is a simple blood test, and thyroid trouble can often be fixed with the right prescription. See if you can relate to any of the below items. 

You’re Always Tired 

Having trouble staying awake even after a full night’s sleep? Tiredness, constant fatigue, sleepiness, and lack of energy are issues associated with many conditions, but they’re strongly linked with hypothyroidism. When it comes down to it, too little thyroid hormone flowing through your blood means your cells aren’t getting that “get going” signal, leading you to feel sluggish. Your hypothyroidism may have tricked you into thinking you don’t have enough energy for exercise, but actually, by increasing your physical activity, you can help counter fatigue and improve energy levels. 

You’re Eating Healthy But Still Gaining Weight 

Going up a couple of pant sizes could be caused by any of the habits that make you sick and fat, but it’s also one of the top symptoms of hypothyroidism. “Patients with hypothyroidism will have a generalized slowing of their metabolism and reduction in their basal metabolic rate (or BMR),” explains Doctor. 

“This can lead to changes in the way their body expends energy. With a lower metabolic rate, people may gain excess weight eating a similar diet. Some of this may be excess fat, but there may also be fluid retention.” So, even if you’re diligently dieting and working out, weight gained due to a thyroid issue will be difficult to lose because the extra pounds are mostly from the excess accumulation of salt and water rather than fat. 

You Keep Forgetting Things 

You know you had something to do today, but you just can’t remember what it is. Sure, there’s sleep deprivation, stress, and aging to blame, but your overall cognitive functioning takes a hit when your thyroid is out of whack. Too little thyroid hormone may cause forgetfulness and poor memory. Because the hormone deficiency slows everything down, neurological functions will also take a toll after some time.  

You Have High Cholesterol Levels 

Even though your doctor doesn’t typically look for thyroid problems during your check-ups, he or she will often measure your cholesterol levels. High blood cholesterol levels can put you at risk of getting heart disease, but they also might be indicative of a thyroid problem. 

According to Doctors, “Hypothyroidism causes reduced clearance of cholesterol particles, so LDL and triglycerides may be elevated in a hypothyroid patient.” Looking to lower LDL levels? Try eating overnight oats. The fiber called beta-glucan in this cereal grain has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol levels by 5 to 10 percent. 

You’ve Lost Interest In Sex 

Having little or no desire to get it on is a side effect of a thyroid disorder. Because of the connection between thyroid function and adrenal glands—the organs that control your “fight or flight” response as well as sexual hormones like testosterone—via the shared hypothalamus and pituitary gland regulators, low levels of thyroid hormone also result in low levels of sex hormones. 

“Libido is a reflection of testosterone status,” explains Doctor, “too little thyroid hormone can stimulate a pituitary hormone called prolactin, which then suppresses testosterone levels.” While too little thyroid hormone could be a contributor to a low libido, the cumulative impact of other hypothyroidism symptoms, such as weight gain, depression, low energy, and body aches, certainly may also play a part.  

You Feel Down 

While it might not be a primary symptom, feeling particularly down in the dumps can be a debilitating side effect of hypothyroidism. Dr. Srinath explains that “Depression can be related to other symptoms of hypothyroidism such as fatigue, muscle weakness, lethargy, difficulty with focus and concentration.” With an underactive thyroid turning many body functions down to low, it’s not surprising that your mood might sink too. 

Your Skin Feels Dry 

You’ve bought the face creams, the masks, and the moisturizing lotions, but nothing seems to work. It turns out, dry and itchy skin can be a symptom of hypothyroidism. The change in skin texture and appearance is due to reduced circulation as a result of low thyroid function. A reduction in circulation can cause skin cells to receive one-fourth to one-fifth the normal blood supply, leaving them wrinkled and cracked. Also, a slowed metabolism (caused by too little thyroid hormone production), can reduce sweating. Without the moisture from sweating, skin can quickly become dry and flaky. If just your skin is dry, you could have eczema, but if it is compounded with brittle nails, poor wound healing, and hair loss, you should be checked by your doctor. 

You’re Struggling to Push It Out 

We know constipation is an embarrassing topic that no one likes to discuss, but if you can’t boot your bowel issues, it might be time to call up your doctor. Without enough of the metabolism-controlling thyroid hormone, many of your body’s functions slow down. One of these functions is the action of the digestive tract, which will start to slow down. Hypothyroidism can weaken the contraction of the muscles that line your digestive tract, causing stool to move too slowly through the intestine. If your sluggish digestive tract isn’t due to hypothyroidism, consider eating a banana. The super fruit is rich in fiber to help increase stool weight, potassium to help you avoid bloating and cramping, and prebiotics to help feed good gut bacteria and improve digestion. 

Your Muscles Feel Sore… All The Time 

We know exercise is a crucial component in reaching your body goals, but it shouldn’t be leaving you constantly seeking out a warm bath. If your muscles don’t seem to be recovering even on your days off, this might be explained by a thyroid problem. Your thyroid gland secretes hormones that control your metabolism—the body’s way of converting the food you eat into fuel. 

Fewer metabolism-controlling hormones mean a slower metabolism and a disruption in how your body burns energy, which can affect how your muscles feel. To counteract these symptoms, choose low-impact exercises like elliptical-stepping or swimming and increase the consumption of fish in your diet. Fish like salmon are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to decrease the inflammation that might be contributing to your muscle and joint pain. 

You’re Constantly Wearing 5 Layers 

If you’re still wearing your winter coat when it’s 40 degrees and sunny, you might be suffering from hypothyroidism. It might be easy to adjust the temperature in your house or car, but patients who have hypothyroidism struggle to regulate temperature in their body. Because the thyroid gland controls your body temperature, when hypothyroidism patients’ bodies make too little thyroid hormone, body temperature tends to decrease because less energy is being burned by downstream cell targets. Less energy compounded with slow metabolism equals less heat. 

Worst Mistakes Flat-Belly Women Make

Are you sabotaging the possibility of a svelte figure with these little lifestyle habits? 

You’ve been crushing it at your bootcamp class, bringing homemade healthy lunches to work, and you practically cry coconut water. And yet the scale doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to inch its way down, and your abs refuse to unearth themselves. In fact, did those leggings shrink or are they tighter this month than last? 

But fear not, we’re about to school you in sneaky—and very common!—flubs that could be adding on the chub and holding back your future six-pack abs.  

You Have “just One” Soda Instead of Tea 

Just one soda each day—or even per week—can really add up, according to new research in The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse. “Sugar-sweetened beverages, such as soda, sweetened coffee or tea, and fruit juice, can lead to excess calorie consumption and weight gain, specifically in the abdominal area,” explains Dietitian. “Instead of having fruit juice, have plain water infused with fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Instead of orange juice for breakfast, try plain water infused with slices of orange and lemon.”  

You’re Obsessed with Gluten-free Breads 

“Most gluten-free breads are made from refined grains, with white rice flour being the most popular. These breads have double the carbs of whole-wheat breads,” shares nutritionist. “Plus, studies show that people who eat whole grains have less belly fat than those who eat refined grains. If you must go gluten-free, due to celiac disease or similar diagnosis, look for gluten-free breads made with a mixture of seeds and whole grains, such as millet and amaranth. 

You Only Eat Mini Meals 

So, it’s official: You’re that girl who shows up to your 3 p.m. meeting with a perfectly-portioned handful of almonds, an apple, two squares of dark chocolate and a stack of multigrain crackers. But if you think loading up on those small meals spread out throughout the day will speed up your metabolism, that’s not always the case. “Although eating frequent meals and snacks has been proposed to help control appetite and food intake, a review of controlled feeding studies in adults found that eating more than three times a day had little, if any impact on appetite or food intake,” says nutritionist. “If you like eating small meals throughout the day, keep them small and light, making sure that their total caloric intake is still within your body’s needs.”  

You Eat the Same Thing Over and Over and Over 

Are you about to have your fifth hummus and sprouts sammie of the week? “Many women eat the same breakfasts, lunches, and dinners repeatedly. Eating the same foods over and over lowers your metabolic rate and prevents probiotic diversity,” “Food diversity improves your metabolic rate since your gastrointestinal system is challenged by change and given a new set of probiotics with each new food.” 

Your Wine Glass is as Large as Olivia Pope’s 

“Pouring a glass of wine as large as Olivia Pope’s to watch her on “Scandal” is a mistake,” offers Bedwell. And boy, does she have that one right. “The recommended alcohol consumption for women is one (5-ounces, so much less than a typical Olivia pour) glass per day, with good reason. Each glass has roughly 120 calories, and your body burns calories from alcohol first to get it out of your system as fast as possible. That means any calories you consume from food get put on the back-burner, making it harder to shed unwanted pounds,” she explains. “Not to mention that alcohol tends to stimulate the appetite so that Olivia Pope-sized glass of wine may be making you consume more calories from [whatever you’re eating].” 

You Have Partner Comparison Disorder 

PCD might not be an official diagnosis (yet), but when it comes to weight loss, the struggle is real. Hayim paints the picture well: “You and your boyfriend or husband have decided to commit yourselves to wellness. You both begin the journey together, waking up early, eating healthy for about a week or so. But your partner begins to fall off the trail, and he’s skipping the early morning workouts. But not you, you’re still on track day after day. A few weeks go by like this and you realize he’s sleeping in and seeing results, and you aren’t,” says Hayim. Sound familiar? “Well, stop comparing! Women, you will never be able to accurately compare your body composition to your male partner. We will generally have a higher percentage of body fat than men, despite eating proportionally fewer calories. In fact, a healthy range of body fat for women is 20-25 percent, compared to men who are at a healthy range from 10-15 percent,” she adds. Bottom line: Don’t beat yourself up, and quit measuring yourself against your beau. 

“Egg Whites Only” is Your Mantra 

It might be your brunch and breakfast go-to, but there’s reason to give the silky, golden yolks some love “Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D (a vitamin most Americans do not eat enough of). Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to abdominal obesity. Also, the (healthy) fat within the yolks will help you feel fuller longer and less likely to overeat later in the day,” offers nutritionist.  

You Only Meet Up with People at Restaurants and Bars 

Even if you’re eating the seemingly good-for-you choice when dining out, you still can’t fully control how much salt, oil or fattening ingredients go into a dish. (You might not even be aware of them!) “Research shows that those who prepare six to seven meals at home consume fewer calories than those who cook less, even when eating out. Find your niche in the kitchen and get connected to what you eat,” suggests Nutritionists. 

You Stay Up Late Binge-Watching Netflix 

If if a show really is that addicting, it’s still more important to get your beauty sleep, says Nutritionist. “Research consistently shows an association between short sleep duration and being overweight. Most recently, a 2014 study demonstrated that low sleep duration went hand in hand with high body mass index, a ratio measure of height-to-weight.” 

You Stay Up Late Binge-Watching Netflix 

If if a show really is that addicting, it’s still more important to get your beauty sleep, says Hayim. “Research consistently shows an association between short sleep duration and being overweight. Most recently, a 2014 study demonstrated that low sleep duration went hand in hand with high body mass index, a ratio measure of height-to-weight.” 

You Avoid Fruit Because It’s “high in Sugar” 

Saying “No, thanks” to that apple or banana is a huge mistake. “Potassium, found in high amounts in fruits and vegetables, helps to naturally de-bloat the body,” explains Nutitionist. “Also, the sugar found in whole fruits acts differently in the body than added sugars. Bananas, often cited as being ‘high in sugar’, are very high in potassium and definitely contribute to de-bloating and a flat belly. 

No Matter What, You Eat Before a Workout 

“Trainers have engrained into our brains that we must ‘eat something’ before and after a workout,” says Hayim. “So much so, that we neglect our actual feelings of hunger and satiety, and thoughtlessly stuff something into our mouths. Although pre and post-workout eating is essential for athletic recovery, many people have enough fuel from a recent meal they consumed and do not need those extra calories. A good rule of thumb is, if your last meal was three or more hours prior to workout, grab a carbohydrate-rich snack (30 grams of carbohydrates or less),” Nutitionist explains.  

Starbucks is How You Celebrate the Season 

“Starbucks and other coffee shop chains are excited to present their holiday beverage flavors, but the calorie counts are less appetizing. A 12 ounce Chestnut Praline Latte at Starbucks, for example, has nearly 300 calories and more than a day’s worth of sugar. “For a lighter holiday spin, try a Cinnamon Dolce latte—but ask for only one pump of flavored syrup because the default is four. You’ll save yourself a full tablespoon of added sugar!” 

You’re only eating meat. 

Sure, the protein content has you excited, but eating a lot of meat might actually compromise your flat belly, and your health. “Higher meat consumption has been positively associated with a higher daily calorie intake, BMI, waist circumference, and obesity and central obesity,” shares Nutitionist. “Diets largely based on plant foods offer a number of nutritional benefits, including lower levels of saturated fat and cholesterol, as well as higher levels of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, potassium, folate, and antioxidants. Instead of having meat, like beef or pork, with every meal, try having more plant-based foods, like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes. 

You Think Kettlebells Will Add Bulk 

As it turns out, this is doing you more than just the disservice of locking eyes with that cute bodybuilder at the gym. “Muscle cells require more energy to maintain themselves than fat cells, which means they burn more calories at rest. Add some weight training exercises to your routine to tip your muscle-to-fat ratio. You’ll end up expending more calories going about your normal day,” offers Nutitionist 

You Still Haven’t Paid Attention to Probiotics 

“Probiotics have been shown to lower the effects on abdominal obesity as well as help with gas, bloating, and other digestive issues,” adds Nutitionist. Pro-tip: “Select yogurts with the Live & Active Cultures seal. The seal is a voluntary identification available to all manufacturers of refrigerated yogurt whose products contain at least 100 million cultures per gram at the time of manufacture, and whose frozen yogurt contains at least 10 million cultures per gram at the time of manufacture. Have yogurt with breakfast or lunch or as a snack,” Nutritionist adds.  

You Think “healthy Fats” Are Bogus 

This is right up there with not thinking climate change is real; trust us, all the avocados aren’t conspiring together to get you to eat them. Simply put: Not getting enough healthy fat is no bueno for your waistline. “Research shows that dieters who ate foods containing monounsaturated fats like nuts and nut butters lost more belly fat than those who ate the same number of calories with less of the fats,” offers Nutritionist. 

You Don’t Use Chopsticks for Chinese and Japanese Food 

Ladies, channel that mindfulness from the yoga mat and bring it to the dinner table (okay, coffee table). When you’re scarfing down lo mein with a fork, you’re probably eating a heck of a lot quicker than you would be if you opted for chopsticks. Navigating the ramen bowl or sushi roll with chopsticks will help slow you down, which in turn promotes eating more mindfully and can make it so you consume fewer calories. No chopsticks? Try eating dinner with your non-dominant hand holding your fork, which will produce a similar slow-down effect. 

“Pass The Salt” is Your Middle Name 

Too much sodium can lead to big-time belly bloating and there’s a good chance you are already getting far more than you need. “Eat less processed foods high in salt, such as bread, pizza, and condiments. Focus on consuming more whole foods or foods lower in sodium,” contributes Nutritionist. “Read the Nutrition Facts label to find how much sodium is in each serving of the food or beverage. Very Low Sodium is 35 milligrams or less per serving; Low-Sodium is 140 milligrams or less per serving; Reduced (or less) sodium is at least 25 percent less sodium per serving than the usual sodium level.” 

You Never Miss a Post-sweat Smoothie 

Whether it’s a long run, a killer barre sesh, or a hot yoga workout, it’s a mistake to feel like it isn’t complete without a trip to the beverage bar. “If you’re in the habit of ‘refueling’ with a protein shake or smoothie after every single workout, you may want to reconsider,” cautions Nutritionist. “For most workouts longer than one hour in length, eating a protein-rich meal afterward is completely sufficient. Consuming a protein shake in between is likely unnecessary and instead just increasing caloric consumption. 

You “save” Your Calories for Later 

Nutritionist once again describes the situation so well: “You have a Tinder date tonight, so you’ve decided to save your calories for later since you will be tossing back some margaritas and guacamole.” Hey, what’s wrong with that? Seems kinda responsible, right? “Although this makes sense in theory—consuming fewer calories total per day—it rarely works out as cleanly as we like,” Hayim spells it out for us. “By the time you get to the date, and have a drink or two, the feelings of extreme hunger rush in, and you’re grabbing for whatever you can get your hands on, which is usually foods high in calories and fat. You’re so hungry, you may even end up consuming more than a day’s worth of calories in one sitting! Plus, with alcohol in your system, your body is less able to efficiently metabolize the calories,” explains Nutritionist. “Instead, consume normal meals throughout the day, arrive at your date cool, calm, and collected, and enjoy your cocktail and eat responsibly.” And while you’re at it, try Bumble; it’s a cooler dating app, anyway. 

You Live for Coconut Milk 

“Are you going for a coconut mocha at Starbucks as a post-workout treat? Because [you think] coconut milk is healthy?” Nutritionist asks. Gah! Guilty as charged. What’s the problem, exactly? “Coconut milk is a plant-based option, but it is very high in fat and not so much in protein,” Nutritionist continues. “The ideal post-workout snack has a 4:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein. This ratio helps to build muscle while burning fat. So you’d be better off with a mocha with regular low fat milk or a glass of chocolate milk, which is the post-workout choice of many professional athletes!” 

You Still Don’t Have a Water Bottle Always by Your Side 

Slinging back the mimosas at brunch is never a problem, but many women can go all day without a water bottle by their side. And seriously, how many times do you need to be told to drink eight glasses of eight ounces each day? “Not drinking enough water can have a negative impact on the metabolism as well as your appetite,” says Miller. “In addition, if you eat a diet rich in fiber, which is recommended, water helps move the fiber through your digestive system. A lack of water in conjunction with a high fiber diet can result in digestive issues, such as bloating and gas.” 

You Don’t Have a Period Game Plan 

If you were having a guest come stay with you, you would probably be prepared with certain foods to curb appetites, an idea of how their visit with affect your workout schedule, and some other logistical things. But why aren’t you ever thinking about Aunt Flo, a regular visitor? Many women forget that their hormonal cycles can put a temporary halt on flat belly dreams. “If you notice yourself getting bloated or pudgy about every month, your period may be to blame. Female hormones follow a cyclical schedule and often produce a bloating effect. If you’re close to or on your period, cut yourself some slack,”  

You Think Vitamin D Only Comes from the Sun or Milk 

“Insufficient levels of vitamin D have been linked to higher levels of belly fat,” shares Nutritionist. Yes, Milk is the most common source of vitamin D—but there’s one plant source that is an amazing option. Nutritionist suggests mushrooms that are labeled as being exposed to ultraviolet light since those will have even higher levels of vitamin D. 

You’re on Trend and That’s About it 

“Often times, women make changes to their diet without fully understanding why they are making them or the implications,” Nutritionist describes. “They hear things on the news, read things in a magazine, and quickly make changes without proper education first. Many of my clients come to me upset and complaining, swearing they have done everything to try and lose that belly weight. Some of them have ‘cut out gluten and dairy,’ or have even ‘become a vegan’ in an effort to lose weight,” Nutritionist explains. “However, when we review their diet intake, I learn that they are now consuming much more calorically-dense—and sometimes nutrient-depleted—foods, which has resulted in weight gain. Before making [drastic] dietary changes, get educated or talk to a health professional.” 

You Blend Up a “healthy Drink” as a Meal Replacement 

Beware the pre-packaged powders, containers, and other blender-marketed products. “Many ‘health’ juices and smoothies are filled with sugar,” says Nutritionist. “Decreasing sugar intake is the single most effective step you can take to drop pounds. Sugar packs a lot of calories, throws your insulin levels out of whack, depresses your immune system and is highly addictive!”  

You Won’t Eat Beans Because, Well, You Know 

If you’re nixing beans because they can make you gassy and bloated, you may want to rethink that theory. “Beans are actually a great belly-flattening food because research shows that bean eaters weigh less and have slimmer waistlines. If you are afraid that the fiber in beans will cause gas and bloating, just gradually increase the amount of beans you eat and drink plenty of water to avoid those issues,” advises Nutritionist. 

You Don’t See Fresh Fruits and Veggies Unless They’re on Your Instagram Feed 

Those farmers’ market stands sure are pretty, aren’t they? But are you actually buying the foods or just documenting the lovely colors? Buy the things, girl! “We need a minimum of five fruits or veggies each day to meet our nutritional needs,” Bedwell says. “Plus, all fruits and veggies are great flat-belly foods as most of them are 80-90 percent water. This means they are high in nutrients but low in calories. Not to mention, the fiber they contain helps you feel fuller longer, so you’ll lose weight without feeling hungry all the time!” 

You Think the Internet is Normal 

Have you ever been 27 slides deep in a round up of next-level chocolate-peanut butter waffle creations you wish you thought of first? Time to hit pause. “The internet and social media sites are basically making you fat,” says Nutritionist. “If it isn’t 25 ways to eat tater tots then it’s [another] national [something] day. The internet has made it basically impossible to stay away from cravings and indulgences. These are not excuses to eat unhealthy food; try googling healthy versions of some of your favorite treats [when cravings strike]!”   

What Happens To Your Body When You’re Hangry

Here’s why you’re likely to get angry when your blood sugar’s low. 

One minute you’re out for a walk, happily engaged in conversation—and the next, you’ve turned into a crazy monster with a grumbling stomach who snaps when your friend accidentally brushes against you. Or you’re at the deli, finally next in line, and that old woman’s indecisiveness makes you want to scream in a fit of rage “JUST PICK SOMETHING!” 

Sound familiar? If it does, you’re not alone. You’ve likely experienced hanger—anger fueled by hunger—a phenomenon where people become grumpy and short-tempered (Read: turn into ravenous, crazy people) when they’re overdue for a snack and their blood sugar is running low. It feels like your stomach is about to eat itself, your brain feels like it’s in a fog, and your body feels drained. Not only is hanger extremely uncomfortable (for you and whomever the poor soul is who happens to be near you at the time), but it can also lead to heightened food cravings, putting you at risk of reaching for an unhealthy snack and making less-than-optimal food choices. 

Your Body Freaks Out About Where Its Reward Is 

When we eat food, the region of our brain that processes pleasure and reward lights up as the fats and sugars of the meal release chemicals known as opioids that bind with receptors in the brain. You read that right. These are the same type of signaling chemicals as drugs. In turn, this triggers the release of dopamine, one of the feel-good hormones that regulate things like emotion, behavior, alertness, and impulsivity. It’s the same hormone that is released when we fall in love, gamble, have sex, and partake in drugs and alcohol (and what ultimately plays a part in addiction). So, because consuming food is related to making you happy, your brain wants you to continuously repeat that pleasurable feeling. And you’re keeping it from doing that.  

Your Stomach Yells at Your Brain to Eat 

What happens when you don’t get food? It all starts with ghrelin. When the stomach is empty, it releases ghrelin, the hunger hormone. Ghrelin is produced in the gut in response to your standard meal schedule—as well as at the mere sight or smell of food—and is designed to signal your brain that your body needs more energy or food. When ghrelin hits the brain, it hits areas that control your body’s automatic processes, metabolism, and the reward center we just mentioned. When ghrelin causes all that stimulation, your brain has to listen. And it usually does so by making you eat food. So when you’re depriving that sensation, you’re really ticking off your brain. 

Your Dopamine Levels Decrease 

Ghrelin’s role in controlling the reward center of your brain is pretty powerful, and, as it turns out, might be one of the contributing factors to your hungriness. According to a study in the journal Neuropharmacology, when researchers stimulated mice with systemic ghrelin (which should tell their brains to eat) but did not actually provide any food for them to nosh on, the dopamine levels in their brain didn’t just stay the same, they actually decreased. 

And That Low Dopamine Means Out-of-Control Emotions 

Because dopamine is a neurotransmitter that aids in improving mental function and concentration, just that slight change in dopamine levels that you might experience by depriving yourself of food can affect your ability to concentrate and focus on daily work. Furthermore, this neurotransmitter is also in charge of keeping emotions in check, so low dopamine can mean you have less control over your anger. 

Other people who have decreased levels of dopamine? People who are going through alcohol or drug withdrawals. And they commonly experience irritability, mental confusion, anxiety, agitation, and slowness in thought. So when you try to ignore your body’s messages that you need to eat, your hanger may be coming from a place of addition and withdrawal. 

The Same Gene Controls Hunger and Anger 

Another reason you get hangry is also tied to the hunger hormone. After ghrelin is produced in the gut and travels to the brain, the brain then commands the release of a second hormone called neuropeptide Y, which stimulates appetite. This natural brain chemical has several functions, including increasing food intake as well as regulating anger and aggression, and it seems like the two are linked. According to a study in the journal Biological Psychiatry, people with high levels of neuropeptide Y in their cerebrospinal fluid had more measures of aggression and impulsivity as well as impulsive aggression. So it certainly makes sense that high levels of nY caused by hunger can lead people to become a bit hangry. 

You’re Low in Brainfood 

While many hormonal changes contribute to hanger, basic body functions do as well. After we eat, our bodies digest food into its basic parts: protein to amino acids, fats to fatty acids, and carbs to glucose. Glucose is our body’s primary unit of energy (followed by fatty acids or lipids). As our body digests glucose, it enters into the bloodstream to help feed our organs and tissues. After around 6 hours, your blood glucose levels become too low to provide adequate energy. While other organs can use different nutrients to continue to function, your brain critically depends on glucose. In fact, 25 percent of the energy you get from food is used for your brain alone. So when the sugar in your bloodstream goes down, so does your brainpower.  

Even Your Brain Gets All Hangry 

Low blood sugar can have a particularly large effect on high-level tasks and emotions that require the most amount of energy, like self-control and anger. When your brain lacks adequate fuel, the part of the brain responsible for curtailing angry impulses doesn’t have enough resources to exert self-control. For example: In a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers found that married couples get increasingly angry and mean towards one another—via pin pricking a spousal voodoo doll and blasting opponents with loud noises—when their blood sugar was low. 

It’s not just married couples either. Researchers at Florida State University who reviewed studies on the subject were able to link glucose with being the primary source of self-control. They found depressed glucose levels were associated with increased irritability around others, over-the-top anger, and general anxiety, while restoring glucose levels through either giving participants a sugary snack or upping their levels of insulin—the hormone which helps your body store glucose—were able to sufficiently improve self-control. 

Your Levels of Stress Hormones Increase 

If your blood-glucose levels fall far enough, your brain will perceive it as a life-threatening situation. In turn, your brain instructs several organs in your body to synthesize and release hormones that increase the amount of glucose in your bloodstream. This effect, called the glucose counter-regulatory response, causes your body to increase production of hormones that can directly signal the conversion of stored glycogen into glucose, like the hormone glucagon, but also the stress hormones adrenaline (aka epinephrine aka the fight-or-flight hormone) and cortisol—known as “the belly fat hormone” for its ability to trigger hunger and pull lipids from the bloodstream and store them in our fat cells. 

These stress hormones are released in all sorts of stressful situations, not just during the stress of low blood glucose levels. And just as you might instinctively shout out in anger at someone when your stress hormones are heightened during a dangerous situation, the flood of adrenaline you get when you become hangry can promote a similar response. 

You Lack Hormone Building Blocks 

Even though your brain is attempting to use all of these hormones to alleviate your hunger, your body might not even have the proper building blocks to make these hormones. Dietary nutrients such as tyrosine, tryptophan, and choline provide the building blocks for certain mood-regulating neurotransmitters. The catch? Your body can only get these nutrients from food. You’re probably familiar with choline, a nutrient found in egg yolks which is required to synthesize acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter that plays important roles in arousal, attention, motivation, and muscle-activation. High tyrosine levels allow neurons to manufacture dopamine, which we’ve already covered, and tryptophan is the precursor for serotonin, a calming neurotransmitter whose low levels are associated with aggressive behavior. 

We’re Not Eating Properly In General 

Our bodies, like cars, need the proper fuel to survive and run efficiently. In this analogy, you probably guessed correctly that fuel is food, and in particular, the unit of energy is glucose. When we put the wrong types of fuels into our bodies, like highly processed foods such as refined sugars and carbs, we’re not giving our body the proper nutrients it needs to function properly. If you rely on pro-inflammatory foods like fast food and processed junk, your body is most likely depleted in antioxidants and phytonutrients from fruits and veggies that help our bodies rid themselves of toxic metabolites. 

The moment our digestion stops, our body goes through a period of “cleaning” where our tissues release toxic substances into circulation for removal. Without free-radical-fighting antioxidants to clear them out, your cells have to store these toxic products that build up in the body. A study in Nutrition Journal found that people who were on a low nutrient diet were more likely to feel hungry after a meal and were also more irritable when hungry, as opposed to those on a high-nutrient diet. The researchers speculated that our bodies can become addicted to these toxic metabolites, so when some people feel weak, headachy, tired, or mentally dull after a meal they might confuse it with hunger, but what they really could be experiencing is withdrawal symptoms. 

So What Can You Do About It? 

As you can see, there are several different pathways and mechanisms at play that might be contributing to your anger when you’re hungry. But lucky for you, the only thing you need to focus on is stuffing your face! While you may have a hankering for the fastest, easiest kind of fuel—like soda or chips—know that grabbing a smoothie or handful of nuts is just as easy. Junky, processed foods may satisfy you right away, but they’ll unavoidably lead to spikes in blood glucose levels that come crashing down—fast. Leaving you even hungrier. 

Surprising Reasons Why You’re Gaining Weight

If your skinny jeans fit a couple of months ago—and you haven’t done anything differently—what gives? 

If your jeans fit just a couple of months ago, and you haven’t done anything differently, you’re probably wondering, “why am I gaining weight?” 

You’re not alone. Many people who eat healthy foods, stay loyal to their workout routine, and drink plenty of water may all experience sudden weight gain. It may seem like there’s no good reason, but experts tell us there are some common reasons why you’re suddenly gaining weight fast. 

While your exercise and diet efforts are still important for you to achieve your weight loss goals, there are a number of factors that can cause you to gain weight that often go unnoticed. 

We uncovered some of the top reasons why you’re gaining weight and asked experts how to overcome each, so you can get back to your ideal weight. 

You don’t weigh yourself. 

Of all the little white lies, the expression “what you don’t know can’t hurt you” is one of the worst, regarding weight loss. However, when we’re talking about weight gain, ignorance could be the very reason behind your ever-tightening waistband. “When you avoid the scale because you don’t want to know the number, that’s when you get into trouble,”Rather than hinder your progress, stepping on the scale actually helps you lose weight. According to a study published in the journal Obesity, frequent self-weighing is associated with greater weight loss, less weight regain, and better weight gain prevention. 

The solution: Weigh yourself at least once a week—if not two or three—to monitor your progress. “I recommend weighing in on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,” says Palumbo. “If Monday is a bit higher than usual, all the better for getting back on track for the upcoming week. And Friday is good because if you’re a bit on the high side then, well, it’s all the more incentive to stay-the-course for the weekend and not go too crazy.” 

You stay up late and don’t get good sleep. 

You eat right and exercise but, sadly, nearly all of your efforts are negated if you’re staying up all night binge-watching Netflix. A study in the Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care journal states that shorter amounts of sleep are associated with higher BMI levels and larger waistlines. The primary reason? “Lack of sleep can lead to increased levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, and decreased levels of leptin, the satiety hormone,” says Nutritionists. “Research also shows that when we’re sleep-deprived, our brains respond more strongly to junk food and have less of an ability to practice portion control.” 

The solution: Rumsey assures us that after a week or two of adequate sleep—which she defines as seven to eight hours per evening—the surge of hunger and cravings should subside. 

Your job is stressful. 

We don’t mean to suggest that you blame others, but your demanding boss may be why you’re gaining weight for no reason. “Our body releases the hormone cortisol when our body is under stress. This causes triglycerides to be relocated to visceral fat cells, increasing storage of belly fat,” explains Rumsey. “Elevated cortisol levels also cause an increase in blood glucose, while suppressing the effects of insulin, leading to constant feelings of hunger and can lead to overeating. To make matters worse, all of that unused blood glucose is eventually stored as body fat.” 

The solution: Discuss your workload with your manager. Alternatively, come into the office early when no one is around to bug you. You can also try some techniques to relax and de-stress like meditation and yoga. 

You aren’t eating enough protein. 

Are you suffering from a protein deficiency? Consuming enough protein is important for two reasons: Since it digests more slowly than refined carbohydrates, it’s satiating and staves off overeating. It also helps maintain lean muscle mass. “If you aren’t consuming enough protein to keep your muscles and cells healthy, the body ends up breaking down muscle to access the nutrients it needs—and this spells trouble. Less muscle mass means a slower metabolism, which over time, can cause weight gain,” explains Nutritionists. 

The solution: To keep your metabolism going strong, stock your kitchen with lean proteins such as chicken breast, turkey, and organic tofu. 

You never indulge. 

“Why am I gaining weight if I’m sticking to my diet religiously?” you may ask. And we have the answer: you’re taking it a little too seriously. You don’t have to restrict yourself completely when you’re trying to lose weight—live a little! It’ll actually help you to reverse recent weight gain. Having a cheat day (or even cheat days) while dieting may actually help aid weight loss, according to an International Journal of Obesity study. Australian researchers found that when participants alternated between adhering to a strict diet for two weeks and following it with two cheat weeks lost more weight during the study than those who stuck to a strict diet the entire time. Bonus: The “cheater” group also gained back less weight after the study finished. 

The solution: To get back to a trimmer version of you, eat the real thing, but downsize your portion. If you love ice cream, for example, skip the fro-yo and have a small scoop of premium. 

You’re working out too much. 

If you’re working out but gaining weight, the problem may lie in the amount of time you’re spending exercising. There’s no denying that working out is an important weight loss factor, but oddly enough, thinking about your upcoming sweat sessions too often can make it more difficult to lose weight. An Obesity Reviews meta-analysis indicates that people tend to overestimate how many calories they burn when they work out—and will end up eating more on days they work out. A separate study supported this finding, showing that people tend to increase their food intake after exercise and end up eating more calories than they burn. 

The solution: To prevent sudden weight gain, avoid excessive noshing after exercising. Pick up pre-portioned pre-workout snacks tailored to your fitness routine. 

You suffered from an injury. 

“Musculoskeletal conditions that cause pain can lead to a decrease in physical activity, which can cause weight gain over time—especially if you are eating the same amount that you were eating when you were more active,” says Rumsey. 

The solution: People don’t often want to exercise when their joints are hurting, but exercise can ease some arthritis symptoms. “Low impact activities like walking or riding a stationary bike are easier on joints, as is swimming and water aerobics,” she says. “Working in some strength training exercises with light weights or therapeutic bands can help to improve joint stability and also help counteract weight gain.” 

You’re overeating healthy foods. 

Portion size is just as important as eating healthy. The reason: Many nutritious foods—like avocados, oatmeal, quinoa, dark chocolate, nuts, and nut butters—can lead to weight gain when eaten in excess because they’re calorically dense. 

The solution: Unless it’s a fruit or a vegetable, don’t make the assumption that the healthy food you’re eating is low in calories. Next time you’re whipping up a meal, remember these three portion control cues: 

  1. A helping of nut butter or shredded cheese should be no larger than a ping-pong ball 
  1. A true serving of rice and pasta is about the size of your fist 
  1. Lean meats should be about the size of a deck of cards. 

Sticking to the recommended serving size can help prevent sudden weight gain. 

You’re simply getting older. 

With each passing birthday after the big 3-0, we start to lose muscle mass. As a result, Biggest Loser dietitian Cheryl Forberg, RD, tells us our metabolism naturally slows. That has got to be the worst birthday present of all time! “When our metabolism slows down, we will gain weight, especially if we continue to eat the same amount of food as we did when we were younger.” 

The solution: To keep your lean, youthful figure, Forberg says staying active is a must: “A combination of cardio and weight-bearing exercise will help preserve lean body mass and muscle tissue, keeping the metabolism elevated.” 

You’re dehydrated. 

University of Birmingham study found that drinking two cups of water before each meal could significantly accelerate weight loss. So it should come as no surprise that not drinking enough H2O can have the opposite effect on your waistline. “Not only does water give us energy and help maintain body temperature, but it also helps us feel more full,” says Forberg. “Not drinking enough water can cause us to eat excess calories that could lead to weight gain. Plus, when you’re dehydrated, the body will conserve water for vital body functions, which can result in water retention and a higher number on the scale.” 

The solution: Sip water continuously throughout the day. And remember that water alone isn’t the only way to stay hydrated, there are many water-rich foods you can eat along with other water-rich drinks like coffee, tea, and smoothies. 

You’re relying too much on exercise without changing your diet. 

From building muscle mass to improving cardiovascular health, there are tons of obvious reasons to hit the gym. That said, exercise alone is unlikely to undo your ice cream, booze, and burger habit, says Rumsey. Plus, the type of exercise you do may also be making it hard to keep the pounds off. “Steady-state cardio, such as running at the same pace for three or four miles, can increase appetite,” warns Nutritionists. “Many people who do these types of workouts end up eating more than they would have if they hadn’t worked out.” 

The solution: Lay off the junk and switch up your workout. “More and more research is showing that high-intensity interval training type exercise is best to see improvements in muscle mass and cardiovascular function, without the associated increase in appetite. 

You aren’t paying attention to your sodium intake. 

A high-sodium diet can make you retain water and boat. And when you retain water in your gut, it can make it seem like you’ve experienced a sudden weight gain in your stomach—when it’s just water weight. As Nutritionists says, “sodium-related weight gain is easy come, easy go.” 

The solution: Up your water intake and cut back on the sodium. Cooking more at home with fresh herbs instead of salt should help your belly deflate in a day or so. Dining out? Scan nutrition info at home before you head out and pick a healthy restaurant dish with about 1,000 milligrams of sodium or less. 

You kept all the junk food in your house. 

“Whether it’s ice cream, cookies, chips or other items, just knowing that your trigger foods are in the kitchen or your office desk can derail your healthy eating program,” says Nutritionists. “This is especially true between 3 p.m. and bedtime when cravings tend the be the most difficult to ignore.” 

The solution: One of the best ways to overcome a passing craving is to keep the foods you know you can’t deny out of the house. Can’t imagine kicking your favorite cookies out of the house for good? Individually portion off the foods you tend to overeat. If you know each Ziploc bag of chips is 150 calories, you’ll be less likely to go back for a second serving. 

Your thyroid is to blame. 

The thyroid, a gland in the neck that sits above the Adam’s apple, regulates a wide range of bodily functions including metabolism. But sometimes, for a variety of reasons, your thyroid may become under-active and result in a condition called hypothyroidism. One of the many symptoms of the condition? You guessed it, weight gain. The worst part is that the condition often develops slowly, so many people don’t notice the symptoms of the disease until they’re full-blown, says The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. It gets worse: If a thyroid issue is to blame for your weight gain, it doesn’t matter how diligently your dieting and working out; it will be near impossible to shed the pounds. 

The solution: Take a trip to the MD. “If you’ve suddenly put on weight for no apparent reason, I suggest you see a doctor so a medical professional can decide whether it is a thyroid issue or another cause. 


You’re depressed. 

“As many as 25 percent of people taking certain antidepressants report gaining ten pounds or more [after starting the medication],” says Rumsey. 

“Some medications may cause food cravings, especially for carbohydrates, and some find that their medication increases their appetite. The drugs may affect metabolism negatively as well.” And since depression is often accompanied by a disinterest in food, another pool of thought is that once antidepressants become effective, people regain their appetites and overeat. 

The solution: “Switching medications can often help since certain types are more apt to cause weight gain than others. However, if you change medications, it may not aid your depression as effectively. It can be a lot of trial and error. Consult your doctor before going on or off any medication. 

You’re taking medication. 

From beta-blockers to birth control pills, and everything in between, there’s a long, long list of medications that can cause your waistline to bulge. And if you think your Rx is to blame for your ever-expanding waistline, you’re not alone. “Weight issues are often a primary reason for non-compliance with treatment,” Palumbo tells us. “Some drugs stimulate the appetite or slow the body’s metabolism. Others cause fluid retention or enough drowsiness to reduce physical activity, which can trigger weight gain.” 

The solution: This is important, so listen up: “If you suspect your drug is causing weight gain, never stop taking it. Instead, make an appointment with your healthcare provider and ask if there might be an equally effective alternative that doesn’t affect your weight. Everyone reacts to medications differently, so trying something else may help,” says Palumbo. 

You eat too healthy. 

“When my clients feel like they aren’t able to enjoy something indulgent from time to time, it often leaves them with hard-to-ignore cravings. 

The solution: “For this reason, I allow my patients to eat 100 discretionary calories each day. It allows them to satisfy their cravings without falling off track.” Nine Peanut M&Ms, 12 gummy bears, and a single Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup all come in right around 100 calories. 

Best Food Sources of Vitamin-B for More Energy

Vitamin-B is essential for converting food into energy, maintaining a healthy nervous system, and more. 

Constantly tired? A vitamin B deficiency might be to blame: Low vitamin B6 and B12 levels have been linked to anemia—which can leave you extremely exhausted and fatigued. And those are just two of the eight B vitamins that your body uses to convert food into energy and boost the health of your hair, nails, and skin. “They’re all needed in order to survive,” says Nutritionists. 

All B vitamins (aka vitamin B-complex) serve different functions, and some deficiencies are much more likely in some B vitamins than in others. Vegetarians and women who are pregnant or want to become pregnant tend to be deficient in B6, B12, and folate. Read on to learn more about the benefits of B vitamins and the foods that can help ensure you’re getting enough. 

Vitamins B6 and B12 

Vitamins B6 and B12 help your body make energy from the food you eat and form red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body. Low levels can result in anemia, which means your body isn’t getting enough O2, leaving you feeling exhausted. “B6 also regulates the hormones serotonin and dopamine, cell growth, and the immune system, and breaks down glucose, which can play role in diabetes. 

While most of us get plenty of vitamins B6 and B12, women and older adults are at risk of a B6 deficiency. Moreover, the elderly and vegans are at an increased risk for a B12 deficiency. As you get older vitamin absorption becomes harder, and for vegans, B23 is found mostly in animal sources and nutritional yeast. But since nutritional yeast doesn’t have enough B vitamins, plant-based folks should consider taking supplements or shots. 

If you’ve undergone weight loss surgery or take an acid suppressor for acid reflux you might also be B12 deficient. “While it can take a really long time, but if you let it progress it could affect your neurological health and increase the risk of dementia. 


Folate (vitamin B9 or folic acid) is the other big B vitamin to keep an eye on. Folate helps form your DNA, which means it’s necessary for every cell in your body. It’s essential during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects and spina bifida. “Folate is most important in the first 30 days of pregnancy when many women don’t even know they’re pregnant yet, which is why guidelines say that all women of childbearing age should take a supplement and have good sources of folate in their diet. 

While you probably don’t have to worry too much about folate deficiency unless you’re pregnant or have IBS or celiac disease, low levels can also cause a type of anemia and have been linked to cardiovascular disease, stroke, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease, among other conditions. “Because folate and B12 work hand in hand, if you have a deficiency in one and take a supplement, it can mask a deficiency of the other. That’s why you should always get a blood test on both to tell which you’re having. 

Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Biotin, and Pantothenic Acid 

You may have heard about biotin already since many women take supplements to improve their hair, skin, and nail health. Fortunately, deficiencies in biotin (B7) and pantothenic acid (B5) are quite rare. The majority of Americans get enough thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), and niacin (B3) in our diets because they’re all in fortified bread and cereals as well as eggs and dairy. But vegetarian athletes may be at risk for a riboflavin deficiency because your body needs more of these B vitamins if you work out often. Moreover, doctors have been noticing more cases of deficiency recently in people who have gastric bypass surgery due to limited diets and vomiting. 

How Much Vitamin B Do I Need? 

Because all B vitamins are water-soluble, our bodies don’t store them as much as we do fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K. “With anything water-soluble, you want to eat these foods on a regular basis so your body is constantly replacing what you’re losing. If you’re concerned you’re not getting enough, talk to your doctor to see if you should get tested for a deficiency. 

But don’t believe everything you hear about supplements. “Supplement manufacturers say if you take a lot of B vitamins you’ll have more energy. That’s not necessarily true unless you have a deficiency. While it’s hard to overdose on B vitamins, it is possible with a pill. Plus, studies don’t back up claims that biotin supplements can help you grow your hair and nails faster unless you have a deficiency. “People think the more you take the better, but it doesn’t always work that way. 

Looking to boost your B? Food is your best bet, and many are good sources of more than one B vitamin, says Stefanski. Here are 11 of the best food sources of B vitamins, along with ideas to prepare them. 


The grandfather of all superfoods, one whole avocado is packed with 41 percent of your daily folate needs, 26 percent B6, 28 percent pantothenic acid, 17 percent thiamin, and 9 percent riboflavin, as well as biotin and over 20 percent of your daily requirements for vitamins C, E, K, fiber, and potassium. “Avocadoes are super healthy, and even eat half of one is still a good source of nutrients. “Even though it is high in calories, it’s very filling because of the healthy fat and fiber.” She likes pureeing avocado and using it in classic dips like guac and hummus, blending it into no-cook cold soups, or using it as an alternative to oil in salad dressings. 

Pork Tenderloin 

If you’re a meat-eater, pork is probably your best bet for a laundry list of B vitamins. A 3-ounce serving of pork tenderloin has just 120 calories and less saturated fat than a chicken breast, says Stefanski. The bonus is that it’s one of the highest sources of thiamin (54 percent), riboflavin (19 percent), niacin (37 percent), B12 (8 percent), and B6 (37 percent). It also has a bit of biotin, plus phosphorus, zinc, and protein. “If you’re looking to enhance the nutrition of your stir-fry, pork tenderloin along with a lot of veggies is a good bet. Or, swap it in place of chicken or red meat, like in sandwiches, tacos, chili, kabobs, and soups. 

Plain Low-Fat Yogurt 

Like all dairy, yogurt is an awesome source of a bunch of B vitamins. One cup of plain, low-fat yogurt nets 31 percent riboflavin, 23 percent B12, and 14 percent pantothenic acid, plus biotin and bone-building calcium and around 10 percent vitamin D, if it’s supplemented—along with phosphorus potassium, zinc, and selenium. Go Greek and you’ll get twice as much protein per serving plus less sodium and sugars, which are cut back during the straining process.  


“Even though you see a trend to more plant-based diets, most nutrition organizations still recommend including fatty fish like salmon two or three times a week. And most people aren’t getting enough. “Many people shy away from fish, but learning how to make it can benefit inflammation and health.” In three cooked ounces of salmon, you’ll get 40 percent B12, 34 percent niacin, 27 percent B6, 19 percent thiamin, and 12 percent pantothenic acid and some biotin. Like all fatty fish, salmon is your best source of omega-3s, which boosts your brain and heart health. Not a fan of salmon? Sardines, tuna, and mackerel are also good options. 

Nutritionists recommend keeping it simple: Buy prepared fish that’s already seasoned and comes with cooking instructions, or sprinkle a filet with salt, pepper, and slices of lemon and bake in the oven at 400°F for about 15 minutes, until it flakes easily with a fork. Or use canned salmon to make croquettes and burgers. 


Aside from being an excellent source of the antioxidant selenium, a three-ounce chicken breast is loaded with 59 percent niacin, 26 percent B6, and smaller amounts of riboflavin and B12. Nutritionists likes to cook up extra chicken to top salads, throw into soups and stews, or toss in the blender to make burgers or chili. 


As one of the best sources of lutein—which helps with eyesight and skin elasticity—one large egg also delivers 14 percent riboflavin, 11 percent B12, and smaller amounts of folate, B6 and biotin. Depending on what the chickens are fed, eggs can also be a decent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Nutritionists eats eggs regularly at breakfast and also hard boils half a dozen to keep in the fridge for a quick snack topped with salt, Sriracha, chili pepper flakes, or paprika, or served alongside sliced tomatoes. 

Sunflower Seeds and Butter 

Like all seeds and nuts, sunflower seeds and sunflower butter are a good vegetarian bet for a bunch of B vitamins—plus, unlike many nuts, it’s free of common food allergens. “Sunflower seeds provide a significant amount of folate, niacin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6 in only a small amount of food. The insoluble fiber in seeds and nuts also helps keep you regular, and they serve up a dose of biotin, vitamin E, magnesium, copper, and zinc. Nutritionists recommends enjoying two tablespoons with meals and one tablespoon for snacks. Nutritionists trade dairy-based butter for sunflower butter in pancakes and muffin batters to reduce the saturated fat and up the heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. 

Nutritional Yeast 

Unless you’re a vegetarian, you may never have heard of vegemite—aka nutritional yeast. “People don’t know how to use it, and it has a very unique taste that most people outside of Australia might not be familiar with. But because it’s fortified, it’s a good source of all types of B vitamins. A one-third-cup serving is an excellent source of thiamine (50 percent), folate (50 percent), riboflavin (25 percent), and niacin (25 percent). Its cheesy flavor works best with sautéed greens or popcorn or as an alternative to Parmesan on top of spaghetti with pesto. 


Chickpeas are one of the best vegan sources of B6, supplying 20 percent of your daily needs plus 35 percent folate in half a cup. Other vegetarian-friendly sources of B6 include fortified breakfast cereals, potatoes, bananas, and bulgur. You’ll also get loads of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and protein in chickpeas. “They’re really great to support your microbiome because they have a type of soluble fiber that nourishes your gut bacteria. They’re also a good source of iron, and most Americans are deficient. The mild flavor makes a good addition to many recipes. Try tossing chickpeas into your salads or roasting them with olive oil, salt, garlic salt, and cayenne pepper for a filling snack. Or ground them up and add to muffin, brownie, and cookie recipes. 

Beet Greens 

“Beets are very popular, but you don’t hear as much about the greens,” says Stefanski. “You’re getting two different sources of nutrition if you buy both, and the top is where you get B vitamins.” Beet greens are also high in nitrate, which several studies have suggested may help lower blood pressure. Because the taste can be strong, most people prefer them cooked and with other strong flavors like bacon. They can be sandy, so soak them in cold water while you’re prepping your other vegetables and add to stir-fry or chilis, tossing them in toward the end of cooking. 

Want to keep it simple? Spinach is similarly high in B vitamins—and it has a mild flavor that goes almost unnoticed blended into omelets, soups, rice, pasta, and smoothies. By cooking these greens, you’ll get more nutrition packed into the same serving size as if you eat it fresh; 1 cup boiled spinach has 66 percent folate, 11 percent thiamin, and some riboflavin and B6, along with vitamins K and A. 


Tofu is a fortified delivery method for B12 for vegans and veggies,” says Stefanski. A three-ounce serving of the fortified stuff has 20 percent of your daily B6, B12, and riboflavin, and it’s an excellent source of calcium and protein. Marinate and fry tofu to use anywhere you’d use chicken or beef—salads, sandwiches, soups, and stir fry. Don’t like the texture or flavor? Choose silken tofu (often found in the salad section) and puree until smooth to add to pasta sauces and smoothies. 


Best Foods to Eat for Lean Muscles and Strength

When you’re thinking about building muscle, it’s easy to assume you need to start carting around massive tubs of whey supplements (perhaps while wearing a mesh tank top). 

Don’t get distracted by this protein powder propaganda. You can get plenty of muscle-building nutrients by adding the right foods to your diet. These 11 basics are foundational elements for every meal of the day, ideal for boosting energy and speeding muscle recovery before and after the gym. (What you wear there is still up to you.) 


Packed with muscle-nourishing nutrients, yogurt is the ideal workout partner. “It’s a good source of protein, calcium and vitamin D, which are good for muscles. “Vitamin D is definitely important for your bones—you need strong and healthy bones to sustain muscles—and it impacts protein synthesis. People with low vitamin D levels have been shown to have decreased strength and greater muscle wasting.” 

Skip the varieties with added fruit; they have too much sugar. Go for the plain, full-fat variety (it’s higher in nutrients than skim). 


The simple bean is actually an advanced fat-burning, muscle-building machine. “Beans are a great source of protein that includes fiber. “That’s going to ensure your blood sugar doesn’t spike and will give you energy to build the muscle you want.” 

One cup of black beans has 12 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber; they’re also rich in folate, a B vitamin that stokes muscle growth, and copper, which strengthens tendons. On top of that, a Spanish study showed that consuming four weekly servings of beans or legumes accelerates weight loss. 

Cottage Cheese 

Turns out that the diet staple of 1970s housewives deserves a place on a musclehead’s plate. “It’s very rich in protein, and it’s perfect for muscle building and maintenance because it also contains calcium and vitamin B12,” says Schapiro, who advises you pick up the low-fat variety. Doubting this long time diet staple? A cup of low-fat CC has 163 calories and 28 grams of protein, as much as four eggs. 

Chocolate Milk 

Add the kiddie concoction to your essential pre- and post-workout snacks. In a study published in Journal of the International Society of Sport Nutrition, subjects given chocolate milk high before riding stationary bikes were able to pedal 49 percent longer than cyclists given another carb-replacement beverage. Chocolate milk’s naturally occurring electrolytes keep you hydrated, and its sweetness speeds energy into muscles, which makes it equally good after your workout. “Chocolate milk is good for muscle recovery because you get protein, vitamin D and calcium from the milk, and that little bit of sugar from the chocolate to help refuel. 


Bananas are an ideal source of fuel. They’re rich in glucose, a highly digestible sugar, which provides quick energy, and their high potassium content helps prevent muscle cramping during your workout. Each medium banana contains about 36 grams of good carbs: Their low glycemic index means carbs are slowly released into your body, preventing sugar crashes and spurring the process of muscle recovery. If you think you need something more substantial, get good fuel ideas from our guide to the best pre-workout snack for every workout. 


Yep, beets. A number of studies have shown that consuming beets can improve your athletic performance. Subjects who drank beet juice experienced a 38 percent increase in blood flow to muscles, particularly “fast twitch” muscles that affect bursts of speed and strength, a study conducted at Kansas State University showed. 

Another study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that runners who ate baked beets before a 5k ran five percent faster, a result attributed to the beets’ nitrates, a natural chemical that increases endurance and lowers blood pressure. Spinach and carrots are also high in the muscle-building compound. 


“My favorite source of protein is an egg,” says Nutritionist, who notes that each contains seven grams of muscle-builder. “Depending on the workout and their goals, I usually tell my patients to have protein in increments of seven. If you’re doing a high-intensity workout, you should have 14 grams of protein. Two eggs are perfect.” 


Nature’s magic bullets have been shown to have special fat-burning properties if you consume them before a workout: A study printed in The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that the L-arginine in almonds can help you burn more fat and carbs in the gym. When it comes to muscle building, a quarter-cup of raw almonds has eight grams of protein and is high in magnesium, which boosts energy and endurance. “Almonds are great—you just need to watch the quantity. “I recommend eating 20 max. If you go over that, your body will be storing fat instead of building muscle.” 


The muscle-builder’s staple maintains its status for a reason. Aside from being high in protein — 54 grams per six-ounce serving — chicken breast is also rich in leucine, an amino acid that’s key to muscle building because it increases protein synthesis. In studies at the University of Illinois, researchers fed one group of people meals containing 10 grams of leucine per day, and another group a lower-leucine diet. In two studies, the groups that ate high-leucine diets lost more weight and body fat — and maintained more lean body mass. According to the USDA, a six-ounce chicken breast contains about 4.4 grams of leucine per serving and 52 grams of protein. 

Grass- Fed Beef 

Grass-fed beef has the holy trifecta of muscle building: It’s the #1 food source of creatine, which increases muscle mass by speeding protein to muscles; it’s rich in CLA, an anti-inflammatory fatty acid; and it provides more than one-half the RDA of protein in a four-ounce serving. “It’s great for you—rich in iron, magnesium and B12, which you need to have for muscle building,” says Kaufman, who notes that she tells her patients who have a history of high cholesterol not to eat more than two servings of red meat per week. 

Wild Salmon 

Wild salmon’s high protein content — 39 grams per serving — is supplemented by its heart-healthy, inflammation-busting, longevity-promoting omega-3 fatty acids. Just be sure you go wild. Farmed salmon, plumped up with fishmeal and high in PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls, chemicals that cause endocrine disruption), must be thrown back in the refrigerator case. “There’s definitely a difference in taste between wild and farm-raised salmon. 

“While the wild will be more expensive, it’s worth the difference to ensure it’s not raised on a farm, where there can be a lot of chemicals,” she adds. Another reason why it’s a smart purchase: A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine showed that people with the highest blood levels of omega-3s lived two years longer, on average, than those with lower levels. More time to show off those guns. 

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