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Category Archives: Mental Wellness

Foods That Make Your Depression and Anxiety Worse

Research links these foods to increased instances of depression and anxiety. 

You already know that your emotions can influence what you eat. But what you may not realize is that what you eat can also dramatically alter your mental health. Seriously: some foods worsen anxiety and depression. 

Simple food choices can make the difference between feeling worse and feeling more stable, says research from Harvard Health. Eighteen percent of the population suffers some form of anxiety disorder, and 6.7 percent of the American population over the age of 18 have been diagnosed with clinical depression, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. 

You don’t have to be officially diagnosed (many people aren’t, anyway) to know what an overwhelming burden it can be when you are even marginally anxious or depressed. And while the two aren’t necessarily inclusive of each other, we’ve chosen to focus on them together since we can all relate to how both conditions weigh us down. 

The good news is that while there are plenty of potential causes for either situation, the foods we consume can play a major role in increasing the frequency, depth, and duration of bouts of depression or anxiety, especially if we’re already predisposed to experiencing them. Your best move is to familiarize yourself with some of the foods that have been repeatedly linked with doing more damage to your psyche—and then drastically reduce your consumption of them. 

Want to know more about how 

Foods That Make You More Depressed 

Steer clear of these foods and ingredients that have been found to have a negative impact on your mood. 


We despise sugar at Eat This, Not That! for a variety of reasons; its strong association with depression is just one. A 2015 study of postmenopausal women demonstrated that an increase in added sugars in their diet was associated with an increased likelihood of depression. In the past, scientists weren’t sure why depression, diabetes, and dementia seemed to cluster in epidemiological studies or why having one of these health issues increases your risk for the others. But in a study published the journal Diabetologia, researchers have found that when blood glucose levels are elevated, levels of a protein that encourages the growth of neurons and synapses drops. Translation: The simple act of eating sugar makes your brain work at a suboptimal level—and the more you do it, the greater your risk of depression and the greater your risk of diabetes and dementia, too.  

Artificial Sweeteners 

Don’t think that just because sugar is out that artificial sweeteners will enable you can humor your sweet tooth without elevating your risk of depression. Aspartame, the common (and dangerous) ingredient that’s found in products like diet soda, blocks the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. This can cause all manner of neuro maladies including headaches, insomnia, changes in mood—and yes, depression. But it’s not just aspartame: NutraSweet or Equal may also be bad for your mental well-being.  


Your central nervous system is important, to put it lightly. It’s responsible for taking in information through the five senses, thinking, understanding, reasoning, and controlling motor function. You’ll note that all of these things are in scant supply as the night wears on at your local watering hole. That’s because alcohol is a depressant, and more specifically, depresses the working order of the central nervous system. Oh, and the central nervous system controls how we process emotions, too. Bottom line: Booze is a little too efficient at exacerbating symptoms associated with depression.  

Hydrogenated Oil 

Fried chicken, fried cheese sticks, fried calamari, French fries. You won’t ever see these items marked as an “Eat This.” They cause trouble for your body for a variety of reasons and can negatively affect your weight. But there’s more: They’re also linked to depression. See, deep frying is usually done in partially hydrogenated oil. Hydrogenation is a process that turns vegetable oil into a more solid form, which makes it a more shelf-stable product. Anything that is cooked with hydrogenated oils and contains trans fats could potentially contribute to depression. Saturated fats, like the ones found in deli meats, high-fat dairy, and butter can clog arteries and prevent blood flow to the brain—and optimal brain function is what you want, if you’re trying to stave off the blues.  

Fast Food 

Cheap and easy? In the short term, kinda sorta. But once you factor in the changes it can make to your physical and mental well being, the true price of that cheap stuff gets steep real fast. According to a 2012 study in the journal Public Health Nutrition, people who eat fast food are 51 percent more likely to develop depression than those who don’t. To clarify: When we say fast food, we’re talking about hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, and commercial baked goods. Eating a small portion of any one food is unlikely to raise depression risk, but if you see Ronald, Wendy, The Colonel or Popeye on a regular basis, a drastic dietary adjustment would be a great step toward happier feelings and less depression.  

Trans Fats 

Trans fat is the name given to unsaturated fats that don’t usually occur in whole foods. Only in the 1950s did trans fats become commonly used in things like margarine, snack food, packaged baked goods, and oils used to fry fast food. Consuming artery-clogging trans fats can increase your risk of depression by as much as 48 percent, according to a study published in PLoS One. Conversely, plenty of studies have shown that a Mediterranean diet, which traditionally utilizes olive oil rather than trans fats, can lower the risk of numerous health conditions, including depression. 

High-Sodium Foods 

For decades, fat-free foods have been touted as being a weight loss solution—but many of these products contain mini mountains of sodium. Experts say that all that extra salt can totally futz with your emotions because the extra sodium in these products can disrupt aspects of your neurological system. Not only can this directly contribute to depression, but it can also monkey with your immune system response and cause fatigue. An over-taxed body is a way to invite disruption to your emotional state. And, of course, an excess of salt also leads to fluid retention and bloating. Like many of the foods on this list, salt can contribute to weight gain, resulting in a negative body image and snowballing depression even further.  


There are plenty of experts who will tell you that even a modest amount of caffeine can contribute to depression—and at least one study has found that, among healthy college students, moderate and high coffee drinkers scored higher on a depression scale than others. The reason most experts cite is caffeine’s disruptive effect on sleep. Coffee and black tea make it more difficult to fall asleep and to stay asleep. Sleep is connected to mood and disturbed sleep can seriously mess with your mental state. The one drink to avoid at all costs if you plan on going to bed any time in the next 24 hours? Energy drinks. Some types have the caffeine equivalent of 14 cans of soda. 

Processed Foods 

Processed foods are the perfect storm of several things that can be problematic to your overall health. They’re high in sodium and sugar, and pave the way for an inflammatory response in the body. As reported in an article by Psychiatric Times, the correlation between depression and inflammation has received a lot of attention in recent years, and although not every patient suffering from depression shows signs of inflammation in the body, studies have shown that inflammation has a direct effect on the brain and behavior. It can negatively affect the areas of the brain responsible for motivation and motor activity, as well as areas that control arousal, anxiety, and alarm.  

Soy Sauce 

If you’re sensitive to gluten, soy sauce and other gluten-heavy products can really wreak havoc on your digestive system and overall health. We can only partially digest gluten, which can lead to gut irritation and immune and allergic reactions. And while gluten is a serious irritant akin to poison for those suffering from celiac disease, Psychology Today reports on some studies linking depression and gluten in patients who aren’t suffering from the condition. A 2012 study out of Oslo University Hospital showed that a group of human subjects that was consuming gluten after six weeks of a gluten-free diet reported 90% more depression as a result, compared to the control group that stayed gluten-free. 

Foods That Make You More Anxious 

Avoid these anxiety trigger foods and nourish away the nerves, one meal at a time. 

Wheat Bran 

Touted by health experts and foodies for its impressive fiber content and complex, nutty flavor, wheat bran gets a black mark in the anti-anxiety department for its notoriously high concentration of phytic acid. This anti-nutrient binds to important mood minerals like zinc and limits their absorption. Adequate levels of zinc are especially important for anxious people, as deficiencies are common and have shown to induce anxious behavior and depression. Soaking and cooking can help reduce the anti-nutrient which is found primarily in whole grains and dried beans; so make the extra step a staple of your kitchen when preparing rice, oatmeal, soups, and stews. 


Soy is like that date who demands affection while refusing PDA and cuddling. Even though soy is packed with lean protein, it’s also packed with trypsin and protease inhibitors—enzymes that make the digestion of protein incredibly difficult. Soy is also high in copper, a mineral linked to anxious behavior, and loaded with oligosaccharides, which are known to cause flatulence. (Terrific for social anxiety…Just kidding.) Toss the processed tofu and veggie burgers, and if you must eat soy, stick to fermented varieties like tempeh and miso, which are easier to digest. 


That’ll be a grande latte and a venti panic attack? Coffee is like jet fuel for an anxious brain. It’s one of the highest concentrated dietary sources of caffeine, and research shows that people with social anxiety are particularly sensitive to feeling nervous side effects from just small amounts of the stimulant. Caffeine can also blunt the absorption of key mood-balancing nutrients like vitamin D and the B vitamins. When weaning off the jumpy stuff, naturally decaffeinated herbals teas, especially chamomile, can be a great alternative to coffee and may also provide meaningful antianxiety and antidepressant activity, research suggests. 

Canned Soup 

If grandma wouldn’t recognize it, cook with it, or enjoy eating it, get rid of it. That’s the basic nutrition advice from most anti-anxiety experts who recommend a traditional, whole foods diet. “I have my clients avoid processed foods at all costs,” explains certified nutritionist Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution. “The foods you choose shouldn’t have labels; and if they do, they shouldn’t read like a chemistry experiment,” she adds. Even the packaging of “convenience” foods may be a cause for—and cause of—concern. Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used in most canned food liners and plastic containers, can throw off important mood-stabilizing neurotransmitters by significantly altering genes in the stress-mediating portion of the brain, research shows. A previous study found children exposed to BPA in early childhood were more likely to have anxiety issues, according to researchers at the University of California–Berkeley.  

Apple Juice 

Things may have gone a little differently for Snow White had she been tricked by a witch with a glass of apple juice. She’d probably still pass out—but not before running around the house in a nervous panic. That’s because, unlike whole fruits, juices are devoid of slow-digesting fiber and loaded with refined fructose. The result is a blood sugar spike that triggers a rush of the stress hormone adrenaline, with symptoms that look a lot like a panic attack. In fact, a recent study showed fructose can alter how the brain responds to stress on a genetic level. What’s more, many apple juice brands have tested positive for arsenic — a toxin shown to induce anxious behavior and worsen depression. As a general rule, avoid all sweetened beverages. If water is boring to you, then try one of these detox waters instead! 

Red Wine 

Wine-ing down may only wind you up. While a glass of vino or beer may temporarily help to calm an anxious mind, research suggests the happy hour strategy may backfire long-term. People with anxiety disorders who self-medicate with alcohol or drugs were up to four times more likely to develop a dependency problem within three years than a group who skipped on self-medicating, according to a study in Alcohol Research Current Reviews. Even in the short-term, a few drinks can cause sleep problems, blood sugar swings, and dehydration—all things you want to avoid if you’re anxious. If you feel you “need” to drink, consider swapping your night-cap for a glutamine capsule. The amino acid has shown to reduce alcohol cravings and may be helpful while detoxing from it. 

Fermented Foods 

Fermented foods are really great for your gut health, but they may be linked to increased anxiety in people where no other clinical reason for anxiety and panic attacks exists. During the fermentation and aging process, the proteins in food are broken down, and one of the byproducts of this breakdown are histamines. An excess of histamines can feel like a panic attack in the body, especially if you have a sensitivity to it. Beyond that, high levels of histamine can cause brain inflammation that in turn causes anxiety. 

Foods That Boost Your Mood

There are plenty of foods with proven mood-boosting benefits that can help you get happier and healthier with every bite. 

Our brains and our bodies can often feel like they’re operating on two different wavelengths: sometimes, your body tells you to take a nap when your brain knows you’ve still got work to do, or your belly just screams for a candy bar when your brain definitely knows better. However, when it comes to our mood, our food choices and our feelings go hand-in-hand more often than you might think. 

While a greasy plate of fries or sugary snack may temporarily alleviate a bad mood, long-term happiness is rarely doled out at a drive-thru. Fortunately, there are plenty of foods with proven mood-boosting benefits that can help you get happier and healthier with every bite. So, before you dive headfirst into another value meal, add these foods that make you happy to your menu. 

Here are some foods that make you happy and boost your overall mood. 

Black Beans 

Beans are a magnesium-rich food that helps boost the happiness hormone, serotonin, and bloated feeling, too. As if that’s not enough, these small but mighty guys are antioxidant-rich and loaded with other good-for-you nutrients like iron, fiber, copper, zinc and potassium. 

Whole Grain Bread 

When your hormones are all over the place (PMS, stress at work, whatever), you wind up craving carb-rich foods because they help comfort your hormonal rollercoaster. But cookies won’t make you nearly as happy (or thin) as a complex carb like whole grain bread. However, unlike cookies, those whole grains can improve the number of good bacteria in your gut, which can have a profound influence on your mood. When you can’t stand the sight of another sandwich, the healthy sources of carbs will help you fill up and slim down. 


It’s hard to beat the amazing beet. Beets contains betaine, which supports serotonin production in the brain, elevating your mood along the way. Beets also have a potent dose of folic acid in them, which stabilizes emotional and mental health, improving your chances of happiness with every bite. 


Seaweed—yes, like in your sushi or on the side as a salad—is packed with depression-fighting iodine, which isn’t always so easy to find in food (and no, please don’t start downing Spoonfuls of iodized salt to get enough). Iodine is critical for your thyroid to function properly, which influences your energy, weight, and even your brain functions, leaving you feeling blue when you have too little, and a whole lot happier when you’re meeting your goals. 

Blueberry Juice 

Darkly colored berries lead to weight loss, decreasing the formation of fat cells by up to 73%—that alone will improve your mood. But berries also carry heavy doses of vitamin C. Too little C—a possibility when you’re hunkering down on comfort foods and no longer enjoying a summer bounty of tomatoes, peppers, and fruit salads—can lead to fatigue, depression, low motivation, and the general feeling that you’re sloshing around in wet snow boots 24/7. Blueberries just so happen to be a great source of resveratrol, an antioxidant pigment that research published in Frontiers in Endocrinology has linked to relief from depression. 

Red Wine 

A few cocktails may make you feel giddy for the moment, but red wine can help make you happier in the long-term. Red wine is not only good for your heart health, researchers in Spain have also linked drinking the occasional glass of red wine with reduced depression risk. Red wine also happens to be a good source of resveratrol, a pigment found in grapes that has been linked to reductions in belly fat and improved mood! 


Eggs are loaded with mood-promoting omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, B vitamins, and iodide, and because they’re packed with protein, they’ll also keep you full and energized long after you eat them. Need another reason to crack some shells in the morning? A 2008 study in the International Journal of Obesity found that people who ate two eggs for breakfast lost significantly more weight than those who chowed down on a bagel. 

Pro tip: don’t buy into unregulated supermarket-egg claims like “omega-3 enriched” or “free-range.” If you’re looking for the most natural eggs, hit up a local farmer.  

Red Peppers 

Why red? Aren’t all peppers the same? In fact, red bell peppers—which have been allowed to ripen on the vine and not picked when still green—have considerably higher nutrient scores than their underdeveloped brethren—more than double the vitamin C and up to 8 times as much vitamin A. In a recent survey of nutrient density, researchers at William Paterson University ranked red peppers as second only to leafy greens as the most potent of vegetables. The higher concentration of vitamins helps to improve your mood directly, as well as boost your immune system and lessen cold symptoms. 

Stir-fry or roast them if you’re not down with nibbling them raw to get the most of their vitamins and nutrients. 


Coconut is chock-full of medium-chain triglycerides, fats that fuel better moods; a joint study from researchers at Yale and SUNY Albany even found this tasty treat has a neuroprotective effect. And although coconut is commonly found in high-calorie desserts, you don’t have to (and shouldn’t) stuff your face with macaroons to get your fix. Try using some coconut cream in your coffee, adding some unsweetened flakes to your favorite baked good, or just crack a fresh one open and go to town. 

Dark Chocolate 

Turns out chocolate’s delicious taste isn’t the only reason it makes you feel so warm and fuzzy. The cocoa treat also gives you an instant boost in mood and concentration, and improves blood flow to your brain, helping you feel more vibrant and energized. Research conducted by the British Pharmacological Society even reveals that cocoa flavonols can boost your cognitive performance, making it easier to keep killing it at work. Sadly, Snickers bars don’t count. Cocoa is the chocolate ingredient that does your body good, so pure dark chocolate is your best bet if you want the mood-boosting benefits minus the extra belly flab. Just make sure you don’t overdo it: A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology found that a few ounces of dark chocolate a day is all you need to reap the benefits. 

Pumpkin Seeds 

Pumpkin seeds are like crunchy little nuggets of happiness. They’re one of the best food sources of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps promote the production of serotonin in your brain. Tryptophan can also have a calming effect, making it easier to hit the hay at night and wake up feeling refreshed. 


Mussels are loaded with some of the highest naturally-occurring levels of vitamin B12, a vitamin countless adult are missing out on. So, what’s B12’s mood-saving trick? It helps insulate your brain cells, keeping your brain sharp as you age. Mussels also contain the trace nutrients zinc, iodine, and selenium, which keep your thyroid—a major mood regulator—on track. Another benefit? Mussels are high in protein and low in fat and calories, making them one of the healthiest, most nutrient-dense foods that make you happy out there. 


This dairy pick is packed with more calcium than you’ll find in milk or regular yogurt, which is good news for your mood. Calcium fires the starter’s pistol for the neurotransmitters in your brain, which can increase feelings of contentment and well-being. As a result, inadequate calcium intake can lead to anxiety, depression, irritability, impaired memory, and slow thinking. Yogurt also contains more protein than regular yogurt, making it a terrific stay-slim snack. 


Your mom was onto something when she made you finish those green spears at the dinner table. This vegetable is one of the top plant-based sources of tryptophan, which serves as a basis for the creation of serotonin—one of the brain’s primary mood-regulating neurotransmitters. Asparagus also boasts high levels of folate, a nutrient that may fight depression; in fact, research suggests that up to 50 percent of people with depression suffer from low folate levels. 


Honey, unlike table sugar, is packed with beneficial compounds like quercetin and kaempferol that reduce inflammation, keeping your brain healthy and warding off depression. This sweetener also has a less dramatic impact on your blood-sugar levels than regular sugar, so it won’t send your body into fat-storage mode the way the white stuff can, or lead to one of those unpleasant sugar crashes that can make you feel like all your energy has been drained. Honey also boasts antibacterial properties, helping you fend off illnesses that can make you feel blue. 

Cherry Tomatoes 

Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, an antioxidant that protects your brain and fights depression-causing inflammation. And because lycopene lives in tomato skins, you’ll get more of the stuff if you throw a handful of cherry tomatoes into your next salad instead of slicing up one full-size tomato. Want to take your happiness up a notch? Drizzle those tomatoes with a little olive oil, which has been shown to increase lycopene absorption. Although it can be a pricey habit, try to go organic whenever possible: researchers at the University of California-Davis found that organic tomatoes have higher lycopene levels. 

Olive Oil 

Enjoying a better mood could be as simple as drizzling some olive oil on your salad. Researchers at Kyushu Nutrition Welfare University found that healthy fats, like those found in olive oil, were more effective at improving the mood of animal test subjects than unhealthy trans fats. 


Iron deficiency—a problem many women face—can sap your energy. “Iron deficiency is common and can result in feelings of exhaustion, weakness, and irritability. Bjork says remedying the situation requires a two-part approach: “If you think your diet lacks iron, focus on eating more spinach, grass-fed red meat, and liver, all foods rich in the nutrient. Then, ensure sure your body can utilize the iron,” she says. “Consuming probiotic-rich yogurt, fatty fish and an L-glutamine supplement can improve gut health and help your body to absorb iron more efficiently. 

Certain foods are more powerful together than alone. Did you know that eating a tangerine with your spinach salad is a brilliant move because the tangerine helps your body absorb the iron from the spinach? Now you do. 

Green Tea 

Swap out that sugary latte for a cup of green tea and you’ll be improving both your physical health and your mood in one fell swoop. Not only can the naturally-occurring caffeine in green tea give you a boost, the epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG, found in green tea has been linked to improvements in mood. 

Researchers at Northwest A&F University’s College of Food Science and Engineering found that mice given green tea supplementation alongside a sugary, high-fat diet lost fewer neurons than those who ate the unhealthy diet alone. Over time, this could reduce the risk of memory loss and neuron-death-related emotional health issues. 


We’ve got some good news for all you fish-phobes out there: you can still enjoy all the benefits of omega-3s without ever digging into a meal that lives in the briny deep. Flaxseed, whether in its whole form, ground into flax meal, or pressed into oil, is an amazing source of mood-boosting omega-3s, too. 

Just a single one-ounce serving of flaxseeds packs 6,338 milligrams of ALA, as well as eight grams of fiber, which can help improve the health of your gut, making your whole body healthier and happier along the way. 


If you’ve been favoring fish over higher-fat cuts of meat, you might be on track toward banishing those blues. Salmon is a great way to load your diet with omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation throughout your body, improving your mood in the process. 

Research published in the Journal of Affective Disorders reveals that depressed study subjects whose diets had omega-3s added to their diets had significant improvements in their symptoms. 


A little crab on your menu can make you feel a whole lot less crabby in the long run. This seafood is a serious mood-booster, packing 351 milligrams of omega-3s per three-ounce portion, thus reducing painful inflammation that can sap anybody’s happiness. 

For those whose suffer from depression-promoting anemia, crab is a particularly good choice; it’s high in iron, helping you say so long to that low mood in seconds. 


Satisfying that sweet tooth doesn’t have to mean a sugar high and the subsequent low mood following a crash. Bananas are considered a low-glycemic food, meaning they’re less likely to trigger an insulin spike than your average sugar-loaded treat, and they also happen to be an excellent source of that old happiness helper, potassium. 

In fact, a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2008 reveals that diets with ample potassium helped reduce symptoms of depression and stress.  


Whether you like them mushy, whole, stir-fried, or just eat them right out of the freezer, peas are a pretty great way to put happiness back on your menu. Peas are a vegan-friendly source of iron, which can help you combat those bummed-out feelings that often accompany iron-deficiency anemia. All that iron can also help reduce feelings of exhaustion, a surefire happiness killer. 

Brussels Sprouts 

You might have side-eyed Brussels sprouts as a kid, but as a savvy adult, you should know that they’re a potent prescription for a better mood. Brussels sprouts are not only a good source of potassium, which has been linked to reduced symptoms of depression, they also pack more than a day’s worth of vitamin C per cup, supplementation with which a study published in the Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences has found effective at combatting stress. 


When it comes to eating your way to a better mood, chicken is pretty hard to beat. Chicken is a great source of mood-boosting, energizing nutrients like B6, potassium, and zinc. Better yet, Australian researchers at the University of Adelaide and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital found that high-protein diets, like those with plenty of chicken on the menu, improved self-esteem and reduced depression in female study subjects. 


Giving your mood a makeover is as easy as adding some additional iron to your diet, and luckily, raisins just so happen to be a great source of the stuff. Just one itty-bitty box of raisins packs four percent of your daily iron requirement, as well as plenty of magnesium, B6, and vitamin C. 


Oysters may be best known for their purported aphrodisiac properties, but they’re also pretty stellar at making people happy north of the navel, too. This mollusk is loaded with omega-3s, iron, potassium, and magnesium, all of which have been shown to have mood-boosting benefits. 


Sure, millennials are allegedly spending cash that should have been used to buy real estate on avocado toast, but hey, at least they’re some of the foods that make you happy. Fortunately, all those monounsaturated-fat-rich avocados are doing more than just pleasing palates; research published in Physiology & Behavior reveals that diets loaded with healthy fats decreased symptoms of anxiety in rats. 


Apricots may be small, but they’re a mighty weapon when you’re waging war on a bad mood. These stone fruits are loaded with vitamin C and beta-carotene, which researchers in India have linked to reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

Chia Seeds 

Whether you’re tossing them in a smoothie or using them to add some extra crunch to your favorite salad, chia seeds are a way to get happy in a hurry. Chia seeds pack more depression-busting omega-3s per ounce than salmon, and their high fiber content can help you enjoy a healthier gut (and a happier mood along the way).  


Getting happier could be as simple as adding some broccoli to your next stir-fry. Those teeny-tiny trees are not only a good source of anemia-defeating iron, they also pack more than a day’s worth of that old immune system defender and mood-booster, vitamin C, per cup. 


Listening to “Lemonade” isn’t the only way citrus can make you happier. The results of a Japanese study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine reveal that just the scent of citrus fruits, like lemon, can improve a person’s mood. When you couple that with the high vitamin C content in lemons, you’ve got a prescription for a happier you. 


Tuna is one of the foods that make you happy because it’s nutritionally good for you and it’s good for your wallet (it’s cheap!). This fatty fish is more than just a sandwich staple; albacore tuna just so happens to be one of the best mood-boosters on the market. Research published in European Neuropsychopharmacology has found that omega-3 supplementation has a significant effect on mood, and luckily, tuna just so happens to pack more than 1,000 milligrams of the stuff in a three-ounce serving. Just make sure you’re limiting your tuna consumption to a few sandwiches or sushi rolls a week; it’s recommended that men eat no more than 14.5 ounces of the stuff, and that women consume no more than 12.5 ounces to keep mercury levels to a minimum. 


Crack open a few walnuts and you might just crack the code for happiness in the long term. Walnuts are a source of happiness-promoting omega-3 fatty acids, as well as being loaded with heart-healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats. Even better, researchers at the University of New Mexico found that young men who added a half-cup of walnuts to their daily meal plan experienced significant improvements in their mood over just eight weeks. 


Vitamin D, AKA the sunshine vitamin, can make your disposition a whole lot sunnier too, thanks to its happiness-boosting effects. Luckily, each cup of chanterelles boasts nearly a third of your daily vitamin D, a deficiency in which has been linked to depression and fatigue. While many vitamin D-rich foods are meat- or dairy-based, Mushroom also have the added benefit of being vegan-friendly (and delicious, too). 


Steam up a batch of clams and you’ll be as happy as one in no time. Clams are a surprising source of happiness-promoting, immune-boosting vitamin C, as well as being loaded with more than 1000 percent of your daily vitamin B-12. Considering that a lack of dietary B-12 has been linked to everything from brain fog to depression, there’s no time like the present to gear up for an old-fashioned clam bake. 


Your daily Starbucks habit may be making your bank account sad, but it’s sure to brighten your mood. A 2016 study published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry found that caffeine consumption was inversely correlated with symptoms of depression and anxiety.  


Making lentils a staple on your menu is the first step toward a happier you. Lentils are a good source of anemia-fighting iron and energizing B-6, and they also happen to be a great way for vegans and vegetarians to boost the amount of protein in their diet. Studies have linked high-protein diets to reduced anxiety and depression, so there’s no time like the present to break out your best dal recipe. 

Brown Rice 

The first step on the path toward a happier you could be swapping out some of your favorite gluten-laden carbs for brown rice. Research published in BMC Psychiatry reveals that study subjects who adhered to a gluten-free diet enjoyed relief from their depression and anxiety. Brown rice can also help fight mood-depleting conditions like iron-deficiency anemia, thanks to its healthy helping of iron. 


Have a craving for something sweet? Try grabbing an orange: one of the most popular foods that make you happy. Not only will you satisfy your sweet tooth, you’ll be loading your diet with vitamin C. This vitamin has been linked to reduced anxiety and depression. In fact, a 2016 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found a connection between citrus consumption and depression. Women who consumed two or more servings of citrus daily reduced their risk of depression up to 18 percent. 

Life-Changing Diet Hacks for Weight Loss

Selfies, mood lighting, and more fresh tips that will help you drop pounds. 

Ten years ago, we all thought the secret to weight loss was eating less and moving more—that’s what doctors told us, after all. And that’s true, but there are some secret weight loss tricks that can score you bonus points. 

We now know that everything from our environment and mentality to our stress levels and biology influence the size of our fat cells—and our pants. Thankfully, a pool of forward-thinking experts have made it their mission to devise solutions to counteract newly-discovered weight loss saboteurs—and we’ve brought them right here to your screen. 

Read on to discover these fascinating and effective weight loss tricks you probably haven’t tried before. One of them could be the key to that lifelong flat belly you’ve been looking for.  

Keep a diary 

 And nope, it’s not about keeping a food or workout journal. A recent study revealed that when women who were unhappy with their weight completed a one-time, 15-minute writing exercise about an important personal issue, they went on to lose at least 3 pounds over a three-month period, while their counterparts who wrote about an unimportant topic gained 3 pounds. “Researchers believe that reflecting on values can serve as a buffer to the stress and uncertainty that leads to emotional eating and help in maintaining self-control in difficult situations. To reap the benefits at home, Forberg suggests pulling out a journal, setting the timer, and free-flowing about what’s important to you. “Write as though no one else will read it. Come clean with what’s bugging you. It may surprise and enlighten you. 

Reorganize your plate 

 Most people think of their protein or meat as their meal’s main event, but it’s time to change the way you think. “Place flavorful vegetables front and center on lunch and dinner plates, accompanied by sides of protein and whole grains,” suggests Dietitians. By simply rearranging your plate, you’ll automatically consume fewer calories and take in more health-protective vitamins and nutrients. 

Take a selfie 

It turns out that a picture can be worth a lot of lost pounds. A recent study from a nutrition clinic in Colombia revealed that people who took routine photos of themselves while on a weight loss plan were more likely to finish the plan than the non-selfie snapping participants—and a whopping 71.3 percent met their goal weight. So instead of waiting for that one exciting “After” pic, get snappy with yourself right away and throughout the process. 

Practice self love 

 Beating yourself up over food is a knowledge-behavior gap many unsuccessful dieters fall into. It’s important to try to stop the negative self-talk, says Dietitians. “I often suggest imagining that your desire to overeat is a lovable 5-year-old child. “You don’t want to berate or shame your appetite—that only leads to more dysfunctional eating.” Instead, treat yourself with respect, understanding, and affection, as you would that child.  

Display the grocery store receipt 

 Post your grocery receipt on the refrigerator door. “This visual reminder will help you eat healthy items before they go bad,” says Dietitians. “Cross off the items you’ve eaten so you know what you have left waiting for you. “This is a really effective way to encourage yourself not to let things go to waste. 

Order off the kid’s menu when doing carry out or delivery 

 Over the last two decades, restaurants have grown our portions all out of proportion. And we’d like to believe all restaurants will let you order off the children’s menu while dining in-house, but it’s not always that simple; it really is against some management policies—and you may never even see the mini menu in the first place. To skirt around the awkwardness, order off the kid’s menu when you’re doing carry out or delivery; it’s a great trick at lunch when you can pretend the meal is for your child or someone you’re a nanny for. 

Chant a mantra 

 When it seems near impossible to have the willpower or to not get down on yourself about your efforts, try chanting a mantra that has a personal meaning to you, suggests Jen Comas Keck, personal trainer and Owner of Beauty Lies In Strength. If you’ve been working on your fitness, for example, something like “I feel stronger and healthier every day that passes” may be effective. While some mantras can be almost like yoga phrases, others are rules to live by. 

Listen to music when working out 

 Sure, your time on the treadmill may seem like a great time to catch up on the news and your favorite sitcom, but doing so might make your cardio session less effective. According to a Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology study, fast-paced, motivational music that includes phrases like “push it,” “I believe,” and “work it” can help you move faster and subconsciously motivate you to keep at it, which will supercharge your weight loss progress. 

Do your grocery shopping online 

 “One of the easiest ways to ensure your pantry is stocked with healthy foods is to shop online. I can order everything from gluten-free oats and organic mustard to raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar and have them delivered to my door without rummaging through 10 health-food stores. It has changed my life and has allowed me to use that saved time for taking care of myself.” 

Make one small grocery swap every week 

 Whether you’re shopping online or at your local grocery store, commit to making one healthy swap each week. Always buy a bag of chips as a treat? Leave them on the shelf and pick up one whole-food ingredient you’ve never tried before. “Not only is it good for your body, it’s good for your brain—plus, it will encourage you to get a little creative with your meals. “And who knows, you may find a new ingredient you love!” Some of favorite “risks” include nori (seaweed sheets) and jicama, a juicy and slightly sweet Central American root vegetable that looks like a potato! 

Make healthy food super convenient 

 When we’re in a hurry or about to pass out from hunger, we’re going to grab whatever we can get our hands on first. For this reason, it’s important to make healthy foods like fruits and veggies the most convenient foods in your kitchen to pick up and consume, says Dietitians. Place pre-cut veggies in the front of your fridge, put a bowl with fresh, grab-and-go fruit on your counter and store treats like cookies and chips on a high cupboard shelf so they are out of sight and of mind. Better yet, keep these treats out of your home altogether. This makes giving into a passing temptation—or feeding a rumbling tummy with junk—much more difficult. 

Set a carb curfew 

 If you love pasta, giving up carbs altogether can lead to progress-derailing binges down the line. Not to mention, giving up the food you love is no way to go through life—no matter how badly you want to drop a size. Instead of cutting out carbs totally, give yourself a carb curfew. “If they have a post-dinner snack, they stick to protein-rich, high-fat foods like almonds or 2% milkfat string cheese,” he explains. This is because, he adds, axing carbs at night flips the fat-burning switch by increasing the amount of fat-burning hormones released while we’re asleep. 

Variety is the spice of life. The more variety we have, the more we eat. If you must keep packaged foods like cereal or crackers in the house, limit yourself to one kind. It’ll help you consume it more slowly. 

Mentally binge 

 A recent Science study found that fantasizing about eating an entire packet of your favorite candy before indulging may cause you to eat less of it. For the study, researchers asked participants to imagine eating 3 or 30 M&Ms, and then invited them to help themselves to some of the candies as a “taste test.”  

Pack on the protein 

 In addition to fiber, protein is another important player in the weight loss game because it requires more energy to burn than carbs or fats and thus keeps you fuller longer. In fact, in a study in the journal Appetite, researchers from the University of Missouri compared the satiety effects of high-, moderate-, and low-protein yogurts on 24 to 28-year-old women, and they found Greek yogurt, with the highest protein content, to have the greatest effect. For an added boost of protein and flavor, consider swapping Greek yogurt as a savory ingredient in some of your favorite recipes (it’s easier than you think!) and topping your Greek yogurt with some fresh berries. 

Choose the high top table 

 If you’re noshing at a bar or simply have a tiny urban apartment, eating at a high top doesn’t seem like a big deal. But it’s all those other times it can make a difference. Instead of settling into a big cushy booth, skip the best seat in the house for a scientifically-proven better-for-you-seat at a high top. As it turns out, people with tables deep in the restaurant are 73 percent more likely to order that triple-fudge chocolate cake. Dietitians finds that people at these tall tables are inclined to eat a bit more healthily by ordering more salads and fewer sweets.  

Open the blinds 

 Instead of dragging yourself through the dark to the coffee pot when your alarm goes off, open all the blinds! Studies show that people who get direct exposure to sunlight in the mornings between 8 a.m. and noon reduce their risk of weight gain, regardless of how much they eat. Researchers think it’s because the morning sun helps synchronize your metabolism so you burn fat more efficiently. 

De-Motorize your life 

 Public transit and elevators may save you time, but they also prevent you from burning calories. Research shows that habits, like using a dishwasher rather than washing dishes by hand, using a leaf blower instead of a rake, and taking the elevator instead of the stairs results in the average person burning 111 fewer calories per day. That adds up to a whopping 10 extra pounds a year! The takeaway here is a simple one: de-motorize your life whenever possible—your gut is sure to thank you. 

Redefine what m&m means 

The best M&M ever? Meditation and magnesium. Chronic stress prompts a surge in the “fight or flight” hormone cortisol, which can tear down muscle fiber, impair blood-sugar metabolism, and boost the brain chemical neuropeptide Y, which sparks cravings. To keep cortisol levels down, meditate for 10 to 30 minutes daily. Calming practices normalize cortisol levels and boost levels of the appetite-suppressing hormone serotonin. To boost the benefit further, pop 250 milligrams of magnesium daily. The mineral aids muscle contraction and relaxation and has been shown to boost lipolysis, a process by which the body releases fat from its stores. 

Know the 3-day rule 

 Eating like Gwyneth all week and then turning into the Cookie Monster on the weekend can make you worse off than you might expect. Here’s why taking a “vacation” from your healthy eating is so bad: Only eating unhealthy food for three consecutive days will not only cause you to gain weight and eat more unhealthy calories, but it can also shift your gut microbiota towards the same pattern that has been associated with obesity, revealed a study by Australia’s University of New South Wales. So be sure to keep cheat meals as cheat meals (not days!). 

Never eat if you’re feeling emotional 

 To lose weight, you need to first learn the difference between emotional hunger, which comes on suddenly, and physical hunger, which comes on gradually and is often accompanied by physical cues like a growling stomach. First, realize that although a bad feeling will eventually go away; the calories you consumed while you were feeling down, will not. And the next time you’re feeling emotional, don’t try to mask your emotions or distract yourself. Experts say that truly experiencing your emotions will teach you that it’s possible to tolerate them head-on. Once you’ve done this exercise, it’s time to find a new, healthy coping strategy. Hitting the gym or calling a friend to vent are both solid options. 

Invest in a good water bottle 

 Drinking more water can help fill you up and subsequently consume fewer calories, but if you’re sipping the stuff out of a BPA-laced plastic water bottle, you may be doing your figure a disservice. A 2011 Harvard study found that adults with the highest concentration of BPA in their urine had significantly larger waists and a 75 percent greater chance of being obese than those in the lowest quartile. To aid your weight loss efforts, steer clear of products that may contain BPA in the lining. Also, be particularly leery of plastics that sport a #7 recycling symbol on them—that’s a good indicator that BPA may be present. 

Be careful about your produce 

A similar situation as above holds true for fruits and veggies. If you aren’t eating organic or taking the time to rinse off the pesticides on conventionally grown crops, you could be derailing your valiant weight loss efforts. Research suggests exposure to pesticides may impair metabolism. “They have been shown to poison the mitochondria so it cannot burn fuel. “Fuel that is not burned turns to fat.” 

Dine with a dude 

 It may not surprise you that women eat smaller portions when dining with male company, but what may shock you is the same is true for men with other guys. According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, women ordered items with 15 percent fewer calories when eating with men as opposed to women. Surprisingly, when men sat with other men (think: beer-and-wings night), they also ordered fewer calories—22 percent less, in fact! Researchers say the results speak to unconscious scripts about how men and women think they should behave in each other’s company. 

Try active acts of kindness 

 If you have trouble motivating yourself to move more—which is one of the most effective ways to burn calories—commit to doing one active act of kindness daily. Knowing someone else’s happiness and wellbeing is on the line is a great motivator. Not sure where to start? Return your shopping cart to the store rather than leaving it in the parking lot and log those extra steps, pick up your own coffee instead of asking an intern to grab it for you so you stay moving during the sedentary workday, or give up your seat on the bus or subway so you can actively stand. Every bit of movement can get you one step closer to success! 

Pick Green tea more often 

 We simply adore green tea for several well known reasons.  

Makeover your Netflix and chewing 

 You’re on your fourth episode in your Netflix binge, but this time it’s going to be different. Forget digging your hand into a bag of chips or cookies. To lose weight, make sure you plan your snacks rather than reaching for whatever you feel like in the moment. This is critical because a University of Houston study found that the more TV people watched, the worse their food choices became. Plus, research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that people who eat while distracted eat 10 percent more in one sitting than they would otherwise. 

Switch your cut of meat 

 Next time you find yourself craving a cut of beef, ask your butcher for a sirloin tip side steak instead of the filet mignon. Although the former isn’t naturally as tender as the latter, it’s a very flavorful cut of protein that your taste buds will love. Plus, the swap saves you 132 calories every 3.5-ounce serving to help with your weight loss! Use a chef’s secret and salt your meat for an hour at room temperature before cooking it. The salt draws out the juices of the cut and tenderizes the protein, making it more flavorful and tender. 

Dim the lights before eating 

 Have trouble eating reasonable-sized portions? Try dimming the lights and putting on some soft music. According to a study published in Psychological Reports, soft lighting and music leads noshers to eat less and enjoy their food more. That’s what we call a win-win. 

Use smaller bowls 

Researchers found that people who were given larger bowls served and ate 16 percent more than those given smaller bowls. Take advantage of the visual illusion with belly-friendly mini bowls or ramekins. 

Have soup as an appetizer 

 Eating an appetizer of a broth-based soup or even an apple can reduce total calorie intake over the course of the meal by up to 20 percent, according to a series of “Volumetrics” studies at Penn State. Make sure you grab for the red, not the green, apple—researchers find that red versions are one of the best fruits for weight loss. 

Nix Morning Snacks 

 A recent study found that mid-morning snackers tended to snack more throughout the day than afternoon snackers, resulting in compromised weight loss efforts. Instead of looking for a mid-morning snack, make sure your morning meal is one of High protein meal. 

Take Precautions While Eating if You are in 40s

The best part about being a grown-up is having the freedom to do—and eat—whatever you want. But it’s time to start fueling your body, the right way now that your thirties are here! 

Even if you don’t feel any different than you did in your teens and twenties, the body changes in ways that make it harder to lose weight and remain in good health. To help you age gracefully into a body you’ll want to flaunt no matter how many years go by, the Eat This, Not That! research team dug into the science of aging and nutrition to uncover the foods that should never pass your lips after you’ve celebrated the big 40. Read on to find out which foods to chuck from your pantry, and then learn how to age even more gracefully with the help of these ways to get healthy after 40. 

Flavored yogurt 

Even if you’ve started slathering on the wrinkle cream, no product changes the fact that your skin is beginning to age. After 40, collagen production slows and elastin—the protein that keeps skin firm—begins to break down, causing fine lines to form. Although it’s impossible to stop the aging process, it’s possible to keep your youthful complexion later into life by cutting back on sugar, a nutrient that’s been shown to accelerate wrinkling and sagging. 

Already cutting back on candy and cookies? Don’t assume you’re in the clear. Many sources of the sweet stuff are hiding in less obvious places like bread, ketchup, and flavored yogurts. Dannon’s Fruit on the Bottom flavored yogurt line, for example, has about 22 grams—or an entire day’s worth—of sugar in each 6-ounce container. That’s more sugar than you’d find in an entire pack of Dark Chocolate. 

Calm your sugar cravings by snacking on a sweet piece of fruit. We’re fans of all produce, but bananas are, hands down, one of our favorites.  

Canned soup 

A cutting-edge study by Cambridge University researchers found a connection between high blood pressure and skin aging. Compared to their older-looking counterparts, female study participants with fewer wrinkles also had lower blood pressure. Although the connection between the two issues remains unclear, there’s no harm in cutting back on sodium, a mineral that’s known to raise blood pressure. Not sure how to start scaling back? Head to your pantry and take a hard look at your shelf-stable soups. U.S. guidelines call for less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, but many popular cans carry 40 percent of the day’s recommended salt intake in just one serving. But that’s not the only reason you should stay away from the stuff. Many soup cans are laced with BPA, a chemical that’s been linked to cancer, infertility, and weight gain. Our suggestion: Next time you’re craving something warm and comforting, head to the kitchen and whip up one of these best soups that burn fat instead. 

Pop-Tarts and breakfast pastries 

Put your hands behind your head and step away from the Pop-Tarts—and all of those sugary muffins and scones, too. You’re a grown up now; it’s time to start eating like one. Most sweet a.m. treats pack over a day’s worth of sugar into a standard sized serving that spells trouble if you want to become a parent one day and live to see your kids grow up. Sugary diets cause a slew of health problems, including insulin resistance, which can lead to PCOS, a condition that’s been linked to female infertility. And if you’re lucky enough to start a family despite your diet, your sugar habit may lower the odds you’ll live long enough to see your little one grow up. People who consume between 17 and 21 percent of their daily calories from added sugar have a 38 percent higher risk of dying from heart disease, compared with people who consumed 8 percent or less of their calories from added sugar, according to recent findings. To stay safe, ditch the junk and kick off your day with some of these best breakfast foods for weight loss instead. 

Special Protein Bars 

Fructose, dextrose, glycerin, sorbitol, zinc oxide, whey protein, palm oil. No, that isn’t the recipe for your niece’s Silly Putty, those are just some of the ingredients that go into Special meal replacement bar. Appetizing, right? “While younger folks can get away with skipping breakfast or simply eating a starchy ‘weight loss’ cereal or bar, research suggests that eating 20 to 30 grams of protein at each meal is ideal—especially as we age. Aside from its some ingredients and high sugar count, Special Protein Bars are not-so-special bar only packs 10 grams of protein, which won’t do much in terms of keeping you full and satisfied until lunch. If you typically reach for a bar like this, swap it out for a homemade protein shake. All of these best protein shake recipes are sure to satisfy your tastebuds and help you stay lean and fit for life. 


If you and your spouse are thinking about starting a family, consider soft drinks like Coke and Pepsi your archenemies. The reason? They’re laced with potentially cancer-causing dyes and are the primary source of added sugar in the American diet. And not only does sugar negatively impact ovulation, but it’s also been linked to poorer sperm motility, too. Simply put, sipping the stuff may make it more difficult for you to conceive. 


Whether you like Red Velvet Oreos, the Birthday Cake variety or can’t live without the Mega-Stuff, all of these cookies have one thing in common: They’re filled with empty calories and waist-expanding fat. “When we’re younger, eating healthier seemed pointless when you could just go to the gym 24/7 to lose weight,” says registered dietitians. “Unfortunately, as the body ages, exercise still has plenty of positive benefits, but weight loss is often not one of them.” When it comes to dropping pounds, staying away from calorie-dense, hard-to-put-down snacks like Oreos is key. 

Cocktails and beer 

As we age, the body doesn’t metabolize alcohol as efficiently, and drunk junk food cravings become harder to ignore, warns dietitians. “It’s also increasingly difficult to get a good night’s rest with alcohol in your system. While you may have been able to get away with minimal sleep in your 40‘s, that’s not the case in your 40’s and beyond. Sleepless nights lead to carb and sugar cravings the next day, which can contribute to further weight gain. What’s more, alcohol sucks the moisture out of your skin, which temporarily makes fine lines more noticeable and, over time if you continue to booze, causes the skin to lose elasticity and form wrinkles. 

White bread 

Unless your go-to bread is made with whole grains, consider it a “Not That.” Though you may not think of the popular breakfast carb as a sweet indulgence, the body converts refined carbohydrates into sugar and then glucose, a nutrient that damages collagen and other wrinkle-fighting proteins. What’s more, when it comes to bread, bagels and even pasta, picking whole grains over refined will help keep your blood sugar levels even kneeled, aiding weight maintenance and weight loss, giving you a more youthful figure. 

Veggie burgers 

Finding your first gray hair is a day you’ll never forget. It’s one of those pesky reminders from Mother Nature that you’re a full-blown adult—and an unwelcome one at that. The best way to keep early graying at bay is to ensure you’re getting enough vitamin B12, a nutrient naturally abundantly beef. So unless you’re a vegetarian don’t cut the cow out of your diet. Worried about the fat and calories? Go for grass-fed. It’s naturally leaner than conventionally raised meat and packs higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce the risk of heart disease and turbocharge fat loss. 

Iced coffee 

Drinking a caffeinated beverage out of a straw—how most of us down our daily iced coffee—is a skin-aging double-whammy. During the day, we’re exposed to skin-stressors like UV rays, but while we sleep our cells repair themselves. However, downing too much caffeine can interfere with sleep quality, cutting into this rejuvenation time and prematurely aging the skin. What’s more, researchers have found that repetitive facial movements, like sipping through a straw, can cause fine lines and wrinkles. 

Instead of sucking down your daily iced coffee with skim, sip on hot green tea, which may ward off wrinkles by fighting inflammation and improving the skin’s elasticity. 

Sugar-free snacks 

If you’ve become thicker around the middle since turning 40, it may be a sign that your liver isn’t functioning optimally. Avoiding toxins like artificial sweeteners will help the vital organ work more efficiently, and in turn, slim your middle. To jump-start the detox process, kick foods make with fake sweeteners (like sugar-free gum, candies, and snacks) to the curb. And for more ways to slim your middle, check out these weight loss tricks. 

Produce loaded with pesticides 

Reaching 40 means that you’ve had four decades to accumulate toxins from food, which can negatively affect metabolism and hormone balance, explains Smith. Researchers have also found that men who consume the most pesticides through produce have far fewer motile sperm than guys who’ve eaten the least—not good news if you’re trying to start or expand your family. The most popular produce that has the highest amounts of pesticides and should be organic whenever possible include: apples, strawberries, grapes, celery, peaches, spinach, bell peppers, cucumbers and cherry tomatoes.  


Butter alternatives like margarine are often made with partially-hydrogenated oils, one of the most common trans-fats. You may have heard that this type of fat is linked to heart disease, but what most people don’t know is that it may also accelerate the skin’s aging process by making the skin more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. When the skin gets damaged by the sun, it breaks down the skin’s elastin and collagen. But that’s not all, studies have also found that eating margarine can cause chronic inflammation, which may also accelerate wrinkle formation. 

Healthy Choice Pineapple Chicken 

“When you were younger, you may have been able to starve yourself to drop a quick ten pounds before bikini season, but this is almost impossible once the age ‘odometer’ turns to 40. Not to mention, it’s really unhealthy, ” warns a registered dietitian. Skip the unappetizing microwave diet meals—they tend to lack satiating nutrients like fiber and pack excess salt, sugar (this meal has almost an entire day’s worth of the stuff) and chemical additives your body simply doesn’t need.  


Bad news, bacon lovers: This beloved breakfast food may make your skin start to sag well before your AARP card arrives. The reason: Sixty-eight percent of bacon’s calories come from fat, with almost half of that being the saturated variety. Besides contributing to weight gain and increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke, saturated fats can cause inflammation that accelerates skin aging. Bacon and other processed meats also contain sodium nitrate which, according to a 2013 study published in the journal European Cytokine Network, enhances oxidative stress. 

Oxidative stress can cause structural changes in collagen and elastin (the proteins that keep skin looking young), resulting in premature wrinkles, explains St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology researchers. Luckily, you don’t have to give up bacon altogether to keep your skin smooth. Just switch to a nitrate-free variety with less than 2 grams of fat and no more than 1 gram of artery-clogging saturated fat (like Applegate Natural Good Morning Bacon) and cut yourself off after two slices.  

Skinny coffee drinks 

When it comes to drinks laced with artificial sweeteners, just say no! Researchers say these Frankenfoods confuse our bodies by making us expect calories that aren’t there which interferes with our body’s ability to regulate what we eat. The result is what they call “metabolic derangements” like poor insulin response and elevated glucose levels, which can lead to fat storage and a host of illnesses like metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. “If drinks with artificial sweeteners are a staple of your diet, it’s best to kick the habit to maintain health and prevent diseases throughout the aging process. 

Butter Popcorn 

In it’s purest form, popcorn is a healthy snack filled with energizing whole grains. But like many things, the food industry has managed transformed something wholesome into something harmful to our health. Butter Popcorn, for example, has three grams of artery-clogging trans fat per bag. That’s particularly alarming since the FDA has required trans fats to be removed from foods by 2018. 

Soy sauce 

Puffy, dark circles under the eyes tend to become more pronounced with each passing birthday—and being dehydrated makes matters even worse. To wake up looking refreshed, steer clear of moisture-sucking salty foods like soy sauce (a mere tablespoon of the stuff has a whopping 879 milligrams of sodium) and drink plenty of water. 

Salami and hot dogs 

Meat may be considered the ultimate man food but if you gobble down the wrong kinds, your sperm may pay the price. A 2014 study published in the journal Epidemiology found an association between eating processed meats like salami and hot dogs and lower sperm count. And interestingly enough, the meat’s saturated fat content—a nutrient previous associated with poor sperm quality—wasn’t to blame. The study authors hypothesize that there’s something that happens during processing that’s detrimental to sperm quality—they’re just not quite sure yet what that is. 

Coffee ice cream 

An after-dinner scoop of coffee ice cream—which has the caffeine equivalent to a half-shot of espresso—may have never messed with your sleep before, but once you’re in your 40s, caffeine can take more of a toll on the body. “As we age, our circadian rhythms change, as do our hormones, which can make us more sensitive to caffeine and affect our ability to sleep soundly,” says Smith. What’s wrong with getting a little less sleep? In a recent study of more than 500 participants, researchers found that losing a mere 30 minutes of shut-eye increased their risk of obesity by 17 percent! Yikes! Metabolism slows down as we age, so slacking on shut-eye will only add fuel to the waist-expanding fire.  


With each passing year, the body requires and burns fewer calories. This makes it all the more important to eat reasonable portions as you journey further into adulthood. Sounds easy enough, right? Sure. Until you pick up a bag of Doritos. Everyone knows that when you open a bag, you’re bound to polish it off—and it’s no surprise, really. The recipe for the popular chip was specially designed so that no single flavor overpowers another. When foods lack a dominant flavor, people are less apt to feel full and, in turn, consume more, say researchers. What’s more, one of the first ingredients on the food’s label is monosodium glutamate (MSG), an additive that’s been known to increase appetite and make foods taste more appetizing. With all of these factors working against you, it’s really no wonder you’re defenseless when Doritos come around 

Sports drinks 

Whoever invented the Gatorade Drink—the tradition in which winning sports teams dump coolers of the stuff on their coaches—was really on to something. One scan of the nutrition label and it’s clear: The sports drink is better off seeping into the sidelines than your stomach. Sure, it provides critical post-workout electrolytes, like sodium and potassium, but it also serves up a hearty helping of calories and sugar. And the fact is, you likely don’t need the extra calories and sugar found in the sports drinks—no matter how hardcore your Crossfit or barre class may be. “As we age, our metabolism slows, we’re also less active and more stressed which can change the way that the body metabolizes calories and sugar.” The less sugar you have in your system, the better it is for your abs and overall health 

Coffee creamer 

Coffee creamer and sunblock have more in common than you might think. They both contain titanium dioxide, an ultraviolet radiation blocker that doubles as a whitening agent. Besides lurking in many conventional creamers, it’s also found in seemingly ‘healthy’ bottles like So Delicious’ coconut milk-based varieties. The additive has been proven to cause liver and tissue damage in mice, and may also have health implications in humans, according to a recent review of the chemical. Coffee creamer is also typically packed with trans fats, often hiding under its lesser-known name: hydrogenated oil. Pretty much all of Coffee Mate’s products have this scary ingredient that has been shown to diminish memory in adults under 45 years old. If you’re working hard or don’t want to forget where you parked your car, this is one ingredient you should steer clear of. Need another reason to stay away? Nutritionists say trans fats can cause inflammation, which can exacerbate aches and pains, brought on as the result of a sports injury and aging. 

Best-Ever Weight-Loss Secrets From Thin People

Padma Lakshmi, Maria Menounos, Shaun T. and more tell you how to stay slim—for life! 

Whom would you rather take financial advice from: a money coach or a self-made billionaire? Whose take on love and happiness is most appealing: a friend who’s built a close, successful family, or a marriage counselor who specializes in other people’s dysfunctional relationships? When it comes to getting it done, we trust the people who’ve gotten it done. That’s why, when Eat This, Not That! went in search of the most authoritative ideas on how to lose weight and stay lean, we sought out people who actually do it—people like Maria Menounos, Padma Lakshmi, and Insanity trainer Shaun T., who stay lean all year round, through the fat-trap holidays and the cold, comfort-food-craving nights. 

And we discovered exactly the kind of outside-the-box secrets and strategies you won’t hear from nutrition gurus and weight-loss doctors. Here are the rule-breaking tricks that work for skinny people. Why not join their ranks? 

They’d Rather Be Healthy Than Thin 

Maria Menounos lost 40 pounds. Now she wants to help you get lean and healthy, too, with her new book, The EveryGirl’s Guide to Diet and FitnessSo we asked her for your first tip: “Let’s face it,” she says, “the entire diet industry as well as the messages we get from Hollywood, the media, and pretty much our entire country revolve around weight and size. Lose more pounds. Fit into smaller clothes. Get thin!…The main thing I want to convey, though, is that thin cannot compete with healthy. Health is the most important thing in your life.” 

“Hey, if you can be healthy and thin, then more power to you,” she continues, “but risking everything to be thin is not worth it and makes no sense in the big picture. I know more than a few thin people who are unhealthy. They smoke cigarettes, starve themselves, live on gallons of diet soda and energy drinks, or use drugs or other such unhealthy means to stay thin. As a result, some of them will not live long lives, and those who do may not live quality lives. Many, if not most, are also unhappy. Keep health your goal and it will naturally result in being trim.” 

They Know It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint 

Continues Maria: “When I was forty pounds heavier and decided to lose the weight, I took a long-term, gradual approach. I didn’t have the willpower to go on an extreme diet and drop all the foods I loved. And with work, paying bills, my family and friends and my relationship, I certainly didn’t have the time to exercise two hours a day. It took a year or so, but I lost the forty pounds. Little did I know that slow and steady was not only the most realistic way to lose weight, but also the smartest. It’s the main reason I never gained the weight back… The changes you make in your lifestyle can be slow and gradual and still get you where you want to go!” 

They Drink Tea Every Morning 

“I always start with ginger tea, which is black tea with milk, honey, ginger, and cardamom,” Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi tells Eat This, Not That!, about her breakfast ritual. “Then I’ll have a green juice with kale, beets, mint, apple, carrots, and ginger or a three-egg-white, one-yolk scramble. If I’m hungry, I’ll add half a cup of 1 percent cottage cheese to the eggs.” 

They Take Their Coffee with Heavy Cream
If you’re looking to lose weight, opt for heavy cream in your coffee. Yeah, seriously. “I keep it simple at Starbucks with a plain cup of coffee, and I ask for it with heavy cream—the good stuff that’s kept behind the counter and not out with the milk. “Heavy cream is a healthy fat that helps keep your blood sugar stable between meals and snacks, which means consistent energy and brain power—not to mention, it makes your coffee taste decadent!” Just don’t go too far: A drink like the Starbucks Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha with Whipped Cream (venti, shown above) has more calories and saturated fat than two slices of deep-dish sausage and pepperoni pizza from Domino’s. 

They Crack The Color Code 

 The pigment of produce can provide you with information about its nutritional value. Check out how each of the five different color categories of fruits and vegetables can benefit your health. Then mix and match for a total of five servings every day. One serving equals 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked.
Blues and Purples: Blueberries, blackberries, purple grapes, plums, raisins, eggplant. Benefits: Keep memory sharp and reduce risk of many types of cancer, including prostate cancer
+Greens: Kiwi, honeydew, spinach, broccoli, romaine lettuce, brussels sprouts, cabbage. Benefits: Protect bones, teeth, and eyesight
+Whites: Pears, bananas, mushrooms, cauliflower, onions, garlic. Benefits: Lower LDL cholesterol and reduce risk of heart disease
+Yellows and Oranges: Oranges, grapefruit, peaches, cantaloupe, mangoes, pineapple, squash, carrots. Benefits: Boost immune system and help prevent eye disease
+Reds: Watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, cherries, tomatoes, radishes, red apples. Benefits: Help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and improve blood flow to the heart 

They Play With Squash 

 “Spaghetti squash is a great alternative to pasta,” Shaun T, The Insanity trainer who hosts a new podcast, Trust and Believe, tells Eat This, Not That! “I love pairing it with homemade spaghetti sauce so I feel like I am eating noodles, but am getting a dose of vegetables instead!” 

They Go Wild 

 People who want to cut down on calories, saturated fat, and cholesterol—while still indulging their inner carnivores—might want to play games. No, wait, that’s not it. They say people might want to prey on game. Ah, yes. Meats like ostrich, bison, venison, and elk typically contain as much protein and iron as beef or pork, but have less fat and fewer calories. According to the USDA, while a 90%-lean hamburger may average 10 grams of fat, a comparatively sized buffalo burger rings in at two grams of fat with 24 grams of protein, making it one of the leanest meats around. 

They Pour Pinot Noir 

 Multiple studies have demonstrated that red wines like pinot noir consistently contain the highest levels of resveratrol among wines—and resveratrol has been shown to blast fat. While it has the lightest body and tannins of the classic red grapes, pinot can possess a haunting variety of flavors: berries, cola, tea, mushroom, even hints of barnyard. 

They Crack Open a Guinness 

Pulling significantly ahead of the pack in the Eat This, Not That! Light Beer Taste Test, Sam Adams Light (at 119 calories) was lauded for its discernable nutty flavor and relatively full body. One tester even noted that it “tasted like something I might find in a nice beer garden!” As for what not to drink: Most beers carry fewer than 175 calories, but even your average extra-heady brew rarely eclipses 250. That makes Sierra Nevada’s Bigfoot the undisputed beast of the beer jungle. Granted, the alcohol itself provides most of the calories, but it’s the extra heft of carbohydrates that helps stuff nearly 2,000 calories into each six-pack. For comparison, Budweiser has 10.6 grams of carbs, Blue Moon has 13, and Guinness Draught has 10. Let’s hope the appearance of this gut-inducing guzzler in your fridge is as rare as encounters with the fabled beast himself. 

They Skip This Soda 

Wait… but aren’t all sodas equally terrible? It’s true they all earn 100 percent of their calories from sugar, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still varying levels of atrocity. Despite the perception of healthfulness, fruity sodas tend to carry more sugar than their cola counterparts, and none make that more apparent than the tooth-achingly sweet Sunkist. But what seals the orange soda’s fate on our list of worsts is its reliance on the artificial colors yellow 6 and red 40—two chemicals that may be linked to behavioral and concentration problems in children. 

They Make PB+Js 

…after a workout. The perfect post-weight training repast has about 400 calories, with 20 to 30 grams of protein (to build new muscle) and 50 to 65 grams of carbohydrates (to repair old muscle). Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or a small bowl of pasta with meat sauce fit that formula. Lean meats are a great low-calorie source of protein, and a study in The Journal of Nutrition found that people who ate 125 grams of protein per day were able to lose more weight and had less body fat than those who ate 68 grams per day. 

They Power Up Their Pasta 

 Pasta dishes falter most often not because of an excess of calories, but because of a lack of substantive nutrition. To get more out of red sauce dishes like this, consider adding any of the following ingredients to the mix to power up your next plate of pasta.
8 ounces of grilled or shredded rotisserie chicken
8 ounces of sliced button or cremini mushrooms added to the pan along with the onions and garlic at the beginning of cooking
8 cups of baby spinach in place of the basil, stirred in with the pasta and sauce at the final moment until just wilted 

They Know Organic Isn’t Healthy 

When it comes to packaged and processed foods, “organic” does not equal “healthy.” As Michael Pollan quips in his “eater’s manifesto,” In Defense of Food, “Organic Oreos are not a health food”—they’re still heavily processed cookies filled with fat and sugar, and your body metabolizes organic fat and sugar the same way it does conventional. In fact, some clever companies use organic as a marketing smoke screen, only to load up a cup of yogurt or a box of crackers with unhealthy amounts of organic high-fructose corn syrup (yes, HFCS made from organic corn fits under the FDA guidelines for organic). 

They Never Buy Bottled Spices 

 What all those TV chefs say is true: You should try to refresh your spice cabinet as often as possible—at least once a year. Over time, spices’ essential oils fade, and with them goes the flavor you’re looking (and paying) for. So what’s a savvy cook to do, pay $6 for a bottle of star anise you’re only going to use twice a year? Absolutely not. Instead, shop at stores like Whole Foods and ethnic markets where you can buy all your spices from bulk containers that allow you to choose the amount. Fifteen grams of fat-blasting cardamom or cumin or coriander will cost you about a quarter of what a normal supermarket charges for a small bottle and will last you the better part of a year. Plus, high turnover ensures you’re getting potent spices—not something that’s been sitting on a shelf since Reagan left office. 

They Choose The Right Cut 

 This is consistently one of the most expensive cuts of beef, but all you’re buying is a little bit of tenderness. In fact, tenderloin isn’t a particularly flavorful steak. So why does it cost so much? Because there aren’t many tenderloin steaks on a cow, and because demand from diners looking for beef that cuts like butter tends to be high. Switch to skirt or flank steak instead. They’re both lean cuts that pack far more rich, deep, beefy flavor. Marinate for at least 4 hours in a 50/50 solution of balsamic vinegar and soy and you’ll have a steak you can cut with a spoon. Most importantly, it will cost you about half of what you would pay for that tenderloin. Remember this next time you’re at the steakhouse, too. 

They Don’t Need Fancy Crackers 

Old-school as they are, Triscuit is a cracker as a cracker should be: whole wheat with a touch of oil and salt. That gives you all the fiber and flavor you need to satisfy a snack craving. For more substantial hunger pangs, try dipping them in peanut butter or guacamole.  

They Don’t Just Count Calories 

 Calories fuel our bodies, right? Actually, they don’t. A calorie is simply a unit of measure for heat; in the early 19th century, it was used to explain the theory of heat conservation and steam engines. The term entered the food world around 1890, when the USDA appropriated it for a report on nutrition, and its definition evolved. The calorie we now see cited on nutrition labels is the amount of heat required to raise 1 kilogram of water by 1°C. Here’s the problem: Your body isn’t a steam engine. Instead of heat, it runs on chemical energy, fueled by the oxidation of carbohydrates, fats, and protein that occurs in your cells’ mitochondria. “You could say mitochondria are like small power plants. “Instead of one central plant, you have several billion, so it’s more efficient.” Your move: Track carbohydrates, fats, and protein—not just calories—when you’re evaluating foods. 

They Divide And Dine 

 Until all restaurants become BYOP (bring your own plate), you’ll need to shrink your serving in a different way: When your entrée arrives, dive in and eat half, then wait at least 10 minutes before coming out for round two. While you chat and sip water, your stomach will have a chance to digest and decide whether you’ve had enough—no matter what the plate’s saying. 

They Go For 100 

Be small-minded about snacks. In an experiment at the Cornell University food and brand lab, researchers gave study participants either a single bag containing 100 Wheat Thins or four smaller bags holding 25 Thins each, waited for the munching to subside, then did a cracker count. The tally: Those given the jumbo bag ate up to 20 percent more. Outsmart your snack habit by sticking with the tiny 100-calorie packs now being used for everything from Doritos to Goldfish. 

They Work The Perimeter 

Supermarkets are designed like casinos: clockless and nearly windowless expanses flooded with artificial light and Muzak, places where time stands still. Casinos force guests to navigate a maze of alluring gambling opportunities before they reach essential destinations: restaurants, bathrooms, exit doors. Same goes for the supermarket: The most essential staple foods—produce, bread, milk, and eggs—are placed in the back and along the perimeter of the supermarket to ensure that customers travel the length of the store—and thus are exposed to multiple junk-food temptations along the way. work the perimeter, and only dip into the middle when necessary. 

They Check Themselves Out 

 Impulse purchases drop by 32.1 percent for women—and 16.7 percent for men—when they use the self-checkout aisle, according to a study by IHL Consulting Group. Eighty percent of candy and 61 percent of salty-snack purchases are impulse buys. 

They Come Prepared 

 The prepared-foods section of grocery stores has grown in recent years as consumers demand more quick, low-cost alternatives to restaurant meals. One QSR survey found that 64 percent of people had purchased a ready-to-eat meal from a supermarket in the previous month, and experts estimated that the sector would grow to $14 billion by the end of 2011. Unfortunately, markups can be steep and nutrition is scarcely a concern for supermarkets looking to maximize profits. Your best bet on a busy night? A rotisserie chicken—healthy, versatile. 

They Scan For New Brands 

As with the music and movies, sometimes the best stuff is the most obscure. Not only can bigger manufacturers afford bet 

To the food’s caloric content, that is, when choosing frozen meals. Coming up with exact calorie counts for full dinners is trickier than averaging out what you’ll get from a serving of a single food, like a cereal or a soda. And since packagers want to look as nutritionally appealing as possible, they’re likely to err on the low side: When Tufts University researchers looked at 10 frozen supermarket meals, they found that the calorie counts reported by the food companies averaged 8 percent less than the researchers’ nutritional analyses. 

They Drink Away Heart Attacks 

Visceral fat around your internal organs unleashes compounds within your body that cause inflammation and higher triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels—the bad stuff that leads to heart disease and stroke. So, how do you start reaping all these benefits? Remember that almost all sodas, bottled teas, energy drinks, sports drinks, juice drinks, and “vitamin” waters contain sugar. Your goal is to replace these spare-tire-pumping potations with lean liquids.
So, what should you be drinking?
+Water. You’ll burn more calories and boost overall energy and concentration. Keep a pitcher by your bed and at your desk, and you’ll drink up naturally.
+Coffee. But not the sweet, syrupy specialty drinks. Coffee can rev up your metabolism in moderation, but gourmet coffee drinkers consume 206 more calories on average than folks who drink regular joe.
+Tea. It not only contains antioxidants that may help protect against heart disease and cancer, but also is nearly calorie free, as long as you don’t fall for the sugary kind.
+Milk. About 73 percent of the calcium in the American food supply comes from dairy foods, and calcium is critical for fending off weight gain and keeping bones and muscles healthy. 

They Shop on Wednesdays 

Most people leave their grocery shopping for Saturday or Sunday mornings, when the supermarket looks more like a ravaged battlefield than a center of commerce. Consider making midweek evening runs, instead. According to Progressive Grocer, only 11 percent of Americans shop on Wednesdays, and on any given day, only 4 percent shop after 9:00 p.m. So if you’re shopping at, say, 9:00 p.m. on a Wednesday, you’re able to get in and out quickly, which means you’ll spend less time fighting impulse items in both the aisles and at the checkout line. As a bonus, you’ll free up your Saturday morning for something more enjoyable, like cooking a healthy breakfast. 

They Push a Cart 

Pushing a shopping cart instead of carrying a basket may help you make smarter supermarket choices. A study published in the Journal of Marketing Research found that, all other things being equal, the strain of carrying a basket made shoppers more likely to reach for quick-grab impulse items—like the crackers and chips concentrated at eye level in the aisle. If you’re lugging around a heavy basket, you’re not taking the time to read labels and reach for more nutritious foods. 

They Read Between the Lines 

Take two popular menu items: A Carrot Walnut Muffin or the Chocolate Croissant. Which one’s healthier? Surely your health-conscious conscience jumps at the thought of starting your day with carrots and walnuts, yet the truth is fuzzier. Au Bon Pain’s healthy-sounding muffin offering packs 540 calories—plus 7 grams more fat, double the carbs (73 g vs. 34 g), and the four times the sugar of a 300-calorie Starbucks Chocolate Croissant! Remember, “muffin” is just a way to get you to eat cake for breakfast. Best Defense: Find the unhealthiest word on any menu item, and let that be your guide. After all, the calorie count of a fish fry is not about the fish, it’s about the fry. 

They Avoid ‘Low-Carb’ 

Anything “low” in one thing is usually high in something else. Consider Applebee’s Low Carb Breakfast Bowl, which is super low-carb but starts your day with 52 grams of fat—nearly an entire day’s worth. This 660-calorie meal is like dumping an entire farm’s worth of animals into one heart-stopping combination of eggs, sausage, bacon and cheese. Their Ham, Egg & Cheese Biscuit won’t make Dr. Atkins happy, but it will save you 210 calories and 28 grams of fat. Eat for balance. Don’t be fooled by eating only “low-carb” or “low-fat.” 

They Don’t Call Snacks ‘Meals’ 

Your restaurant may call it a “snack,” but your dietician would call it “dinner.” Earlier last year, Dunkin’ Donuts made headlines after calling a 660-calorie bacon ranch chicken sandwich a “snack,” part of a rebranding campaign—”We’re not moving into lunch,” the CEO told AP. “We’re in snacking.” (With a snack like that, who’d need lunch?) Meanwhile, Arby’s offers a “Snack and Save” menu with alleged snacks like the 550-calorie Crispy Onion Mighty Minis, which also come with 30 grams of fat and half a day’s sodium. Snack, but snack healthy. An Advances in Nutrition journal study found that nutritious snacks promote weight loss. The key word there is nutritious. Fruit and nuts are snacks, but two mini onion burgers? Not so much. A good snack is in the 100-250 calorie range. All of these filling snacks under 100 calories are safe bets. Pick two of them to hit the nutritional mark. 

They Recognize Salad Decoys 

Restaurants have discovered a brilliant way to get you to order cheaper, more caloric food—they give you the option to order something else. It’s called “decoy marketing” in the restaurant trade. The idea is that punctuating a menu with healthy items like salads gives customers permission to order larger, junkier, more caloric meals than they would otherwise. A University of Chicago Press Journals study demonstrated how this worked; researchers saw French fries orders increase when salad was also an option. It’s a phenomenon experts have dubbed “vicarious goal fulfillment.” In other words, by simply acknowledging a healthy option, diners feel they have satisfied their dietary goals and can order whatever they want. Remind yourself before you look at the menu that you’re on a mission to eat well. Remember that a burger has the same calorie count whether it’s next to the spring salad or the spring lamb. 

They Stay On Top of Toppings 

When a restaurant chain makes its mark serving massive slabs of fat and calories, even their attempts at “lite” foods can be corrupted by an instinct to slather and garnish. Take, for example, Ruby Tuesday’s Avocado Grilled Chicken Sandwich. How bad could this be? Well, by serving you a jumbo portion and topping it with bacon, Swiss and mayonnaise, the chain has built a 1,311-calorie monster with 2,833 mg of sodium and 64 grams of fat. So customize it. If you like the sound of a grilled chicken avocado sandwich, then ask them to serve you exactly that—and maybe ask for a little mayo on the side. 

They Make Sure Grilled Means Grilled 

“Grilled” chicken at your local chain may be healthier than the breaded and fried option, but it’s nowhere near as healthy as the same version made on your own backyard grill. Most restaurants use a “grill” that’s actually a griddle—basically a giant frying pan, which requires a generous oil slick to prevent sticking; often it’s the bacon fat saved from breakfast. If you’re on a strict diet and “flame grilled” options aren’t available, ask for your food to be prepared to your liking. Best Defense: Ask if “grilled” means “flame grilled.” If not, ask for it broiled, which will give you a similar effect—with less of the grease. 

They’re Wary Of Au Natural 

Wendy’s Natural-Cut Fries are promoted as a healthy alternative to typical fries—the chain’s website boasts that they’re “naturally cut from whole Russet potatoes” and seasoned with “a sprinkle of sea salt.” But there’s more to it than that. A quick skim through Wendy’s ingredient statement is all it takes to expose these fraudulent spuds. They contain preservatives, added sugars, and hydrogenated oil. Last we checked, there was nothing remotely natural about infusing vegetable oil with hydrogen. Technically, Wendy’s isn’t lying when it says that these fries are “natural-cut.” But it makes one wonder: What would be the unnatural way to cut a potato? Understand that the word “natural” does not mean “organic” or “no additives” or, in fact, anything, either in the restaurants or the supermarkets. Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and Frito-Lay have all faced lawsuits over their use of the term. 

They Sometimes Skip the Veggies

In order to satisfy their need to offer nutritious-sounding foods, many restaurants put veggie sandwiches on the menu. Yet in more than a few cases, you’re better off opting for red meat. At Quiznos, a large Veggie Guacamole Sub (served with heapings of mozzarella and cheddar) weighs in at 1,060 calories and an insane 2,210 mg of sodium. That’s 80 calories more than their Double Swiss Prime Rib! Remember: It’s all about the toppings. Remember that even a healthy dish can be drowned in a sea of bad calories. 

They Speak French 

“Mise en place” (pronounced meez a plas) is the fancy French phrase that basically means “have all your ingredients ready before you start cooking.” For serious cooks, it’s not just a suggestion, it’s a religion. Nowhere is that dictum more essential than with stir-frying. Mince, dice, and chop your way through all the vegetables and proteins you’ll need, then arrange on a plate or cutting board in the order you’ll need them. Have sauces and condiments measured out. And, most importantly, always have salt and pepper at arm’s length. This way, you’ll reduce bloat by keeping sodium counts on track. 

They Add Umami 

Salty, sour, sweet, bitter.. .umami? Considered the fifth main flavor group, umami can best be described as an intense savory flavor found in tomatoes, mushrooms, Parmesan, and more. The Japanese in particular prize umami, and many of their staples contain big doses of it, from soy sauce to dried seaweed to miso paste. A good rule of thumb: The more umami in your food, the better it will taste. 

They Hurry With Curry 

At the heart of Indian curry powder is one of the world’s most potent elixirs: curcumin, an antioxidant known to fight cancer, inflammation, bacteria, cholesterol, and a list of other maladies—large and small—too long to publish here. Curcumin resides in turmeric, the bright yellow spice that gives curries their characteristic hue. Don’t limit the healing powers to recipes like this, though. Stir curry powder into yogurt for a vegetable dip, slip it into mayonnaise for a powerful sandwich spread, or rub directly onto chicken or white fish before grilling. 

They’re Wrap Artists 

Koreans love to use large lettuce leaves to house grilled meats, rice, kimchi, and sauces. In fact, it could be anything: grilled steak, pork loin, chicken chunks, even grilled vegetables. It’s like eating a delicious burrito for a quarter of the calories.  

They Use a Secret Weapon: Harissa 

The hot sauce of choice in Northern African is a fiery red paste made from piri piri chiles, garlic, and, depending on who’s making it, a variety of spices like cumin and coriander. As addictive as the burn may be, it’s also good for you: Research has shown that capsaicin—the chemical in chiles that gives them fire—actually increases metabolism. Mix with yogurt and use as a dip, a sandwich spread, or a meat marinade; stir into curries or stir-fries. 

They Blend Plant-Protein Smoothies 

Bryan Wilson, a 29-year-old accountant was a test panelists for Zero Belly Diet, the new book from Eat This, Not That! creator David Zinczenko, lost 19 pounds and an astounding 6 inches from his waist in just six weeks on the program, and he attributes his success to the Zero Belly shake recipes. “I love the shakes. I added them to my diet, and almost immediately I lost the bloat,” Bryan said. “I’m a sweet craver, and the shakes were an awesome alternative to bowls and bowls of ice cream I would have had.” 

Protein drinks are great ways to get a monster dose of belly-busting nutrition into a delicious, simple snack. But most commercial drinks are filled with unpronounceable chemicals that can upset our gut health and cause inflammation and bloat (Don’t believe it? And the high doses of whey used to boost protein levels can amplify the belly-bloating effect. The Zero Belly solution: Try vegan protein, which will give you the same fat-burning, hunger-squelching, muscle-building benefits, without the bloat. 

They Take a Walk Before Breakfast 

Zero Belly Diet panelist Martha Chesler did just this as part of her Zero Belly program, and the results were astonishing. “I saw changes immediately,” she reports. In less than six weeks on the program, Martha dropped over 20 pounds and an astonishing 7 inches from her middle by combining the Zero Belly Foods with a pre-breakfast walk.This easy a.m. ritual works on two levels. First, a recent study found that exposure to sunlight in between the hours of 8 am and noon reduced your risk of weight gain regardless of activity level, caloric intake, or age. Researchers speculate that the morning light synchronizes your metabolism and undercuts your fat genes. 

They’re Never Thirsty 

“Since thirst is often mistaken for hunger, I never go anywhere without a bottle of water,” says a Chef. “I also always carry a healthy snack. Walnuts and low-sugar protein bars are two of my go-tos. These tactics have helped me maintain my 70-pound weight loss. 

They Need Their Cheese 

“My philosophy on healthy eating is to enjoy everything in moderation,” says Fabio Viviani, chef and Top Chef alum. “For instance, I love cooking with fresh herbs and spices instead of heavier cheeses and butter, but I can’t live without my favorite Grana Padano Cheese. Cooking and eating should be fun; add your own personality, flavor and twist to it, but make sure it aligns with your lifestyle.” 

And Their Champagne! 

“I’ve always been a big believer in balance: Train hard, work hard and live hard—and sometimes that involves a bit of bubbly,” says Dan Roberts, author of the fashion model workout, Methodology X. “Indulging once and while in a bit of something that’s bad for your health is often extremely good for the soul!”  

They Have a Carb Curfew

Though starchy and sugary carbs—like quinoa, potatoes and fruit— aren’t totally off limits, participants on Extreme Weight Loss never consume them after dark. “For dinner, contestants always have a high-protein, high-fat meal with plenty of fibrous veggies,” trainer Chris Powell tells us. “If they have a post-dinner snack, they stick to protein-rich, high-fat foods like almonds or 2% milk-fat string cheese,” he explains. This is because, he adds, axing carbs at night flips the fat burning switch by increasing the amount of fat burning hormones released while we’re asleep 

They Are Ready for Everything 

We asked Chris Powell to tell us his number one diet tip. His response: Basically, meal prep is everything. “Prep your meals in advance, and always have ready-to-eat healthy snack foods with you,” he suggests. Chris and his Extreme Weight Loss participants bulk-prep their proteins (chicken, turkey, fish) and starches (potatoes, whole-wheat rice and noodles) every four days and store them in plastic containers. This prep allows them to grab healthy eats quickly before they leave the house. “We always carry protein powder with us,” he says about snacks, adding, “You’ll never catch us without almonds in our bags! They’re filled with healthy, satiating fats and protein and don’t need to be refrigerated, so they’re really easy.” 

They Keep It Clean 

“Whether you have ten pounds to lose or 100, the first thing you should do is create an environment for success. That requires removing all temptation from your kitchen. “Collect all of the processed, sugary and fatty foods from your house, and bring them to a local food bank for donation. Then restock your kitchen with healthy groceries—real, natural, whole foods—like fresh fruits and vegetables, almonds and lean proteins like turkey, chicken, fish and eggs. 

They Put Down the IPad 

With laptops, smartphones, and iPods aplenty, we’ve become accustomed to round-the-clock entertainment. But your mealtime may be one time of day we should fight our addiction to amusement. Researchers at the University of Birmingham found that diners who were distracted at mealtime consumed significantly more unhealthy snack foods later on than those who paid close attention to what they ate. One possible explanation: When you don’t pay attention to the meal you’re eating, your brain doesn’t fully register the experience. That leaves you less satisfied and more vulnerable to overeating. 

Learn to Take a Joke 

A 2006 study in the International Journal of Obesity found that laughing for 10 to 15 minutes each day can help you burn up to 10 calories, depending on your body size and the intensity of your laughter. That may not sound like much, but there’s also been plenty of research linking happy people to all-around healthier lifestyles, and you, my friend, have an excuse to make @midnight part of your daily diet routine. 

Myths About Sleep That Are Keeping You Up at Night


In tough times like these, it can be challenging to rest easy. So it makes sense if you find your mind racing before bed or you wake up in the middle of the night after a fitful sleep. But your lack of sweet dreams may, in fact, be because you’re falling for a few of the worst sleep myths. 

For something we spend about a third of our lives actively doing, we understand astonishingly little about sleep. The internet is flooded with all sorts of erroneous information about how long we should snooze, how to sleep effectively, and how certain lifestyle choices such as diet impact the quality of our Z’s. But don’t worry, we’re here to set the record straight. With the help of some top-notch sleep scientists, we’ve compiled the 25 biggest sleep whoppers (and, crucially, the reasons why they’re so wrong). 

Insomnia is physical, rather than mental. 

We often think that not being able to sleep is solely the result of physical issues—too much caffeine or sugar, for instance. But this is just a silly notion among sleep myths. The reality is that being unable to sleep is usually the result of being unable to quiet our minds—an issue many of us are struggling with right now, during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“Sleep is all about calming our brains—which means worry is sleep enemy number one for most “As we implement natural ways to slow our brains and improve our sleep by altering our environment, be patient in finding a good combination of schedule, room darkness, temperature, and comfort that works for you.”  

Our brains “shut off” during sleep. 

We go through four or five cycles of changing brain activity during a typical night—moving between slow activity rates in deep sleep to high activity during dreaming (when brain activity is comparable to being fully awake). 

So while it is obvious to stay away from stimulants before bedtime that will keep our brains humming, it is also good to avoid depressants that interfere with the needed cycling of brain activity. 

Snoring is common and nothing to worry about. 

Snoring is an annoyance to your partner, but it can be more serious, too. According to the National Sleep Foundation, snoring (especially frequent, loud snoring) may be a symptom of sleep apnea, “which can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and cause daytime sleepiness and impaired performance.” 

Narcolepsy means you fall asleep randomly during the day. 

Narcolepsy is perhaps the most misunderstood condition. The goofy depictions we see of the disorder on television shows and the like, where the person is giving a presentation or having a conversation and falls asleep snoring mid-sentence, doesn’t really capture the reality of narcolepsy. 

In fact, narcolepsy is the result of not getting enough quality sleep, where the line between sleep and waking is blurred. While that can mean you fall asleep during the day, it is just as often manifested as general sleepiness throughout the day, or in other ways such as cataplexy (loss of muscle control) or sleep paralysis (inability to speak when waking up or falling asleep).  

You can “catch up” on sleep. 

We’ve all had those intense weeks of work (or crazy vacation weekends) where we’ve stayed up until the sun comes up and had to function the next day. While we can get away with this every now and again, making a habit of it can be trouble. One of the most common sleep myths is thinking that we can function with little sleep for a while, then “catch up,” in the long term, but your body doesn’t really work that way. 

“Your body needs consistency and the less sleep you get the more you disrupt yourself hormonally. “When you don’t sleep enough your body assumes some sort of trauma must be going on as there’s no reason to be awake when you should be sleeping.” 

This raises one’s stress hormones (primarily cortisol) and can cause plenty of trouble. “A little of this is not bad but chronic secretion of it can lead to a wide variety of horrible diseases and conditions. 

You don’t need a sleep routine. 

Bedtime isn’t just for kids. When it comes to sleeping, having a routine is key. 

“You need to create a wind-down routine at least an hour out from sleeping so your body recognizes that sleep is coming. “Your body needs balance so it means going to bed the same time each night and sticking with it. The problem is we tend to stick with it through the week and then it goes to hell on the weekend, and it can take days to get back on track. By the time you do, it’s almost the weekend again and the whole cycle can start over. You need to be committed to it day in and day out.” 

Alcohol is a good sleep aid. 

We’ve all felt the drowsiness that comes over us after a few beers or glasses of wine. But while it’s tempting to think this makes alcohol a useful sleep aid, it’s far from it. A yoga instructor and sleep and wellness expert, “[alcohol] may assist in helping an individual fall asleep, but it also interferes with what is considered ‘quality’ sleep.” 

Alcohol causes “REM sleep fragmentation,” during which REM stage sleep is either shortened or extended, causing a disruption in the overall sleep pattern of the individual.  

Your sleep patterns remain the same through most of your life. 

“The amount of sleep you need changes throughout your life. “While pregnant or when dealing with an illness, more sleep is beneficial. Some people are okay with six hours of sleep. It matters what makes you feel good and well rested.”  

Bedtime is when you disconnect from your day. 

We often think going to bed is when we should leave our day and its ups and downs behind us, falling into comforting sleep. But to effectively calm your mind, reviewing your day, and particularly what went well, can have a positive effect on your sleep and mental fitness. 

“Make a daily gratitude list before bed by writing down 10 things you are grateful for. “Anything from your family, legs to walk on, or reality TV. Focusing on what is good in your life as opposed to what is going wrong with your life calms you down before going to sleep.” 

She also advises reading affirmations every night, ending the day with a positive note that helps “catch some rest with less worry.” 

As you get older, you don’t need as much sleep. 

Sure, some adults might get up at 4:30 every morning, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need a full night’s sleep. 

“While your body requires less sleep as you get older, that doesn’t mean you should be sleeping for only four or five hours a night. 

She points to a study published in Sleep Health: The Journal of the National Sleep Foundation, which recommended that newborns get 14 to 17 hours of sleep each night while adults ages 18 to 64 should get seven to nine hours each night 

Pressing snooze will help you get more rest 

Pressing that snooze button is incredibly satisfying in the moment, but, contrary to popular belief, you are not actually gaining quality sleep. 

“The snooze button will actually make you feel more tired. “It wakes you from a deep part of your sleep cycle each time you doze off, causing you to feel groggy.” In the long run, a snooze-pressing habit will eat into your ability to get a deep sleep and the rest you need. 

The best sleep comes before midnight. 

“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise” has plenty of adherents, it’s not necessarily true for everyone. If you find that 1 a.m. or later feels like the best time for you to sleep, there is nothing wrong with trusting your gut. 

“What’s most important is that people time their sleep in accordance with their own body clock, by going to bed when [they feel] sleepy. “For some people this means going to bed at midnight or later, and if they try to go to sleep earlier they won’t sleep well.” 

Sleeping more than eight hours is excessive. 

Again, it depends on who you are and how much sleep your body needs. Any other tidbits of information are likely one of the many sleep myths. 

“Sleep need is very individual, and some normal healthy adults do best with nine hours nightly. “Anything less than the amount of sleep you need can result in impaired mood, driving, and cognitive abilities.” 

You must get a minimum of eight hours of sleep. 

Of course, the reverse is also true. If you are someone who functions at top form with just four or five hours of sleep, more power to you. According to The Wall Street Journal, a number of studies have found that seven hours may be the optimal amount of sleep timeSo stop sweating it if you aren’t getting a full eight hours. 

You need an alarm clock. 

Turns out, alarm clocks shouldn’t dictate the amount of rest you get. Someone who is getting just the right amount of sleep usually wakes up without needing any prodding. An alarm is an artificial, and potentially damaging, contrivance. 

“If you are awoken by an alarm, you haven’t gotten enough sleep. “You can move your bedtime earlier or wake time progressively later until you wake refreshed on your own.” 

Watching TV before bed winds you down. 

Ever wonder how you can binge-watch your favorite Netflix shows until dawn? Well, it’s because TV actually activates the mind and keeps you awake. Exposure to the blue light of the screen can disrupt a person’s natural circadian rhythm and make it more difficult both to fall asleep and stay asleep. “Instead, you may feel energized due to the increase in endorphins. 

The same is true of computers and eBooks. In one study, “participants reading an eBook took longer to fall asleep and had reduced evening sleepiness”—as well as reduced alertness the following day—than when they read a printed book. You will also want to avoid staring at your phone. 

Light exposure doesn’t really matter. 

Similar to the effect TV and computer screens can have on your circadian rhythms, so too does the light in your home. “It is best to be in dim light conditions for the hour or more before bed. “It is also important to get bright light in the morning for 30 minutes, plus bursts of light every couple hours throughout the day.” 

Bedtime is more important than the time you wake up. 

While consistency and routine make all the difference in effective sleep habits, your bedtime is actually less important than the time you wake up. 

“Wake time is the anchor of your biological clock,” says Breus. “So if you wake up at 6:30 a.m. during the week, you need to wake up at the same time on the weekends.” Breus adds that going to bed earlier on some nights, when you feel exhausted, can also throw off the circadian clock. 

Tiring yourself out is a good way to fall asleep. 

While a regular workout routine is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, you should not exercise late at night. “Working out before bed actually does not often tire you out. Breus recommends exercising no later than four hours before you go to sleep. 

Spicy food gives you nightmares. 

Your friends have probably joked at some point about how an intense meal they had gave them scary dreams. If they were having nightmares, it probably wasn’t the habanero. 

“The fact of the matter is, there has never been a study that has proven a correlation between spicy foods and nightmares. “It’s more likely that eating these foods before bedtime might simply upset your stomach.” 

Food has little impact on your sleep habits. 

While what you eat might not give you nightmares, that is not to say that it has no impact on your sleep behavior whatsoever. 

“Lettuce, which contains high levels of potassium, necessary for a healthy nervous system, is a high producer of calcium and magnesium (the key ingredients in keeping the body asleep for longer). He adds that kiwi is another food that has been found (by researchers at Taipei Medical University) to improve the quality of sleep for those suffering from insomnia. “Participants fell asleep faster, stayed asleep for longer, and had a more peaceful and rejuvenating sleep compared to the study’s control group.” 

The most important thing is how long you sleep. 

It’s a classic case of quality over quantity: The hours you sleep are far less important than the quality of the sleep you are getting overall. Research has found that interrupted sleep is worse for a positive mood than a shorter amount of sleep, debunking one of the most pervasive sleep myths. 

“Melatonin is the hormone naturally produced by the body that makes us feel sleepy, and keeps us asleep. “It’s called the ‘Dracula hormone’ because it only comes out at night—for that reason, it’s best to dim the lights a couple of hours before bedtime and turn off electronics.” 

Weekends are times to throw out your sleep routine. 

“People tend to sleep on a regular schedule during the weekdays and then go to bed late and get up late during the weekends. “This irregular pattern during the weekends prevents your body from getting into a good circadian rhythm.” 

If you can’t fall asleep, keep trying. 

There is nothing worse than waking up at 2 a.m. and staring at the ceiling, hoping to eventually drift off. Next thing you know, half the night has passed, and you’re just getting more frustrated. 

Instead of waiting for sleep to come, Hendon recommends that restless sleepers “should just get up and do something else for a bit until they get sleepy again. This then allows their brain to better associate going to bed with actually going to sleep.” 

An average healthy person should be able to fall asleep within 20 minutes. “If you still feel restless after 30 minutes, do not force it! Staring at the clock will not help. Something in the environment or your mind is keeping you stimulated,” he says. “Read a book or take a warm bath to relax. If you feel anxious, remove your worries from your mind by writing them down.” 

Never wake a person who is sleepwalking. 

Among sleep myths, one persists: waking a sleepwalker will lead them to have a heart attack or enter a coma. This is nonsense. While there are rare cases when a sleepwalker might get themselves into trouble, generally they just need to be led back to bed where they can wake up on their own. 

Likewise, for parents out there, waking a child from a night terror is not going to harm your kid. Night terrors is a sleep disorder (not to be confused with nightmares), most common in children, that typically occurs during the first hours of stage 3-4 non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. 

“It does not hurt a child to be woken during an episode of night terrors, although it can be a difficult task. “The trick with night terrors is to wake the child before they occur [about an hour to 90 minutes into the sleep cycle], which stops the cycle and can actually prevent the child from experiencing them.” 

Health Mistakes You Need to Stop Making After 40

It’s time to face reality: you’re no longer a spring chicken, so it’s time to stop acting like one. 

If you’re seeing this, congrats! You made it past 40! Now keep reading this story so you can make it to 80 and beyond. We asked the country’s top doctors, nutritionists, and mental health professionals how you can optimize yourself and live happier, healthier and longer than ever. Click through to discover how. 

Be Aware of Hormonal Factors 

It’s hard not to notice the changes our bodies go through, but the underlying causes might not be so obvious. “We can experience hormonal changes as we get older, which can change the way food is metabolized and the way our bodies use and produce energy,” says Nutritionist. “As a result, it can be a frustrating reality for many when they notice more fat around their middle (especially for women). 

Out Mantra: Come to terms with the fact that your body simply does not process food the same way and commit to a mindful lifestyle in which you’re able to make healthier choices. 

Balance Your Blood Sugar 

It’s not an exact science, but changes in mood, energy or sleep can signify that your blood sugar might be out of whack. “It’s important that we’re eating consistently for blood-sugar balancing which is really the key [to staying fit in your forties]. The fat that tends to collect around the midsection is all about blood sugar and cortisol levels. 

Out Mantra: A good way to stabilize things is to avoid the blood sugar spikes and crashes caused by empty carbs like white bread and pasta.  

You’re Likely Over Caffeinated 

Chances are it’s not the first time you’ve been told to scale back on the coffee, but it’s about time to do it! “For caffeine, I’d suggest about one glass per day. Depending on what you’re having, that’s between 35-80 mg per day, but really no more than that. “Also know that decaf does not mean caffeine-free.” Too much caffeine can cause insomnia, irritability and, when used as a quick fix for an energy dip rather than reaching for whole foods, you rob your body of a chance to fuel itself properly, which won’t fix the underlying fatigue. 

Fuel Energy Dips With Whole Food—Not Junk 

It doesn’t matter how old we are, energy dips and wacky cravings can always throw us for a loop. “People don’t clinically have blood sugar control issues, but they can feel when their blood sugar is not well balanced. “Clues to that are feeling really fatigued throughout the day, waking up super tired, or having energy crashes. When it’s crashing we likely need to be fed, but what happens is that people caffeinate which can make it worse.” 

Out Mantra: Reach for protein-rich or healthy-fat items like chicken, fish, or nuts when you feel your battery dying to level out your blood sugar. 

Don’t Supplement Without Speaking to a Professional 

It’s easy to get pulled into the world of quick fixes and “magic pills,” but tread with caution when it comes to supplementation. “I recommend getting your vitamin D checked to see how much, or if, you need to supplement,” says Smith. “Most people can benefit from a probiotic or fish oil supplement, but it’s always wise to have a conversation with a professional about your diet and have someone with trained eyes look at your blood work.”  

Schedule Sleep 

When you were 20, you might have gotten away with getting only four or five hours of sleep, but those days are long gone. You’re likely being pulled in a million different directions, but it’s crucial to your health and sanity that you schedule adequate sleep each night. “We need seven to eight hours of sleep per night,” says Smith. “Also, as we get older we might need more sleep.” 

Cut Out Empty Calories Once and For All 

One of the biggest changes we experience in our 30s and 40s is how our body uses and processes calories. The ever-feared slowing of the metabolism is actually somewhat of a reality. “Focus on cutting out empty calories, because they add up quickly and don’t leave you feeling full. Avoid wasting your nutrient needs on empty calories items like chips, soft drinks, and latte syrups. 

Eat Breakfast Within One Hour of Rising 

If you’ve never been a breakfast person, it’s better late than never. “Meal timings are really important for your metabolism,” says Nutritionists. “The best thing we can do is make sure that we’re re-fueling our bodies by eating breakfast within the first hour of waking up.” 

Eat Every 4-6 Hours 

Not only is it important to kickstart your metabolism first thing in the morning with a healthy breakfast, but to keep it humming you’ve got to eat consistently throughout the day. Nutritionists suggests eating every four to six hours post-breakfast to keep your body fueled and using energy efficiently, which can assist with any fat burning goals. 

Aim For 20-30 Grams of Protein Per Meal 

You don’t have to be a bodybuilder to seek out protein consistently. The nutrient is crucial to maintaining and building muscle mass as we age. “It’s important to make sure we have 20 to 30 grams of protein at every meal. That’s ideal to help keep that muscle mass strong,” says Nutritionists. The more muscle you have, the less overall fat sits on your body. “Less muscle mass means a higher body fat percentage. At rest, lean body mass is active, burning calories, which is why having more lean muscle means a faster metabolism. Fat, at rest, is inactive, so overall metabolism is slower. 

Reach for More Antioxidants 

By now you probably know that antioxidants are healthy, but the nutrients are especially important as we age in order to prevent and fight against problems that may arise such as skin damage or even certain cancers. “I also think as we go into this age we’re thinking about antioxidants and cell health. Maybe our joints are aching a little bit more. So you should be incorporating a good amount of antioxidants from fruits, veggies, nuts and beans into your diet. 


Get In Your Omegas Every Day 

In the last decade, fats became trendy. But regardless of hype, healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly beneficial to your health and body functions. “By increasing omega-3 intake, you can really help decrease joint pain. In your 20s, you never felt your joints at all — you just thought you were Gumby — but now is the time to be kinder to your joints in order to stay active so that you have the ability to do the things you like to do. 

Out Mantra: Wild salmon is our favorite go-to source for omega-3s. 

Modify Your Movements 

It may suddenly feel like you have to erase everything you’ve learned in the last 20 years or so regarding exercise, but there’s no need to drop your favorite workouts — just modify. “Find different modifications for your activities and stay positive about it. You may not be able to go out and do the long runs you used to do or lift as heavy, but there are still great lower-impact options such as cycling or doing lighter lifting with more frequent reps. 

Make Your Diet More Heart Healthy 

When you were younger the last thing you probably thought about was your heart health, but being mindful of your ticker is very important as we get older. The earlier you make heart health a priority, the better because prevention is the most effective measure you can take. 

Out Mantra: “Focus on higher fiber foods and lower cholesterol foods to make sure your heart stays healthy. Also, look to healthier fats and oils and try to omit some more processed meats like bacon. 

Kick Up Your Calcium Intake 

At this point in your life, you should also be thinking about bone density and what you can do to strengthen it. “After the age of 40, it is important to make sure you maintain healthy bones to avoid developing osteoporosis. It usually occurs in people over 50 and increases risk of fractures. To maintain bone density, consume 1,000 to 1,200 mg of calcium daily along with vitamin D and moderate exercise. About three servings of dairy will suffice, but talk to your doctor if you need additional help fitting in your daily dose. 

Supplement with B12 

Older adults typically have a higher risk for vitamin B12 deficiency because of our ability to absorb the vitamin decreases. “Vitamin B12 is important for proper nerve function and red blood cell production. Older adults should aim for 2.4 micrograms per day. B12 can be found in dairy, eggs and fish. However, it’s always a good idea to consult a professional to make sure you’re getting an adequate amount and if not, they can suggest options for supplementation. 

Work on Prevention 

Your 40s can be a hectic time, thanks to career moves and family. The reality is that the chaos likely isn’t going away anytime soon. “I think it’s important to really realize that things are not going to get better, so prevention is your best key. “Start working on yourself today versus 10 years from now. We know that, on average, people are gaining 1 to 2 pounds per year, so if you’re working toward it now and your metabolism is still functioning well, I think it’s really helpful in the long term.” 

Buy New Plates 

Sometimes cleaning up your diet is as simple as buying new dishware. “Using smaller plates to cut back on your portion sizes can be helpful. Ditch the 12-inchers and start using the 9-inch ones.  

Make It a Group Effort 

You may feel like you’re juggling everyone else’s priorities but your own, but it’s important to realize you don’t have to go about your own goals solo. “Our 30s and 40s can be a pretty busy time for work, family and friends, and so planning in advance can be really helpful,” says Nutritionists. “Even if you’re meal prepping with friends, meet up on a Sunday to do a healthy meal swap for the week. With something like that, at least you’re eating at home versus going out to eat.”  

Advocate For Yourself 

Just because you put everyone else’s needs first doesn’t mean you have to throw your own needs out the window. More than ever, it’s important to make room for yourself. “I think that between work, social life and family, it doesn’t necessarily get easier, so you have to advocate for yourself. “Make sure you’re getting good sleep, that you’re being active and that you’re incorporating those key pieces in a healthy lifestyle. It’s also important to make time to do the things you enjoy doing, rather than beating yourself up at the gym, when you have a free moment.” 

Phone a Friend 

If you find yourself cutting your runs or walks short due to boredom, recruiting a friend can help you get to the finish line. “Enlisting your friends to go on a walk can make it more entertaining for you, which can actually end up making the activity or walk last longer. If plans don’t match up, try calling a friend on your daily walk to help make the activity more enjoyable so you’ll stay engaged and follow through. 

Toss Complicated Recipe Books 

It’s hard enough gathering the whole family for a meal and finding the time to make it in the first place, so don’t beat yourself up if you skipped that fancy lasagna recipe tonight. “Try to find the most bang for your buck foodwise. “Look for things that are convenient to make versus a two-page recipe. Most of the time, that isn’t really feasible anyway.” Cutting back on the prep will make achieving your health goals that much easier. 

Test Out a Meal Delivery Service 

What better way to reduce time spent making healthy meals than by delegating the responsibility? “There’s a shift toward pre-made foods or meal-delivery services,” says Nutritionists. “For families who eat at home, this could be helpful, as long as they’re catering to their nutrition needs.” Need some help selecting one? 

Talk to a Dietitian 

 What may have worked for you 20 years ago, may not cut it anymore. It’s vital to consult an expert when it comes to nutrition to ensure that you’re meeting the needs of your changing body. “Meeting with a Registered Dietitian can help you navigate the food base that’s out there, whether it’s food you make at home or if you’re eating out. They can give some good advice for getting healthy food on the go and point out healthy food choices overall,” says Nutritionists. 

Keep Moving No Matter What 

 Whether you’re able to run, walk, swim or ride a bike—whatever you do, don’t stop moving. “Once we reach age 30, our bodies start losing muscle mass — about half a pound of muscle a year,” says Zuckerbrot. “This results in a slower metabolism. Inactive people can lose up to 3-5% of muscle mass per year. Staying active can help reduce this.”  

Make a True Effort to Switch Up Your Diet 

 If you haven’t realized yet, hitting the gym extra-hard won’t undo the damage of that burger and fries the same way it did 20 years ago. “If a person eats the same exact thing they ate in their 40s and 50s as they did in their 20s, they’ll experience weight gain because their metabolism is slower and because they have naturally less lean muscle mass. Get serious and start being more mindful and choosy with your food options. Fine-tuning your eating habits now will allow your body to function better long term. 

Scale Back the High-Intensity Workouts 

 You may have felt unstoppable in your prime, going for five-mile runs and lifting heavy weights. But as we age, our bodies aren’t able to tolerate the same level of intensity. “As we get older, we might have different body aches and things might feel different. When you’re young you can get away with doing more high-intensity workouts and I think people really rely on that to stay fit and thin. However, while movement is super important, we need to do what is good for our bodies as we get older. 

Don’t Try to Out-Exercise Your Diet 

 If you’ve been one to hit the gym extra hard after a weekend binge, you’re not alone. Often we turn to exercise to correct diet mistakes, but that solution doesn’t last forever. “I’ll see a lot of chronic exercisers that will use exercise as a form of getting rid of calories,” says Smith. “Our ability to do that as we get older changes — our bodies change, and our metabolism changes.” 

Out Mantra: It’s important to separate food versus exercise and focus on eating well. Make exercise something that’s not going to beat your body up.” 

Strength Train 

 We experience a big change in the ratio of body fat to muscle as we age because it becomes more difficult to build and maintain muscle mass. “After the age of 40, people should try to maintain, if not increase, their muscle stores and lean body mass,” says Zuckerbrot. “More lean muscle will lower body-fat percentage and keep metabolism from slowing down. Strength or resistance training is more effective than cardiovascular activity in the preservation of precious muscle mass. A study done by the Journal of Applied Physiology showed that resistance training significantly increased lean body mass in participants, while cardiovascular exercise significantly decreased it.” 

Be Wary of Cardio 

 Any kind of movement is beneficial to your overall health, but beware of the appetite-boosting effect of a heavy cardio workout if you’re trying to maintain or lose weight. “Cardio stimulates appetite and people end up eating more sometimes than if they hadn’t worked out. “People often feel entitled to eat more post-activity, overestimate calories burned in the gym and underestimate caloric intake.” 

Start a Food Journal 

 If you’ve never logged what you eat, doing so might increase your weight loss or fitness results tenfold. Food journaling is a good way to stay accountable to what you eat and how often you work out. By writing down your progress and reviewing it regularly, you can better assess your starting point and pick out any areas that may be holding you back. 


 Going to the gym will strengthen your body, and meditating will work out your mind. Research published in JAMA Internal Medicine suggests that taking time to meditate daily can help reduce stress, anxiety, depression and even pain. If you’ve never tried meditating, yoga can also be a good practice to start with to help ease you into that type of mindful state. 

Stop Avoiding the Doctor 

 It can be incredibly beneficial to consult a trainer on matters of fitness and to reach out to a dietitian to help put together a healthy eating plan, but when it comes to basic health practices you should be seeing a doctor annually as a method of prevention. “It’s important to regularly check in with your health-care team as we get older. Everyone should have a primary care doctor or internist who knows their medical history, as well as specialists, as need be. It’s important also to listen to our bodies. If something hurts, don’t ignore it—It hurts for a reason, get it checked out!. 

Fill Up On Fiber 

Fiber was important two decades ago, and it’s still important now. “Fiber helps keep bowel function regular, helps lower risk for colon cancer, and is good for overall heart health. Aim for over 30 grams of fiber per day. 

Out Mantra: Fiber is found in fruits like raspberries, vegetables like artichokes, whole grains like beans, peas, and legumes. 

Increase Potassium Intake 

Although we’re not saying you should need to double your banana consumption, it is important that you increase your potassium intake. “Increasing potassium intake and lowering sodium or salt intake can help lower risk for high blood pressure. Good sources of potassium include most fruits and vegetables like bananas, potatoes, avocados, and spinach. 

Minimize Your Micro-Stresses 

 A bad commute, a sniping co-worker, a long line at the Whole Foods—these little micro-stresses, which we tolerate every day as a part of life, can lead to a macro problem. Stress, as we’ve learned, taxes your heart. 

Out Mantra: Meditating for 10 minutes every morning can help you better face whatever comes your way. 

You’re Not Foam Rolling 

 Foam rollers—you know, those hardened tubes made from, yes, foam, at the gym—work wonders on sore joints, bad backs and tired muscles. (They also help stimulate the lymphatic system, which can make you feel more relaxed.) 

Out Mantra: Add five minutes of foam rolling before every workout, or when you’re relaxing in front of the TV, and see what we mean. 

You Think the Grass is Greener 

 Most of us spend decades working hard enough to own a proverbial house with a lawn—only to look at your neighbor’s and think, “I want his.” 

Out Mantra: At your age, it’s entirely appropriate to be ambitious. Just don’t confuse ambition (i.e. working to get what you want) with envy (i.e. not being happy with the amazing things you have). 

You’re Compromising 

 You can enjoy your midlife without the crisis. One way is to eliminate regrets smartly and systematically, instead of letting them pile up. 

Out Mantra: Make a list of the ways you’ve made compromises in your life—we mean the compromises that make you feel less like you. Then examine and unpack each, and write down how you’d like things to be better six months from now. Then work with a professional—career counselor, therapist, life coach—to achieve what you want, without blowing up your life. 

You Think You Can Do What You Did 

After 40, don’t stop living—just live differently. If you stayed out until 4 a.m. every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night back in your 30s, consider going out to the club just one night a week these days, or leave a few hours earlier (particularly if you have children who wake you early). 

Out Mantra: It’s important to realize that this isn’t scaling back. It’s you evolving into a newer, healthier you—one who needs seven to nine hours of sleep consistently.  

Truths About Willpower

Willpower: How to get it, keep it, and why you need it to reach your health and fitness goals! 

Willpower is one of those tricky things that brings up different feelings in different people. For me? I am convinced I do not have it. A diet lasts about one week before I am powerless over a plate of fries. I’m envious of my husband who makes a goal, keeps that goal, and often reaches his goal—even with setbacks and other bumps along the road. Determined to get to the core of what willpower really is and how I can amp up mine, I went to the experts. The results are fascinating. 

At its essence, willpower is the ability to resist short-term temptations in order to meet long-term goals. It almost feels like a superpower that some are born with and others are not. Have you ever been out to dinner with a group of friends and wondered how that one girlfriend (you know who she is) could just sit there and not even have a single bite of bread out of the basket? Her strength is real but it’s also been trained and protected. The twist? Willpower is finite! 

“A study showed that when participants were asked to resist eating cookies after smelling them—and were asked to eat radishes instead—they later failed a mathematical task. “They could not solve [the math problem] because their willpower had been weakened by resisting the cookies.” 

So, we all have willpower—but sometimes the stresses of life overtake those extra steps need to access it. Read on for important ideas on how to rethink the concept of willpower while reconnecting with your inner strength. And for more answers to the things that trip you up on your better-health journey. 

Find Your Focus with Meditation 

We’ve all been there; we want to stick to our diet and lose weight but can’t stop thinking about a craving like chocolate cake. “Unfortunately, far too many of us walk around in a perpetual state of fight-or-flight. “We refer to it as being stressed. But what we don’t realize is that it’s this stress that is keeping us from reaching our goals.” Fletcher says the solution can be meditation, though. “When you meditate, you’re de-exciting your nervous system in a way that shifts your brain from a ‘fight-or-flight’ mindset to one of ‘stay-and-play.’ When your body and mind are relaxed, you’re able to access your higher-level thinking as opposed to letting your survival instincts run the show. Your prefrontal cortex is activated, and this is the part of the brain associated with self-regulation and goal-oriented decision making.” Translation: It’s far easier for you say, “Actually, I don’t need cake right now.” 

Fletcher says the best part of meditation is it helps you build your willpower over time. “It’s not about fighting the cravings; it’s about reducing the cravings in the first place by addressing the underlying factors. And then once you have this foundation, you’re better equipped to start building new habits and rewiring your brain so that making healthy choices is your default.” Learn more about How Meditation Works and how to make it work for your goals. 

Figure Out What’s Weighing You Down 

When fitness expert and coach Nadia Murdock sees her clients falling off the bandwagon, she asks them one very important thing: what is holding them back? “Pinpointing what has been holding you back from successfully achieving your goals is important. “Once you have zeroed in on the obstacles, finding the willpower to avoid over-indulgence or skipping the gym will be easier. Then you must acknowledge your accomplishments no matter how big or small. This will help to strengthen your willpower and encourage you to keep pushing along!” But you’re human, so if you do slip up, you can’t throw in the towel. “Learn from that mistake and make it work for you and not against you. This will give you the strength you need to be a better version of yourself.” 

Visualize What You Want 

“In order to find your willpower, visualize what you’re trying to accomplish. Karlin suggests writing down your goals—with deadlines—to eventually meet what you’re visualizing. And even if what you’re thinking about is a big dream, to chop it up into smaller goals. 

Go in Small Steps 

Often, when we set a goal—and need the willpower to take us there—we set the bar high. Instead of going to the gym once or twice a week, we feel it has to be every day. But that is a surefire way to trip yourself up and feel too overwhelmed. “There are a lot of things like that in which we think, ‘I won’t get my novel done unless I can put aside a whole weekend to write.’ Well, you could create a novel in a paragraph a day. “So I encourage people to think about the smallest step that they could take that is consistent with their goal, regardless of whether they believe it’s sufficient.” 

Set a Routine 

Creating a routine that emphasizes health and fitness will keep you on track for success—and keep your willpower at the forefront. Karlin says that doing things like prepping your meals every Sunday or adding a workout to your schedule gives you the consistency you need. You just have to find the routine that works for you. And if you lose your willpower? Karlin suggests “finding an activity or a challenge that will motivate you to get back on track. It might be an upcoming race, taking a new class, or getting a personal trainer to help kick-start your fitness journey again. 

Clench Your Fists 

Speaking of routine, here’s a trick that can help you stay focused. There’s a study that shows if you clench your left fist (not your right), it can prevent you from choking in high-pressure situations. Researchers believe that left fist clenching primes the right hemisphere of the brain, aiding in automatic skill performance. So, it’s definitely a way to trick yourself the next time you think that you might go for that slice of pizza instead of ordering a salad. If you feel the heat, clench your left fist to see if it helps you make the choice you know is better for you! 

Get Some Accountability 

It’s a myth that willpower is something you have to tackle alone. “The best way we stay on track with our health and fitness goals is by having an accountability partner. “If you have a pal, then you’re more likely to succeed. The TIU girls even admit they have had days when they don’t feel like hitting up their morning yoga class or going on a post-work run. “But because we know that we’re counting on each other, we show up for those days—and you never regret a workout! 

Get Your Zzzzzs 

While it seems like getting enough sleep is the magic cure for everything, it really can do wonders for fighting off temptation, no matter what it may be. “When you’re sleep deprived, you are so much less likely to turn down junk food, get yourself to the gym, or spend time socializing. We all know that everything bothering us bothers us more when we’re tired, and everything we do feels harder when we’re tired. “So, don’t let being tired zap your willpower. Make sure to get plenty of sleep so that you have the energy to make the best choices to achieve your health goals.”  

Reward Yourself 

Acknowledging that you made a good choice and used your willpower in even a small way is so important. “When you’re training a puppy and he does something right, you say ‘good job!’ and give him/her a treat. Why don’t we do this for ourselves when we do something right? “Affirming good behavior is important for all creatures and strengthens our resolve to keep it up and do it better. If you’ve been great with your diet and workouts, reward yourself with a cheat meal or buy yourself a beautiful new workout outfit. That little treat may be just the motivation you need to keep going and avoid burnout.” 

Take the Decision Making Out Of Your Hands 

The more tough decisions you’re forced to make daily, the faster your willpower juice will be drained. “In order to get and keep your willpower, it is important to put systems in place that take the decision-making out of your hands. For example, do not buy junk food to store in your house; if you are going to indulge in a treat, go out and buy it in a single serving. “Doing this eliminates the decision of ‘Should I have a few cookies?’ when you open your kitchen cabinet. 

Have a Mantra 

“Your willpower is naturally in you—it’s your life force. “The key is to access it and to stay in touch with it, especially if you are trying to achieve certain health and wellness goals. Remember, it’s fear of failure that dilutes willpower.” Repeating the following mantra as a way of always being able to tap into what’s within you: “I will access my natural power!” 

Redefine What Setting a Goal Can Mean 

“Normally, when we ‘don’t make our goal’ it means we have failed in some way. “But the new definition of a goal does not include failure. You allow for the possibility of not reaching the goal. Life happens, and our priorities can change. The idea is to just stay flexible and use the goal as a sign post. Like a north star. It gives direction, but that’s it. 

Treat Willpower Like a Muscle 

Think of willpower as the fire inside you, keeping you motivated when you want to quit. It’s a strength you need in order to resist urges and to increase focus. “Like all muscles in the body, willpower needs to be exercised, worked on, and rested. “If you feel like you’ve lost your willpower, chances are you’re overworked and need to take a break. Start back up and focus on building the fire back within you!” 

Know What You Value 

“I believe that willpower is strongest when you’re in line with your values. “And let’s get clear on this one; it’s a big part of who you are, what you believe, how you function and the souls you choose to share your life with. Defining your values is a key step in becoming clear on what you want your life to look like. Values are what matter most. Experts say that if you live your life according to your core values, you’ll feel much more fulfilled, on point, clear, and experience a great sense of well-being. 

Live in the Present 

“When setting your goals, picture yourself having achieved the goal already, whether it’s running a mile in record time or fitting in those white capri pants for the summer. “Notice how you feel when you have gotten there, what you see with your eyes, and what you hear with your ears. Listen to those compliments and receive them. Be present with the image of the future you. Seeing yourself as if you have already achieved your goal is incredibly powerful and helps replenish the well of willpower. Next, speak your goal out loud in the present tense: ‘I can fit in my white capri pants’ or ‘I can run that mile faster than ever.’ Take some deep breaths as you hold that image and those words in your awareness.” 

Safeguard Your New Habits 

Committing to daily activities toward the direction of your new goals may mean choosing to go out with more health-minded friends than for pizza night with the girls or going for a walk instead of binge watching everything on your DVR. “Numerous studies are showing that when we surround ourselves with people who have the lifestyle we strive for, it’s easier to get there. “Support your new health and fitness habits by creating an environment that makes it easy to stick to them. 

Just Say NO 

And with that last tip in mind, it’s very important to learn the art of saying “no.” “We often give up on our deepest heart desires in order to please others. Sticking to a specific routine of movement, diet, and exercise may require that you put yourself first and make sure that you honor your desires by saying no to others. “It’s not about being selfish; it’s about self-respect and self-preservation. If you don’t make your goals important and say yes to what you need, no one will.” 

Don’t Fear the Struggle 

Expecting that your willpower will always be unbreakable is like expecting that you will never fight with your husband or that your kids will never be naughty. Life isn’t perfect and neither is your health and fitness journey. “When you find yourself slipping into habits that don’t respect your current health and fitness goals, take a deep breathing break. “Think about how hard it is to be human—how many tasks, priorities, and duties we have daily. Think about some things that you are still doing well—like still feeding the family or completing work tasks. While your workouts may be lagging behind, you are still doing well in the other areas. In this moment, can you have some self-compassion, some understanding, and some clarity about perfection being an impossible goal?” 

Once you’re done with your self-compassion break, then go ahead and determine one thing you want to do tomorrow that will help you get back on track. Maybe it’s making breakfast or just taking a walk with a friend, but that first action will put you back on track because if you expect to lose your willpower at times, it will be so much easier to get it back. 

Find Your Self Confidence 

“Reminding yourself that you can do it and you can succeed can be much more powerful than willpower. “And it helps you work with your body rather than fighting against your body. Act as if you’re already in that size 6 dress or already confidently walking into a dinner party in a sleeveless top.” 

Set Reminders 

If you feel like you’re making unhealthy food choices or feeling disconnected from your goal, to take matters into your own hands by “putting an alarm on your phone for every few hours to show you a smiley face or a positive affirmation about yourself.” It’s an easy way to keep strengthening your relationship with yourself and therefore stay connected and committed to reaching your goal! 

Remember—It Actually Takes 66 Days to Make a Habit Stick 

It used to be thought that it took 21 days to develop a new habit. But in 2010, the University College London conducted a study to see if that was accurate. They discovered that 66 days is really the magic number for a new behavior to become automatic. Sure, it’s three times as long as we initially thought but there’s a way to break that two-month (and change) timeframe down to really get down to business.
Days 1-22: tell the world about the change you want to make and ask your friends/family to hold you accountable.
Days 23-44: Go deep and inward to figure out why you’re making this changes and really understand why it’s so important to you.
Day 45-66: You’re in the homestretch and you’ve made it 45 days! Hang on for another 21—and then celebrate! You’ve got 66 impressive days behind you and it will be like you never knew anything different. 

Mindfulness Is Key 

When you have willpower, it’s a key source of inner strength and the power to proceed through many of life’s tasks—especially when it comes to health and fitness goals. “Willpower can not only help with focus but can also help overcome obstacles. Therefore, practicing mindfulness can be a beneficial factor in not only strengthening willpower but keeping it. When we lose our clarity, we often lose connection and personal power. “Neuroscience research over the last ten years has brought to light the positive and lasting effects of mindfulness on the mind, body, and emotional response. The brain’s ability to rewire itself in relation to changes in behavior, environment, and thinking patterns—or brain plasticity—is heavily impacted by mindfulness practices.” So, when you find yourself losing the battle against willpower, take a moment to be in the moment. 

Do it 30 Minutes Before You Go to Bed to Lose Weight

Drop pounds and lose belly fat with the help of these simple p.m. hacks. 

What’s the best place in the world to lose weight? The gym! say the muscle-bound personal trainers, raising their hands (but not really getting that far because their deltoids get in the way). 

The (huff!) track (puff!) say the distance runners, cyclists, triathletes, and other types trucking along with sweat in their eyes and numbers stuck on their chests. 

The kitchen! say the nutritionists, dietitians, and organic-produce purveyors. 

But they’re all wrong. Because real, successful, sustainable weight loss comes from achieving excellence in a completely unexpected realm: the bedroom. 

No, you can’t lovemake your way to being lean. But you can absolutely sleep your way to a slimmer you. In fact, no matter how many pounds you press, how many miles you log, how much kale you crunch, it won’t get you anywhere near your weight loss goals unless you’re also getting enough quality sleep. 

University of Chicago researchers found that sub-par sleep could undermine fat loss by as much as 55 percent! The good news is just a few simple tweaks to your p.m. routine can mean serious weight loss success. 

Understand how important sleep is for weight loss. 

To turn sleep into prime weight loss time, realize how important a good night’s sleep is for optimizing and regulating all your bodily functions, including how you use and store caloric energy. The hormones at play here are leptin and ghrelin. Leptin helps to regulate your energy levels and keep your appetite low, while ghrelin stimulates hunger and often initiates the need to eat. People who get more sleep have reduced ghrelin and increased leptin levels, which helps to control their appetites throughout the day. That was the finding of research conducted at the University of Wisconsin. Another study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that overweight people, on average, got 16 minutes less sleep per day than people of regular weight. Although that might not sound like a big difference, those minutes—like your belly fat—accumulate over time. 

Sip a cup of tea. 

 Wind down with a cup of rooibos tea, and burn belly fat while you do it! Naturally decaffeinated, rooibos tea is made from the leaves of the “red bush” plant, grown exclusively in South Africa. What makes rooibos tea particularly good for your belly is a unique and powerful flavonoid called Aspalathin. Research shows this compound can reduce stress hormones that trigger hunger and fat storage, making rooibos one of the best fat-burning foods. 

Load up on tryptophan. 

Don’t count sheep, eat lamb! (Or better yet, a bit of turkey.) Tryptophan, an amino acid found in most meats, has demonstrated powerful sleep-inducing effects. A study among insomniacs found that just 1/4 gram—about what you’ll find in a skinless chicken drumstick or three ounces of lean turkey meat—was enough to significantly increase hours of deep sleep. And that can translate into an easy slim-down. Researchers from the University of Colorado found that dieters consumed 6 percent fewer calories when they got enough sleep. For someone on a 2,000-calorie diet, that’s 120 calories per day, which could amount to nearly a one-pound weight loss in a month! The National Sleep Foundation suggests seven to eight hours of sleep for most adults. 

Eat cottage cheese. 

Completely avoiding food before bedtime can actually be bad for your weight loss goals. First, going to bed with a rumbling tummy makes falling asleep difficult. Second, people who wake up feeling hungry are far more likely to pig out on a big breakfast. Have a little cottage cheese before bed. Not only is it rich in casein protein, but it also contains the amino acid tryptophan. 

Create a routine. 

By doing the same thing every night, for at least an hour before bedtime, you’re actually programming sleep triggers. These triggers could include writing in your sleep diary, having a cottage cheese snack or indeed any other items from this list. Over time, your brain will begin to associate those things with bedtime and fast track you into fat-burning slumber. 

Observe strict kitchen hours. 

Nighttime fasting—a.k.a. closing the kitchen early—may help you lose more weight, even if you eat more food throughout the day, according to a study in the journal Cell Metabolism. Researchers put groups of mice on a high-fat, high-calorie diet for 100 days. Half of them were allowed to nibble throughout the night and day on a healthy, controlled diet, while the others only had access to food for eight hours, but could eat whatever they wanted. The result of the 16-hour food ban? The fasting mice stayed lean, while the mice who noshed ’round the clock became obese—even though both groups consumed the same amount of calories!  

Do some resistance training. 

Pre-sleep resistance training can really help to optimize the weight you loss during sleep. According to a journal published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition, subjects who performed resistance exercises enjoyed a higher resting metabolic rate for an average of 16 hours following their workout. If you usually work out first thing in the morning, your sleepytime weight loss won’t be impacted by that spike in metabolism. Go big, go home, then get into bed. 


There’s nothing more frustrating than looking at the clock all night and cursing yourself for not being able to drift off at 1 a.m., 2 a.m., and again, at 3 a.m. It certainly doesn’t help things. Take comfort in the fact that that merely relaxing your mind and body will help rejuvenate you in lieu of honest-to-goodness sleep. Once you’re not so excited about your inability to fall asleep, it’ll come more naturally. 

Follow the 20-minute rule. 

If you’re not getting anywhere after chilling out for 20 minutes, get out of bed, leave the bedroom and do something quiet and unstimulating. Try reading a book, or flipping through a catalog. 

Shake things up. 

Having a protein shake before hitting the sack may boost your metabolism, according to one Florida State University study. Researchers found that men who consumed good snacks in the evening that included 30 grams of either whey or casein protein had a higher resting metabolic rate the next morning than when eating nothing. Protein is more thermogenic than carbs or fat, meaning your body burns more calories digesting it. 

Do some body weight exercises. 

Maybe the rigamarole of getting dressed and going to the gym after dark isn’t for you, and that’s understandable. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use your body weight for a quick workout before bed. According to Combat the Fat author Jeff Anderson, bodyweight exercises target muscle in a unique way due to the effect of fighting gravity. Examples of these exercises include push-ups, pull-ups, dips and bodyweight squats. 

Make a to-do list. 

Thoughts of a busy day whizzing around your head won’t help you get in the right condition for a relaxing 8-hour sleep shift. Try writing down everything you need to do the next day. It can make your life seem more manageable. 

Fit in late cardio.  

Examples of cardio include walking around the neighborhood, walking or running up and down the stairs, jogging and/or riding an exercise bike. Adding activities like these to your pre-bed routine can help you to burn belly fat. Bonus points if you can do a little resistance training immediately before your late cardio session. Studies show that cardio is more effective if you do it immediately after weightlifting or bodyweight exercises. 

Turn down the thermostat. 

A striking new study published in the journal Diabetes suggests that simply blasting the air conditioner or turning down the heat in winter may help us attack belly fat while we sleep. Colder temperatures subtly enhance the effectiveness of our stores of brown fat—fat keeps you warm by helping you burn through the fat stored in your belly. Participants spent a few weeks sleeping in bedrooms with varying temperatures: a neutral 75 degrees, a cool 66 degrees, and a balmy 81 degrees. After four weeks of sleeping at 66 degrees, the subjects had almost doubled their volumes of brown fat. (And yes, that means they lost belly fat.) 

Take a bath or shower. 

A UCLA study of some of the world’s last remaining hunter-gatherer tribes noted that temperature drops were an important sleep cue for our Paleolithic forebears. We no longer sleep under the stars that much, but you can recreate a sunset-like temperature drop by taking a hot bath or shower. The dip might make your pound-shedding shuteye deeper and make you fall asleep faster. 

Take some mint. 

Certain scents can make your mouth water, and others can actually suppress your appetite. One study published in the Journal of Neurological and Orthopaedic Medicine found that people who sniffed peppermint every two hours lost an average of 5 pounds a month! Banana, green apple, and vanilla had similar effects. Consider burning a minty candle until you head to bed to fill the room with slimming smells. If you don’t want to bother with blowing out candles before you turn down the covers, try adding a few drops of peppermint oil to your pillow. A small cup of peppermint tea is another option worth trying. 

Do crunches. 

According to Anderson, new research suggests that you may be able to spot reduce body fat from your abdomen. Before hitting the sheets do a giant set of crunches, reverse crunches, and side jackknifes. Then go to sleep safe in the knowledge that you’ve given your body a little help in shifting that tire while you’re zonked out. 

Throw out your night light. 

Exposure to light at night doesn’t just interrupt your chances of a great night’s sleep, it may also result in weight gain, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Study subjects who slept in the darkest rooms were 21 percent less likely to be obese than those sleeping in the lightest rooms. 

Eat some carbs. 

Ready for some controversy? Eating carbs before bed may not be a bad idea if you want to lose some weight! Seventy-eight obese members of the Israeli Police Force took part in a 6-month randomized clinical trial. The experimental group was prescribed a low-calorie diet (20% protein, 30–35% fat, 45–50% carbohydrates, 1,300–1,500 kcal) that provided carbohydrates mostly at dinner. The control group consumed a similar diet, except that carbohydrate intake was spread throughout the day. After six months, the group eating most of their carbs at night lost slightly more weight and body fat and experienced greater reductions in waist circumference. 

Gaze at something blue—just not a screen. 

 There’s a reason why McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s all have the same red-and-yellow theme colors. Those tones supposedly send us subliminal messages that help make us hungry. Does the same trick work at home? An experiment published in the interior-design magazine Contract presented partygoers with three identical venues painted different colors: red, yellow, and blue. Participants reported the red and yellow rooms to be equally appetizing (and ate the most in the yellow room) but found the food in the blue room only half as appealing. 

Strike a pose. 

 By the time you’ve had your time on this mortal coil, you’ll have spent up to 30 years asleep. To get the most out of that investment, you’d better figure out which sleeping posture you find most restorative, then build your bed around it. You can do that by buying the right mattress and pillow to mitigate against any areas of discomfort. If you sleep on your side, putting a pillow between your legs will minimize twisting strain on your lower back, while hip pain can be lessened by using a mattress topper to help soften and contour your body. 

Hide your phone. 

Research in the Zero Belly Diet suggests that the more electronics we bring into the bedroom, the fatter we get—especially among children. A study in the Pediatric Obesity journal found that kids who bask in the nighttime glow of a TV or computer don’t get enough rest and suffer from poor lifestyle habits. Researchers found that students with access to one electronic device were 1.47 times as likely to be overweight as kids with no devices in the bedroom. That increased to 2.57 times for kids with three devices. Even if you’re a full-grown adult, it’s best to leave your iPad in the living room. 

Turn down the blue light from devices. 

Use Night mode on m products to reduce the blue light emitting from your computer and smartphone. It works by eliminating eye strain from the harsh light that inhibits melatonin production. Melatonin is the hormone responsible for regulating sleep rhythms. The latest iPhone and iPads have a similar built-in feature called Night Shift. 

Wear shades. 

 If you simply have to watch TV late at night and don’t mind looking a little silly, try wearing BluBlocker sunglasses. It’s like an analog way to get the benefits of the app mentioned above. 

Have an intimate moment. 

 The relaxation and release that solo or partnered sexual release can provide is like nature’s Xanax. Could there be a more entertaining way to work toward your weight-loss goals than building in a little loving before lights-out? Ready to get it on?  

Start a sleep diary. 

 Do you really have an accurate read on how much sleep you are or aren’t getting? It’s always best to work from data, even if you’re the one logging the quality and duration of your sleep. Simply list each complete hour you were asleep in bed, and each partial hour (including naps). Then make a note of the events that may have influenced your sleep. Did you exercise that day? Drink a lot of coffee? After two weeks, read through the whole thing, looking for patterns. The results may surprise you—and help you with your weight loss goals. Speaking of diaries, you can also keep a food journal to lose weight.  

Eat pepper. 

Scientific studies have shown that one of the most effective ways to burn fat is to eat peppers. Your body continues to burn fat while you sleep as a direct result of including them with your meals. If it works with your palate, include a little with your cottage cheese snack. 

Breathe through your nose. 

Why? Well, first it will prevent snoring. That will not only improve your sleep but also the sleep of anybody else in earshot. Secondly, it provides more oxygenation, so you can take those deep breaths that help to relax the body. Use Breathe Right strips if you’re stuffy. 

Understand your circadian rhythm type. 

Pay attention to the times you feel and perform at your best, when you naturally wake without an alarm clock, and when you start to feel sleepy in the evenings. Add this info to your sleep diary. This information will tell you about your “chronotype” which will allow you to set healthy sleep goals that work with your natural rhythms. A free online assessment at the Center for Environmental Therapeutics can help you find your type, and provide related advice. 

Plan small, steady meals for throughout the day. 

Eating small, nutrient-dense meals frequently throughout the day serves to keep your metabolism ticking, and will ensure your body continues burning fat throughout the night. Furthermore, eating frequently will ensure your appetite is kept in check, which will reduce any cravings you have when you wake. 

Research-Backed Ways to Relax When You’re Totally Stressed Out


Stress is everywhere. Even in normal times, when we’re not all huddled in our homes during lockdown, it’s hiding in the dozens of unread emails in our inboxes, in the accusatory tone of our boss when he asks why those reports haven’t been filed yet, and in the dirty pile of unwashed dishes in the sink. Throw in the worries associated with a global pandemic, and you can bet that our cortisol levels are at an all-time high. 

But it doesn’t mean you’re doomed to a life of 24/7 anxiety. To help you out, we’ve compiled the most effective ways to de-stress when life becomes too much to handle. So relax, center yourself, and read on. 

Smile—even if it’s forced. 

It sounds crazy, but when it comes to de-stressing, it’s often helpful to fake it ’til you make it. In fact, according to a 2012 study published in the journal Psychological Science, forcing a fake smile actually helps reduce stress. 

For the study, subjects were asked to plunge their hands into a bucket of ice water—some while smiling, and others reacting naturally. The researchers monitored the subjects’ heart rates throughout the exercise and it turned out, those who smiled during the icy experiment had lower heart rates. What’s more, the smilers reported less anxiety than those who showed neutral or distressed expressions. 

Sit up straight. 

One 2015 study published in the journal Health Psychology found that sitting upright in the face of stress can boost self-esteem and fend off further angst. The idea is based on the concept of “embodied cognition,” which maintains that our bodies impact our emotions (and vice versa). So the next time you’re stressed, remember to plant both feet on the ground, look straight ahead, straighten your back, and feel your shoulder blades pull back and down. 

Sniff some flowers. 

Taking a moment to stop and smell the roses might just be the thing that helps you de-stress. One 2015 study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that when people touched and smelled plants, they were subsequently less stressed and less anxious. 

Or sniff a sweet-smelling essential oil. 

If you really want to relax, then consider investing in a few essential oils. In a 2016 study from the University of Montana, researchers found that when college students were told to sniff essential oils—specifically chamomile, clary sage, or lavender—they reported lower levels of anxiety and stress and improvements in sleep quality and energy levels. 

Watch a funny movie. 

It might sound cliché, but laughter really is the best medicine when it comes to combatting stress. There’s plenty of evidence to suggest that mirth actually can be effective at treating a range of maladiesstress among them. So next time you’re feeling wound up, do yourself a favor and chuckle yourself back to calmness. 


Being the president of the United States is a pretty stressful gig—and, according to an article in The Atlanticmany heads of state used drawing as a solution. “Dwight Eisenhower drew sturdy, 1950s images: tables, pencils, nuclear weapons. Herbert Hoover’s scrawl provided the pattern for a line of rompers. Ronald Reagan dispensed cheery cartoons to aides,” the article explains. So next time you’re feeling stressed out, grab a pen and paper and see if the same technique works for you. 

Take a quick bath. 

One of the easiest ways to de-stress is in the tub. In a 2018 study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, researchers found that subjects who bathed for just 10 minutes a day for two weeks in hot water saw improved mental and emotional health. 

Chew some gum. 

Here’s something to chew on: One 2009 study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that chewing gum helped reduce cortisol levels and perceived anxiety among study participants. 

Do something kind for someone else. 

When we’re feeling stressed out or overwhelmed, many of us feel unable to allot time or energy to anyone else’s problems. However, research has shown that the act of giving can activate the area of the brain associated with positive feelings, which will both lift your spirits and alleviate stress. 

Whether you help someone lift a stroller up a flight of stairs or pay a toll for the person driving behind you, doing something good for someone else can go a long way in the fight against anxiety. 

Hit the gym. 

According to the experts, virtually any type of exercise can be an effective stress reliever. That’s because breaking a sweat increases the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, which in turn improves your mood and takes your mind off of whatever it is that’s stressing you out. 

Listen to some soothing music. 

Unsurprisingly, one of the easiest ways to de-stress is with some soothing music. One 2013 study published in the journal PLOS One found that when subjects were exposed to stress-inducing tests, listening to calming sounds like classical music and recorded rippling waters helped them keep their cortisol levels down and return to a state of equilibrium post-stressor. 

Play with your pet. 

Add stress relief to the list of benefits of owning a pet. A 2002 study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine found that, when compared to people without pets, pet owners had overall lower heart rates and blood pressure levels, reacted less intensely in stressful situations, and were better able to recover following anxiety-inducing encounters. 

Take a boxing class. 

If you’re desperate for a quick fix, consider taking your aggression out on a punching bag. Not only has boxing in the face of stress been shown to alleviate anxiety, but it’s also a great total body workout! 

Try yoga. 

Yoga has been shown countless times to have just as many mental health benefits as it does physical health benefits. And while most yoga practices are 60 to 90 minutes long, holding a single pose for a short period of time can yield great stress-busting benefits. 

Don’t forget to stretch! 

A little bit of stretching goes a long way in the fight against stress. When researchers from Spain’s Universidad de Zaragoza had subjects stretch for 10 minutes every day for three months in 2013, they found that they were less anxious, happier, and more flexible than those who didn’t partake in stretch breaks. So even just a few minutes of stretching every day is enough to significantly soothe your stress. 

Spend some time away from your phone. 

Constant cellphone vibrations and email alerts keep us in fight-or-flight mode by stimulating bursts of adrenaline. Sure, adrenaline served our ancestors well when they ran into lions and tigers—but these days, it only serves to stress us out unnecessarily. 

So, the next time you’re feeling overly stressed, make sure to power down your phone for a little while. You may miss a few texts and Twitter alerts, but at the end of the day, your mental health and mood will thank you for the break. 


Meditation is one of the greatest stress relief tools there is—and you needn’t do it for hours on end to experience its mind-cooling benefits. According to a 2014 meta-analysis published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, mindfulness meditation can improve anxiety levels, improve mental health, and help with depression. Ready to meditate until you’re feeling mellow? Download an app like Headspace, which will walk you through guided stress-busting meditation sessions. 

Get it on. 

Feeling stressed? Sex might just be the solution! “Sex is a powerful, powerful stress-buster. “It releases endorphins and induces deep relaxation.” 

Kiss your partner. 

A faster way to de-stress that’s just as fun as having sex? Kissing your partner. Research published in 2009 in the Western Journal of Communication found that locking lips unleashed chemicals that ease stress hormones in both sexes. 

Write down the things you’re grateful for. 

Research has shown that taking a little time to be grateful for what you’ve got is a potent stress buster. One 2015 study published by the American Psychology Association looked at approximately 185 people with heart failure and found that being grateful and writing down feelings of gratitude helped them feel less anxious and less depressed. 

“Journaling about gratitude is a reliable exercise. “The more things you can identify, the more your perception of wellbeing begins to change.” 

Squeeze a stress ball. 

Stress balls, fidget spinners, and other tactile playthings can recenter your drifting focus away from stressful thoughts and toward something more tangible. Plus, who doesn’t love squeezing a squishy stress ball? 

Take a deep breath. 

Deep breathing—which encourages the full exchange of oxygen in the body—activates your body’s calming parasympathetic response and lowers levels of inflammatory compounds linked to stress. 

Do it right by pushing your belly out on your inhale and contracting it in when you exhale. (In other words, your stomach should rise when you breathe in and shrink when you breathe out.) Pro tip: Hold your hand on your stomach as you breathe to ensure you’ve nailed it. 

Phone a friend. 

A strong support system is one of the best weapons in the face of stress. In fact, a 2011 study in the journal Developmental Psychology found that simply being around one close friend kept subjects’ cortisol levels down during stressful situations. If your bestie isn’t in close range, simply giving them a call or shooting them a text should do the trick. 

Get some sun. 

Exposure to sunlight increases the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin, which is associated with boosting one’s mood. If you don’t have time to spend the entire afternoon in the park, even just taking a few minutes to walk outside and soak up some rays could turn your stressful day around. 

Spend some time in nature. 

In a 2018 study published in the journal Health & Place, researchers concluded that there is a direct link between time spent in green space and reduced stress levels. (The Japanese call it “forest bathing.”) Our bodies were designed to be in and near green spaces, forests, or bodies of water, the researchers note, and that’s why we find a bucolic milieu so agreeable. 

Can’t get to greenery in the middle of the day? Some research suggests that even looking at photos of nature can calm stressed minds. 

Shout your favorite curse word. 

When in doubt, swear your stress out. When researchers at Keele University in Staffordshire, England, asked a group of volunteers submerge their hands in freezing cold water in 2017, they found that using strong language helped participants keep their hands in for longer. The researchers’ conclusion? Foul language can be a useful way to tolerate pain and duress. 

Eat your greens. 

One of the easiest (and healthiest!) ways to de-stress is with more fruits and veggies. A 2012 study from the University of Otago found that students who ate more fruits and vegetables also tended to feel calmer and happier—and conversely, those who didn’t consume enough greens were more stressed. 

Drink tea instead of coffee. 

Highly caffeinated cups of coffee can give you much-needed energy boosts—but if you consume too much, you can end up elevating your stress levels and the hormones associated with them. So, instead of coffee, try tea. In a 2007 British study published in Psychopharmacology, people who drank black tea throughout the day experienced a 47 percent drop in their cortisol levels 50 minutes after performing stressful tasks compared to just a 27 percent drop in the placebo group who received fake tea. 

Bust a move. 

We know that both exercise and music are surefire ways to de-stress, so combining these into one activity—dancing—is a great way to calm down even faster. 

Look at a happy photo. 

With Facebook and Instagram, it’s never been easier to find and enjoy images that you associate with your own happiness. So, next time you’re feeling out of sorts and stressed out, revisit pictures from a great vacation, a fun wedding, or a night on the town, and remind yourself just how fun life can be. You’ll be hard-pressed to stay stressed when you’re staring at some of the best moments of your life! 

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