As amazing as it may sound, some people actually want to gain weight. If you are one such person, you are probably envied by your friends and colleagues. Who wouldn’t kill to not have to deal with watching one’s diet constantly? But the grass is always greener on the other side. There are a significant number of people who struggle with their bony fame, failing to add the needed mass.
With obesity becoming the biggest health issue these days around the globe, all our attention has been shifting towards various weight loss diet options. But there are also quite a large number of people who are underweight and struggling hard to develop some muscle mass.
Though your beauty is not defined by your figure or body weight, being underweight can turn out to be really frustrating at times. Hence, it is important to develop a clear idea about the medically approved healthy body weight range before starting the weight gain journey. This is what we talk and teach you through our counselling sessions.