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Tag Archives: Hunger

Things a Juice Cleanse Does to Your Body

Thinking about doing a juice cleanse for an instant detox? Finding out what to expect is your first step. 

Ah, the start of a new year! Gym memberships suddenly spike, bathroom scales get dusted off, and friends start discussing which juice cleanse to try. We are 100 percent on board with this uptick in well-intentioned motivation—but we think it’s important you always know what you’re getting into. 

First thing’s first: Juice cleansing is a “detox” diet that can last from a few days to several weeks in which a person consumes only fruit and vegetable juices to obtain nutrition while otherwise abstaining from eating food. Many people swear by cleanses and report an improvement to their health, mood, and appearance. The scientific community, however, is less than enthusiastic about juice cleanses—many scientists, dietitians, and doctors regard detox diets as less effective than fasting with water, and, therefore, a waste of money. That said, if you’re going to do one anyway, we recommend consulting with your doctor—or at the very least going along with an “official” juice cleanse program. Simply drinking any ol‘ juice from anywhere around town is not a good idea. 

Now for the nitty gritty. We enlisted the help of several nutritionists to get a feel for the kinds of things that can happen to the human body when embarking on a juice cleanse. What they came back with is essential reading for you or anyone you know who is thinking about being the conspicuously abstaining-from-food friend for a few days. If you get through the list and decide maybe you’ve changed your mind, consider jump-starting your weight loss with our brand-new book Zero Belly Smoothies instead—or gulp down some detox water on the way home from your shiny new workout digs. 

Your Metabolism Will Slow Down 

Once you stop eating enough food to meet your basic energy requirements, your metabolism will slow. For most people, that threshold of calorie intake is around 1,200 calories per day. “Your body goes into conservation mode because it doesn’t know when its next meal is going to be,” says nutritionist. She reminds us that, even though cutting calories will lead to weight loss, going too low for too long can have the opposite effect. 

You Might Discover Certain Food Intolerances 

Since most juice cleanses eliminate dairy, wheat, gluten, and fermented foods from your diet, you can gain a new perspective on whether any of these foods don’t agree with your body. “[Eventually] reintroducing them can help define which foods are causing problems for your body. 

You’ll Be Sensitive to Cold Temperature 

Winter isn’t a great time to start a juice cleanse because many people use hot foods and beverages to help maintain body temperatures during the colder months. Picture it: When it’s 20 degrees outside, a hot tea for weight loss may be a better choice than a cold pressed juice. 

You May Feel Sluggish 

When consuming only fruits and vegetables via a juice cleanse, there is a decrease in the number of calories being consumed regularly. “The body requires enough calories to be used as energy for normal body functions. “Without enough calories and energy, you could feel weak, have headaches, or have low energy.” 

You May Experience Caffeine Withdrawal 

If you’re fully committed to your juice cleanse, that means you’ll have had to cut out all caffeine. “Even if you normally drink only one cup a day, eliminating caffeine cold turkey may contribute to headaches, irritability, and difficulty with concentrating,” says nutritionist. 

You’ll Drop Water Weight 

Plenty of water is locked up in your muscles along with glycogen, the storage form of energy-producing glucose. When you eat a low-calorie diet, your body will have to use up those glycogen stores for energy instead of being able to get energy from food. When you use up glycogen, you lose the water weight with it. The excitement is temporary, though; you’ll gain that water weight right back when you return to your normal diet. For non-cleansing ways to get rid of belly bloat. 

You May Feel Lightheaded 

Whether it’s made from fruit or vegetables, the juice you’re drinking on a cleanse contains a high amount of sugar. “That will cause your body to produce insulin faster, making your blood sugar drop,” says nutritionist. “This results in dizziness and feeling lightheaded.” 

Your Skin Can Dry Out and Age More Quickly 

When eating a low-calorie diet, water stored in your muscles with glycogen gets used up—which causes your skin to feel dry. “Balance is the key,” says Antonia Burrell, associate lecturer in the chemistry of aromatherapy at the London College of Fashion. Burrell says that a prolonged juice cleanse can lead to a drier skin and potentially prematurely-aged skin because of the lack of essential fatty acids being consumed. Yikes! 

Your Appetite May Calm Down 

Although juicing doesn’t actually shrink the stomach, it does temporarily eliminate the possibility to eat for comfort. The upshot of that is that you will feel satiated with less food than usual, immediately after you’re done with the cleanse. This situation can provide a big psychological boost that some people need to experience so that they can change their eating behaviors and stop sabotaging their weight loss. 

Your Hair and Nails Won’t Grow 

When you’re on a juice cleanse, you’re not eating a diet that contains all of the nutrients found in a balanced diet. That will some significant consequences but one change you’ll notice first is that your hair and nails aren’t growing as quickly. “Protein, fats, and carbohydrates. We need all of these for healthy skin, hair, and nails,” says Schapiro. 

You’ll Experience Short-term Weight Loss 

Yes, you may lose some weight right off the bat, but that weight loss is likely to be temporary. “This type of diet isn’t effective for long-term weight management, due to it being too restrictive and low in calories,” says White. To be clear, though, simply drinking juice and not having it be a fast will do the opposite of rapid weight loss: “If juicing is being done in addition to an unchanged routine of diet and a sedentary lifestyle, then it will increase calories and result in weight gain.” 

You’ll Have Random Bursts of Energy 

The bursts are usually fleeting and temporary. You may feel increased energy due to the quick-absorbing carbohydrates and hydration; however, in the long term, cleanses with low to no fiber and protein could hurt your body. 

You Might Get a Little Depressed 

While fruits and vegetables contain many different nutrients that are beneficial to your body, the juices you drink will not contain much in the form of protein, healthy fat, or fiber. “Your brain won’t be getting enough fatty acids,” says Kaufman. “This can result in you feeling depressed and sad since [you’re missing] omega-3s, which are known to increase serotonin levels. And because you won’t be getting enough protein, your muscle mass will decrease and you will not have much energy.” 

You Could Damage Your Teeth 

“Diets like juice cleanses can cause insulin levels to peak and then plummet,” says dentist Dr. Sameer Patel. “Over time, this alters the structure of collagen in the body and therefore affects your gums and the collagen fibers that hold your teeth in place. Not only that, the juice from fruit and vegetables, especially fruit, tend to have a high acid content, which severely damages the enamel of your teeth in a similar way to fizzy drinks [and soda]. Ultimately this can lead to teeth sensitivity as the protective layer of enamel is worn down and eroded by the juice.” 

Vitamins Don’t Get Delivered Like They Should 

You know how a tangerine can help your body absorb the iron in spinach? That kind of food-combo teamwork is a real thing and can be really affected by a juice cleanse. “Good fats are very important for the correct functioning of our body’s internal processes. Removing these from the diet can mean the body can’t perform at its optimum level,” says nutrition expert Emma Brown.”For example, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K and E require fats in the diet in order to be absorbed. If your diet does not include some fat, the uptake of these vitamins from food will be limited.” 

Your Gastrointestinal Tract Starts to Shut Down 

According to Shapiro, juicing strips down whole fruits and vegetables of any tough cell walls or other plant matter that your body relies on its digestive enzymes to break down and absorb. “When you stop using these digestive enzymes, your body thinks you don’t need to produce them anymore,” she says. “This can lead to discomfort when reintroducing foods after even one day of juicing.” This can lead to a lot of confusion or misguided conclusions, as you try to figure out which foods ail you. 

Your Breath May Stink 

This one is so interesting (but makes sense!) that it’s almost comical. “Your breath may smell bad because saliva production decreases because our bodies conserve saliva in hopes of eating food. “Saliva is only emitted when we consume food. When saliva production is low, bacteria builds up. Eating food can solve the problem because our salivary glands are stimulated when we chew.” 

You Lose a Little Muscle Mass 

Juicing fruits and vegetables can actually strip out vitamins and minerals like Vitamin D, E, B, essential fatty acids, and fiber, particularly if you’re filtering the pulp out of the juice. “If food consumption is restricted to purely juicing, the body could be void of protein, which could make maintaining muscle mass difficult,” says White. 

You’ll Get a Nutrient Boost 

On the flip side, you may also get a dose of nutrients that you weren’t getting—especially if you were reaching for a lot of carbs during your regular day-to-day. Juices are an easy way to drink vitamins and nutrients since they are readily available in liquid form; however, they should be used as a supplement and not as a substitute for a balanced diet. 

Your Weight Loss Will Be Confusing 

You will lose weight while on the cleanse, but it will be from your muscles and from water weight. “Losing weight like this can cause dizziness, nausea, constipation, and fatigue,” says Kaufman. “It’s very likely that you will gain all the weight back once you’re off the cleanse because you have less muscle mass to burn off the calories.” This kind of change to your body is a perfect example of sneaky reasons you gain weight. 

You’ll Probably Have Some Diarrhea 

Get ready for those sudden urges. “Liquids pass through the digestive tract much more quickly than solid foods,” explains Shapiro. “You may find yourself running to the bathroom much more often when you’re on a juice cleanse, even though you’re consuming so much less than usual.” 

You Can Heal Your Cells 

This is less about the juice cleanse and more about what can happen when you go vegan. “Switching to an organic, plant-based diet allows cells to work optimally to re-establish efficient internal messaging and manufacturing processes. “This allows the mitochondria to create energy without having to fight off a plethora of free radicals and inflammation, and reduces some of the impediments to proper DNA functioning.” 

You’ll Get Hangry and Crank 

Many juice cleanses limit you to around 1,000 calories a day (or less). Dietitian says that this low calorie-intake can make you feel supremely irritable. And cutting calories and not being able to chew food like we are made to do really is enough to make anyone moody. “Your blood sugar will spike from drinking the juice, and then it will crash and lead to mood swings. Why not try one of these instant-happiness, mood-boosting foods instead? 

You Could Damage Your Liver 

The effects of too much sugar or fructose can be likened to the effects of alcohol: It severely taxes and overloads the organ, leading to potential liver damage. Juicers should be conscious of this because many pre-packaged juices found at the store contain high amounts of sugar. “Homemade juice recipes also call for multiple servings of fruit to help make the drink taste more appealing, but this increases the sugar content. 

Your Brain is Deprived 

Schapiro warns that juice cleansers may experience confusion because limiting important nutrients like protein can lead to decreased brain function and disruptions in neurotransmitters, which rely on protein to do their job. 

Your Kidneys and Liver Can’t Do Their Thing 

Have you ever heard someone say you don’t need to do a detox because your body detoxes itself? Well, it’s true; allow us to explain: The function of the liver and kidneys is to detoxify the body. The liver regulates the blood’s chemical levels while the kidneys help remove waste from the body to be excreted in the urine. “These processes occur in the body naturally,” says White. “Consuming a drink meant to encourage a ‘detox’ has no effect, especially when the drink is void of essential vitamins and minerals.” 

You May Lose Your Focus 

Focusing on tasks could become more of a challenge during a cleanse. “Because you’ve decreased the normal amount of calories you usually eat, you will begin to feel tired, sluggish, and you will start to lose muscle mass because your body is taking the protein out of your muscles to give you energy,” says Kaufman. Our point: It’s not just your body that can tire during a cleanse, but your mind can, too. 

What Happens To Your Body When You’re Hangry

Here’s why you’re likely to get angry when your blood sugar’s low. 

One minute you’re out for a walk, happily engaged in conversation—and the next, you’ve turned into a crazy monster with a grumbling stomach who snaps when your friend accidentally brushes against you. Or you’re at the deli, finally next in line, and that old woman’s indecisiveness makes you want to scream in a fit of rage “JUST PICK SOMETHING!” 

Sound familiar? If it does, you’re not alone. You’ve likely experienced hanger—anger fueled by hunger—a phenomenon where people become grumpy and short-tempered (Read: turn into ravenous, crazy people) when they’re overdue for a snack and their blood sugar is running low. It feels like your stomach is about to eat itself, your brain feels like it’s in a fog, and your body feels drained. Not only is hanger extremely uncomfortable (for you and whomever the poor soul is who happens to be near you at the time), but it can also lead to heightened food cravings, putting you at risk of reaching for an unhealthy snack and making less-than-optimal food choices. 

Your Body Freaks Out About Where Its Reward Is 

When we eat food, the region of our brain that processes pleasure and reward lights up as the fats and sugars of the meal release chemicals known as opioids that bind with receptors in the brain. You read that right. These are the same type of signaling chemicals as drugs. In turn, this triggers the release of dopamine, one of the feel-good hormones that regulate things like emotion, behavior, alertness, and impulsivity. It’s the same hormone that is released when we fall in love, gamble, have sex, and partake in drugs and alcohol (and what ultimately plays a part in addiction). So, because consuming food is related to making you happy, your brain wants you to continuously repeat that pleasurable feeling. And you’re keeping it from doing that.  

Your Stomach Yells at Your Brain to Eat 

What happens when you don’t get food? It all starts with ghrelin. When the stomach is empty, it releases ghrelin, the hunger hormone. Ghrelin is produced in the gut in response to your standard meal schedule—as well as at the mere sight or smell of food—and is designed to signal your brain that your body needs more energy or food. When ghrelin hits the brain, it hits areas that control your body’s automatic processes, metabolism, and the reward center we just mentioned. When ghrelin causes all that stimulation, your brain has to listen. And it usually does so by making you eat food. So when you’re depriving that sensation, you’re really ticking off your brain. 

Your Dopamine Levels Decrease 

Ghrelin’s role in controlling the reward center of your brain is pretty powerful, and, as it turns out, might be one of the contributing factors to your hungriness. According to a study in the journal Neuropharmacology, when researchers stimulated mice with systemic ghrelin (which should tell their brains to eat) but did not actually provide any food for them to nosh on, the dopamine levels in their brain didn’t just stay the same, they actually decreased. 

And That Low Dopamine Means Out-of-Control Emotions 

Because dopamine is a neurotransmitter that aids in improving mental function and concentration, just that slight change in dopamine levels that you might experience by depriving yourself of food can affect your ability to concentrate and focus on daily work. Furthermore, this neurotransmitter is also in charge of keeping emotions in check, so low dopamine can mean you have less control over your anger. 

Other people who have decreased levels of dopamine? People who are going through alcohol or drug withdrawals. And they commonly experience irritability, mental confusion, anxiety, agitation, and slowness in thought. So when you try to ignore your body’s messages that you need to eat, your hanger may be coming from a place of addition and withdrawal. 

The Same Gene Controls Hunger and Anger 

Another reason you get hangry is also tied to the hunger hormone. After ghrelin is produced in the gut and travels to the brain, the brain then commands the release of a second hormone called neuropeptide Y, which stimulates appetite. This natural brain chemical has several functions, including increasing food intake as well as regulating anger and aggression, and it seems like the two are linked. According to a study in the journal Biological Psychiatry, people with high levels of neuropeptide Y in their cerebrospinal fluid had more measures of aggression and impulsivity as well as impulsive aggression. So it certainly makes sense that high levels of nY caused by hunger can lead people to become a bit hangry. 

You’re Low in Brainfood 

While many hormonal changes contribute to hanger, basic body functions do as well. After we eat, our bodies digest food into its basic parts: protein to amino acids, fats to fatty acids, and carbs to glucose. Glucose is our body’s primary unit of energy (followed by fatty acids or lipids). As our body digests glucose, it enters into the bloodstream to help feed our organs and tissues. After around 6 hours, your blood glucose levels become too low to provide adequate energy. While other organs can use different nutrients to continue to function, your brain critically depends on glucose. In fact, 25 percent of the energy you get from food is used for your brain alone. So when the sugar in your bloodstream goes down, so does your brainpower.  

Even Your Brain Gets All Hangry 

Low blood sugar can have a particularly large effect on high-level tasks and emotions that require the most amount of energy, like self-control and anger. When your brain lacks adequate fuel, the part of the brain responsible for curtailing angry impulses doesn’t have enough resources to exert self-control. For example: In a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers found that married couples get increasingly angry and mean towards one another—via pin pricking a spousal voodoo doll and blasting opponents with loud noises—when their blood sugar was low. 

It’s not just married couples either. Researchers at Florida State University who reviewed studies on the subject were able to link glucose with being the primary source of self-control. They found depressed glucose levels were associated with increased irritability around others, over-the-top anger, and general anxiety, while restoring glucose levels through either giving participants a sugary snack or upping their levels of insulin—the hormone which helps your body store glucose—were able to sufficiently improve self-control. 

Your Levels of Stress Hormones Increase 

If your blood-glucose levels fall far enough, your brain will perceive it as a life-threatening situation. In turn, your brain instructs several organs in your body to synthesize and release hormones that increase the amount of glucose in your bloodstream. This effect, called the glucose counter-regulatory response, causes your body to increase production of hormones that can directly signal the conversion of stored glycogen into glucose, like the hormone glucagon, but also the stress hormones adrenaline (aka epinephrine aka the fight-or-flight hormone) and cortisol—known as “the belly fat hormone” for its ability to trigger hunger and pull lipids from the bloodstream and store them in our fat cells. 

These stress hormones are released in all sorts of stressful situations, not just during the stress of low blood glucose levels. And just as you might instinctively shout out in anger at someone when your stress hormones are heightened during a dangerous situation, the flood of adrenaline you get when you become hangry can promote a similar response. 

You Lack Hormone Building Blocks 

Even though your brain is attempting to use all of these hormones to alleviate your hunger, your body might not even have the proper building blocks to make these hormones. Dietary nutrients such as tyrosine, tryptophan, and choline provide the building blocks for certain mood-regulating neurotransmitters. The catch? Your body can only get these nutrients from food. You’re probably familiar with choline, a nutrient found in egg yolks which is required to synthesize acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter that plays important roles in arousal, attention, motivation, and muscle-activation. High tyrosine levels allow neurons to manufacture dopamine, which we’ve already covered, and tryptophan is the precursor for serotonin, a calming neurotransmitter whose low levels are associated with aggressive behavior. 

We’re Not Eating Properly In General 

Our bodies, like cars, need the proper fuel to survive and run efficiently. In this analogy, you probably guessed correctly that fuel is food, and in particular, the unit of energy is glucose. When we put the wrong types of fuels into our bodies, like highly processed foods such as refined sugars and carbs, we’re not giving our body the proper nutrients it needs to function properly. If you rely on pro-inflammatory foods like fast food and processed junk, your body is most likely depleted in antioxidants and phytonutrients from fruits and veggies that help our bodies rid themselves of toxic metabolites. 

The moment our digestion stops, our body goes through a period of “cleaning” where our tissues release toxic substances into circulation for removal. Without free-radical-fighting antioxidants to clear them out, your cells have to store these toxic products that build up in the body. A study in Nutrition Journal found that people who were on a low nutrient diet were more likely to feel hungry after a meal and were also more irritable when hungry, as opposed to those on a high-nutrient diet. The researchers speculated that our bodies can become addicted to these toxic metabolites, so when some people feel weak, headachy, tired, or mentally dull after a meal they might confuse it with hunger, but what they really could be experiencing is withdrawal symptoms. 

So What Can You Do About It? 

As you can see, there are several different pathways and mechanisms at play that might be contributing to your anger when you’re hungry. But lucky for you, the only thing you need to focus on is stuffing your face! While you may have a hankering for the fastest, easiest kind of fuel—like soda or chips—know that grabbing a smoothie or handful of nuts is just as easy. Junky, processed foods may satisfy you right away, but they’ll unavoidably lead to spikes in blood glucose levels that come crashing down—fast. Leaving you even hungrier. 

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